***WARNING: This section of my profile is serious and heartfelt. If you're looking for something funny, read another part of my page. If you're looking for something charitable to do or maybe someone you can relate to who's trying to make a difference, you might find what I've written below hits home. The song still gets me sometimes...***
INTERESTS: Changing the world for the better... if you have some big ideas, let me know (seriously!). I'm active in charity and philanthropy and would love to hear ideas and help out where I can.
Have you ever loved someone so much that without them in your life your heart seems to stop beating... a loss so great that while your heart continues mechanically pumping, it ceases truly beating life into your being... a loss that leaves your heart searching for a way to share with the World the miracle of a blessing now lost?
If this hits home with you, perhaps you can more fully appreciate why I'm now searching for something meaningful outside of myself... searching for a cause, purpose, or charity which I can channel this love into. In learning to deal with the loss that is inevitably part of the human condition, I am finding that my only solace and saving grace is my solemn promise to try with every ounce of my being to share with the World as much of that love I once knew.
As a short term goal, I'm presently looking for a way to directly save someone's life this year. If you know of such a situation where I can help, please let me know. I have a broad range of skills and would be willing to provide legal and other services at no charge to such a cause.
Temporarily removed Lennon's "Imagine" due to Player locking up Internet Explorer. :-(
UPDATE: JULY 4, 2005: I just sponsored a child with CCF! Not sure if this will save her life, but it should at least make her life a little better.
Meet Ly from Vietnam.
I'm looking forward to getting letters and pictures. If you have any ideas for a nice Christmas present for her, please let me know. I have no idea how long a shipment to Vietnam / CCF takes, so I'm trying to plan early. I'm hoping my next picture from her is with a smile. :-)
UPDATE JULY 12, 2005: A friend with big heart recently informed me of another good cause. If
you're able, please consider giving what you can, in time or money, to the
www.engagehivaids.com program.
UPDATE AUGUST 30, 2005: I've been toying with the idea of a charity calendar to raise money for the Children's Hospital or a specific child in need of support (if you know of someone, please let me know). If you're a photographer, marketing / promotions agent, publisher or other party/business simply willing to donate time or resources to the project please get in touch. All proceeds would go toward a charitable cause, so barring recovery of hard out-of-pocket expenses no one, including myself, would be compensated. If you're interested, please contact me. I would prefer to help an entire hospital or a child with an otherwise terminal condition (i.e. in the absence of sufficient funds to pay for a transplant or medical procedure) though I'm open to other ideas. Basically, we would need help with taking the photographs, designing, printing, promoting and distributing the calendar as well as collecting payments (preferably electronically through a website designed for this purpose), and interfacing with the charity / recipient (this last part should be the most heartwarming). Merchandisers who can obtain product placement in major merchants / forums would be particularly helpful to make this effort truly spectacular.
UPDATE 10/3/2005: I decided this past Sunday that I'm going to donate
bone marrow... I don't know a lot about it, but I hear it can be "life-saving",
so I figure it can't be all that bad. If you'd like to join the National
Marrow Donor Program with me, please let me know (I'll even carpool!).
For information please go to
http://www.marrow.org/ .
If you're in Colorado, the info is:
Colorado Marrow Donor Program
Belle Bonfils Memorial Blood Center
717 Yosemite Street
Denver, CO 80230-6918
(303) 363-2345
(800) 619-1099
http://www.bonfils.org or
If you have questions, you can also call Bonfils at 800.619.1099 or
303.363.2345 or email
[email protected] . I also have the information for the director
of the University of Colorado Health Sciences Center Bone Marrow Transplant
Program if you're interested in getting involved on a more significant level.
UPDATE 10/8/2005: It's official!!! I'm on the National Marrow Donor Program Registry! If anyone wants to sign up, I'd be happy to carpool down and put you at ease. It was a very easy process and doesn't take much time at all (took less than 30 minutes start-to-finish). The first step, HLA typing, requires only a vile of blood, though depending on the initial results you may have to return to give up to 5 viles. If you're looking for a chance to save someone's life... here's your chance! It's easy, too! Plus, even if it were hard... if you can save even one person's life isn't it worth it? I think it is... then again... I'm clearly not your typical bear... (I mean, who has their own imaginary myspace baby?!) :-P
UPDATE 11/20/2005: I've been yearning for a little more "direct" contact with a charitable cause and someone close to me suggested an idea (thank you anonymous suggester!). If anyone is aware of an ill child who would like to go for a ride in an exotic car, I would be happy to make arrangements to take the child out for ice cream (or hot cocoa, depending on the weather) and teach him or her all about the history of different cars / technology. I'm a big car buff and have spent years learning about cars and racing. If you think this would brighten the day of an ill child you know of, please get in touch privately for more information. Would make for a memorable family photo, too. While I wish so hard that I could magically make their illness go away, I hope that a fun ride would at least get his or her mind off of their illness, if only for a while.
