♥ Guinness Wench ♥ profile picture

♥ Guinness Wench ♥

Yo Ho, Yo Ho...

About Me

Like my layout? I've got more! Including a whole collection of "LOST" layouts! Please click on the Skem9 gecko icon below! Or message me if you have a request! My collection of "LOST" layouts is there too!
OBSESSION (uhb-sesh-uhn) noun: The willingness to kidnap and trade 20 rich American men for one cute Irishman with a thatched-roof cottage.

The following stickman represents how I feel at the end of a night of interviewing inmates at the jail!!

First of all, let me answer the burning question I've been getting since I was a little girl: YES, THIS IS MY REAL HAIR!!! OK... that out of the way, I settled here in Las Vegas about 13 years ago, and actually it was accidental. I had been working for Club Med and was on my way back to L.A. from the Bahamas, and simply got off the plane. Within the month, I had 2 jobs and met my soon-to-be Ex-husband. Six months later, I became a corrections officer, and eventually a sergeant. Altogether, about seven years. Regrettably, I'm genetically-challenged and had to take a 'safer' desk-job. I've had 2 back surgeries and a foot surgery and more on the horizon. Needless to say, I'm still working in a jail, but now I'm a lowly civilian. Still, where I work is definitely not dull! Just when I think I've seen it all, something or someone comes along to shock even me!
Things that remind me of Home (Florida): Rain and the smell of wet asphalt, fresh-mowed grass, fireflies, afternoon thunderstorms, football, camping, horses, orange & blue (FL Gators!), big oak trees and spanish moss, fishing, marshmallows over a campfire, the beach, gators & frogs croaking, cicadas buzzing at dusk, train horns late at night (my grandparents house was across the street from the tracks), stars over the lake, tubing on the river, fish-fries, church hymns, hiking through the woods, summer camp in a REAL FOREST, windchimes, bug-zappers, citranella candles, pine needles & cones, swimming in a clear river (with manatees), crank windows and screen doors, salt-water taffy and seashells.
I was raised in Ocala, Florida (Go Gators!), graduated when I was 16 and immediately went into the Marine Corps on my 17th birthday.
A couple of years (and bad knees)later, I got out of the military and traveled a LOT. That is my true passion! That and history. When I travel, I research, and I am out to see any and everything historical. I am NOT one of those relax on a beach kind of vacationer. More like I have an unrealistic agenda and have to trim it as I go. Since leaving my little home town, I've lived in 5 states and visited 29. I've lived in 3 countries and visited 12... many by myself. Ireland is still my favorite. If it was as easy to move to Ireland or England, as it is to move to America, I'd have been gone a long time ago!
I remain happily divorced and currently without boyfriend. I have no children (except my dogs) and NO desire to breed. Honestly, I hate kids but it seems the more you hate them, the more they try to bond with you (is that some kind of sick, sixth sense they have or something?). You want my cigarette smoke away from you?? Keep your G**Damn kids away from me!! And OMFG! Make the noise STOP!!!
"They say anger is just love disappointed." - The Eagles

My nicknames are "Red", "Big Red", "Guinness Wench" (duh!) and "Cat". Most people just call me "FLYNN". Lots of years in sports and militaristic jobs, not to mention I look like a "FLYNN" and it also pays homage to my dad. Now "Cat" is actually short for my faire name Caitriona, but it's got a second meaning in that I've used 6 of my 9 lives. Yeah, I really should NOT be here. Dumb luck usually! I even pulled a 'Sonny Bono' in Colorado and lived to tell about it! Woo hoo!
The other love of my life are renaissance faires and I've made some terrific friends that way (many of them on my friend's list so please stop by and see them). I've been doing faires for almost 10 years and have been a member of The Royal Spanish Court , the Adrian Empire (CA), Friends of Faire and of course the International Wenches' Guild, Local #69.
I have one beautiful 13 year-old "baby" (Scout), my springer spaniel, and I recently lost my golden retriever, Cheyenne (aka: "Boo"). She was also 13 and she developed cancer. Fortunately, it was fast and she didn't suffer. Scout and I are still recovering from that, but she was cremated and holds a place of honor on the mantle.
I love the outdoors (just not here in Nevada!), and camping and riding horses since I've been doing both since I was a toddler. The worst part about living in the desert, is there aren't a whole lot of places to do either. I miss the forest I grew up in for camping. What I wouldn't give for a TREE or two to camp under here! I literally have to drive a minimum of 200 miles in any direction just to GET to a potential campground!

My Interests

MY INTERESTS: Renaissance Faires, outdoors sports, horseback riding, camping, beading, traveling EVERYwhere, baseball, my puppies, fairies (I collect Amy Brown), gargoyles, studying religions (anthropology), history, blogging, reading and movies. And, like, DUH!!! GUINNESS and PIRATES, yar!!!

Get your Funny Quotes Widget at www.commentbaby.com

I LOVE a good debate! Especially religions or politics (don't mention the death penalty if you don't have a couple of hours to 'discuss' it!). I also have a TON of conspiracy theories...most of which are on my old blog. Oh, and be sure to ask me about Doomsday 2012 (or click below)!!

I am Kung-Fu Kitty, government trained assasin & I will kick your ass! Meee- OW (You!).

Favorite addictions: Guinness (of course!), Starbucks is a close second. I'm currently forbidden from having ANYthing I love, particularly my Vente, Iced, Non-Fat Caramel Macciato with extra caramel. My doctor is a charbohydrate and sugar ghestapo. Uhhh... what I wouldn't do for one right now... (*Homer Drool*) Otherwise, David's BBQ Sunflower Seeds, Jelly Belly's, men in kilts, all things Irish and CHEESE!!


I'd like to meet:

All I want in life is a castle of my own in Ireland, a staff to clean it, a dragon, a hot Gerard Butler or Henry Ian Cusick... er, um...a hot GUY with an accent in a kilt, taller than me so I can feel like a girl, and all the horses and dogs I want. Oh, and I want to own a pub down in the village too. Is this really so much to ask??? Hmmm... might be easier to find the dragon than the dream guy!!

Weather Forecast

Name: Wench
Birthday: December 29th
Birthplace: Hollywood, Florida
Current Location: Area 51 (Viva Las Vegas!)
Eye Color: Green
Hair Color: Red
Height: 5' 10"
Right Handed or Left Handed: Leftie, baby!
Your Heritage: Irish, Lithuanian
The Shoes You Wore Today: black boots
Your Weakness: My Temper
Your Fears: Losing anymore loved ones
Your Perfect Pizza: Garlic, Spinich & Mushrooms; EXTRA cheese!
Goal You Would Like To Achieve This Year: Go back to Wash DC to the Smithsonian (Sept 2007!?)
Your Most Overused Phrase On an instant messenger: OMFG! or WTF?
Thoughts First Waking Up: Where's the coffee?
Your Best Physical Feature: My Hair (yes, its real!)
Your Bedtime: 5:00am (I'm a vampire)
Your Most Missed Memory