UPDATE 12-4-2005: A friend who was touched by the tragic loss of a little angel at a very young age suggested another good cause to support. If you're able, please consider giving what you can, in time or money, to the Colorado SIDS Program. Learn more here http://www.coloradosids.org or click here to donate now.
UPDATE 12/25/2005: "So this is Christmas... what have you done..." I'm turning into a bigger Lennon fan year by year. I somehow feel I haven't done nearly enough. I am so blessed. I'm trying so hard to make a difference. My little sister asked me if she should donate her hair. I thought for a second and said "Yes! ... and I'll post it on myspace!"
My sister may have a little less hair, but she's even more beautiful without it... because the gift comes from the heart.
If you've got a little hair to spare, try Locks of Love, too.
Locks of Love is a non-profit organization that provides hairpieces to financially disadvantaged children 18 years and younger suffering from long-term medical hair loss. Most of the children helped by Locks of Love have lost their hair due to a medical condition called alopecia areata, which has no known cause or cure. The protheses provided by Locks of Love (and your hair donations!) help to restore self-esteem and confidence, enabling them to face the world and their peers (not my wording, but still... it's nice to have hair - I'd hope you can have self-esteem and confidence without hair). http://www.www.locksoflove.org/
Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays! This is gonna be the best Christmahannakwanzikah ever! (spelling?)
UPDATE 2-20-2006: Help make a difference by supporting the Avon Foundations Walk for Breast Cancer. A new case of invasive breast cancer is diagnosed in the U.S. every 3 minutes, with your help we can move closer to finding a cure and more effective treatments. If you're able to donate, please do so. If you want to get more involved that's even better! A lot of people helping a little can make a very big difference!
The Avon Walk for Breast Cancer is a remarkable, interactive weekend Walk that raises critical dollars to provide access to care and finding a cure for breast cancer. The Walk provides the opportunity for all participants to make a tangible commitment toward eradicating breast cancer while also increasing critical awareness of this deadly disease.
Good things come to those who WALK!Thank you to Tasha Vanmarter for bringing this to my attention and having such a big heart! The link above is to her donation page. If you have any questions, please feel free to get in touch with me or
Tasha . Hope to see you on the list! - Cyrus
I'd like to meet:
*That being said, don't be shy, I really am nice!*
NOTA BENE: You've heard the line "Please don't feed the bears" ... well, in this case, please do not try to date me or feed me to the bears! Actually, if you have to do one of the above, please simply feed me to the bears... any bear will do, though I think a Grizzly would be best... brown bears just take too long to eat (I'm not getting eaten by a brown bear AGAIN!). Does Smokey the Bear eat people? It would be great to brag to all my friends that I was eaten by a famous bear! I bet all the ladies would swoon if I could brag about getting eaten by Smokey the Bear! Wait... what does the word "eaten" mean again?! Where's that darn dictionary when I need it...
If you feel you absolutely MUST date me... you can "date" me by throwing dates at me... thereby "dating" me! I prefer Dole, but will not object to other brands of dates. :-P You can even tell your friends you're "dating" me as long as it is clear from the context that you are referring to the throwing, hurling or otherwise launching of dates as projectiles in my direction and NOT traditional "dating". :-P Thank you for your cooperation! :-P
UPDATE: Due to recent demand for more "dating" options, you may also "date" me by making references to pop culture from my childhood... this includes references to "Family Ties" (anything Alex P. Keaton), "Different Strokes" (anything starting with "What 'cha talkin' about..." is great), "What's Happenin'" (anything related to Rerun!), "Knight Rider" (anything Hasselhoff sp?), "ET" (never saw it though), "The Facts of Life" (any Tootie related is great - see Dave Chappelle forum), "Fat Albert" (anything starting with a frog-like "Heyyy, Heyyy, Heyyy"), and, last but not least, references to Webster (basically anything Emmanuel Lewis - see
Mr. Adorable aka Emmanuel Lewis he's adorable!). Again, you can even tell your friends AND family you're "dating" me, subject to the conditions above!
Isn't "dating" grand?! *hits self over the head with a pan*
Seriously though, you really shouldn't try to pick me up... I am heavy and you will likely hurt your back!
(a heart of gold will do that to you, make you heavy, that is)
... taking some liberty with the immortal words of Mr. Chappelle "If anybody's gonna come to my pants party, it's gonna be ME!" :-P ... scary thing is, I'm kinda sorta serious about this part ... especially after all those darn pants party crashers... showing up to the pants party uninvited, making a mess, and never staying to clean up afterwards... some people! They sure ruined the fun for everyone else! ... doh (note the sense of humor) 8-)
*I would like to meet...*
If you've got anything other than a warm, caring heart please leave me alone.Constantly wondering if you'll ever find someone with a genuinely good heart who is an all around nice guy? Are you smart, sweet, beautiful (inside and out) & a kid at heart? Would you rather see the good in people than the bad? Would you rather cherish a blessing than squander it? Would you trade every ounce of your being for something you believe in? Would you gladly lay down your life for the ones you love? Do you aspire to bravery, courtesy, honor, and gallantry in all that you do?
Then for a great friend, please get in touch. As a courtesy, please try to message me at the same time you send a friend request. Thanks!
* Please be understanding if it takes me a while to respond, I *surprise surprise* have a job and responsibilities :-P.
Do you enjoy any of the following?
Whitewater rafting? Mountain biking (down a ski mountain, in particular - in the summertime, not winter!)? Offroading? Boating (wakeboarding, kneeboarding, water skiing, drinking?!)? Hiking? High performance motorcycle rides? High performance sport car rides? Skydiving (haven't done it yet, but hopefully soon)? Camping? The circus? The zoo? Monkeys / Red Pandas or the capturing thereof (someone please make sure they are not endangered)? Penguins or the capturing thereof (note that by capturing I mean giving them a loving home - they would make a great pet, right?)? The Outback (I would like to go soon)? Scuba diving (shark diving anyone?)? Drinks? Dancing? Picnics? Movies? Ice cream? Snowcones? Gettin' jiggy wid it? Raisin' da roof?
If so, get in touch and let's enjoy! Good company only need apply! :-P I tried bad company... it gets old :-P
PS: And for all you ladies asking to have my baby... please buy me a drink first! geeesh, some people ;-) J/K!
PPS: Note the sense of humor!
Feel like a vacation or fun outing? Photoshop me into your idea of fun and see if you win! See what our friend Katie won below! -- handsome escort on the red carpet! Doesn't she just have all the luck? Too bad she only got the consolation prize (be good to her Tom!)! ;-)
Download my photo with a clear backgroud here
Prefer something a little more formal? Download my black tie photo with a clear backgroud here [color] or here [B/W]
SUMMER / SWIMSUIT CYRUS COMING SOON! Note that Business Suit Cyrus (TM) and Black Tie Cyrus (TM) can also be photoshopped to the beach, volleyball game, parasailing, basejumping or other fun summer event!
Email contest entries to
[email protected] !
Is it just me or am I starting to feel like that Travelocity gnome?! Look closely at my profile and you'll notice... it's rainin' gnomes... hallelujah, it's rainin' gnomes! :-)
Insert the gnome for extra points! Click here for the gnome!
Click here to find a free or free trial version of a photo editor - Photo POS or Ulead should work!
To post your image as a comment go to Imageshack and then paste the picture link into your comment along with whatever else you'd like to say!
My littlest little sister is famous! LYBC!
See! Sisters, while a lot a lot of trouble, can serve
a purpose! ... now about this rash I have ... j/k
NOTE: this is an adaptation from Dumb and Dumber -
replaced old people with sisters :-P
*Honey child, my little baby's all grows up!*
*half Big Momma's house - half Swingers*
I love my little kitty Muffin!!! She's the best liger in the World!! I know kitty... I know... ;-) PS name the two movies and the Qwest commercial parodied and I'll treat dinner!!CLICK ON MUFFIN'S PICTURE TO SEE MUFFIN'S FAVORITE VIDEO! REMINDS MUFFIN OF HOME! *Muffin clicks heels... no place like home*
She's had only twenty previous owners and looks like brand new... I've been learning a ton in the Ferrari owners club, for example Ferrari in italiano is spelled "Fiero" (still pronounced "Ferr R eeee") and the word Pontiac (pronounced "Pon tea ak") is italiano for "racing stallion that dances with wolves and helps children learn to read good, too"! PS name the two movies alluded to / parodied in that quote and the exact year of the "Ferrari" below and I'll treat dinner!!
My friends, the gnomes, and I got to meet the President! Look at how some of my friends are bashful and just barely peeking over my shoulder! They are so cute when they are shy! Gnomes! The original "G"s! ;-)
I wanted to talk to the President about something important, like his favorite kind of taffy, how he will address the taffy trade-deficit or how he will implement policies aimed at supporting the taffy industry.... instead my "friends" kept harping about the same old lame issues... Gnomes are great, but they can be a serious pain sometimes... so serious! I mean seriously, who cares about WMDs and disaster preparedness or racial/socioeconomic inequalities when you can talk about taffy!!! That other stuff is fine and dandy, but is it really tasty?! I doubt it... but what do I know, maybe I just love taffy! All I know is that taffy has brought wonderful things to my life... like my teeth sticking together when I eat it! Now that's fun (no matter your racial/socioeconomic status!)! I even got to meet the President based on being President of my local Taffy Lovers of America Chapter!
As for my recently english speaking gnome (3rd from the right) "He no nuts, he's crazy!" is not the proper way to say hello to the President!
PS see the above disclaimer on J O K I N G!
Thanks to government funding, my friends the gnomes have broken the secret code to the Human G-nome! :-)
***Help me Maury! My Penguin is a P I M P and goes out every night!! ***
... with such beautiful ladies, who can blame him?!
Darn penguins... they've got all the luck! O:-)
Thank you
(go figure, a
woman can actually be thoughtful)
adopt your own virtual pet!
I'm humble, but I didn't want to hurt her feelings so I promised her I'd post it! You and Kevin F. take care! I love you guys! You big lugs! PS read the top of my profile re: j o k i n g ;-)
I'm kinda sorta toying with the idea of doing a little stand-up skit... if you think something on my page is hilarious please let me know. I'm looking to hone my "skills". Thanks! :-)
If you think I'm really, really ridiculously hilarious then please write to Comedy Central and tell them to give me a "fun" job for the evenings / weekends (I have a rewarding day job already!) !! Maybe Downtown Denver correspondent for The Daily Show or stand-in for Oprah's baby's daddy on the Chappelle Show! ;-) Click here and choose option "Other" from the drop-down list
or click here
Cyrus' Custom Friends Space
I have the best friends in the World! I am so blessed to have such wonderful friends! I don't know what I would do without them! We should all be so lucky to have such wonderful friends! It was really hard choosing which friends to include in my Top 8, so I hope you understand my careful selections! ;-) After all, "You are
the sum of the 5 (or 8) closest people to you."
PS "Blue Steel? Ferrari? Le Tigra? They're the same face! Doesn't anybody notice this? I feel like I'm taking crazy pills!" One look?! ONE LOOK?! I'll show you one look! ... and no, you are not taking crazy pills! :-)
Cyrus' Custom Friends List
My Charming Friend
(I wish I could be so
My Brilliant Friend
(I wish I could be so
My Witty Friend
(I wish I could be so witty!)
My Absolutely Hilarious
(I wish I could be so
My Athletic Friend
(I wish I could be so
My Overweight Friend
(keep up the effort, you look
better everyday!)
My Humble Friend
(gee whiz, how can you be so
when you look so good!)
My Arrogant Friend
(I mean you look great, but
come on!
PS I still love you!)
View all of Cyrus'
PS if I have to explain that this is a joke, I do not think we are
compatible! -Cy
My Comment Box
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No satanic cult music. I'm not listening to that... again. :-P Most other types are ok... actually, I suppose I don't like most cult chanting, oooing, awwwing, hemming, or hawwing (sp?).
Hmmm, Zoolander? ;-)In case the pic didn't give it away!New "classic" -- Wedding Crashers! "You shut your mouth when you're talkin' to me!!" Still makes me smile! :-) ... this has recently spawned "You shut your eyes when you're lookin' at me!!" and "You stay awake when you're sleepin' with me!". No... no funny? :-P
Chappelle show has it's moments ;-) "I'm rich b**tch!" [note two syllables for b**tch] BTW I'm Oprah's Baby's Daddy... da*n u Stedman! :-P
"the big book of beastly mispronunciations"By Charles Harrington Elster
I'm writing a book on driving / motorcycling...
Here is a photo on how NOT to wear your helmet (note it's upside down)!
How not to pass...
My Mom and Dad :-) Mr. T. (note: I mean also Mr. T -- Mr. T is not my dad last I checked though I sometimes wonder in the locker room :-P)
My big "baby" brother Jeff when he holds dangerous fireworks in his hands and sprays them at me ... I love you and miss you Jeff!! We need to hold more fireworks together, don't you think? PS Persian New Year rocks .... one more thing, do not try this at home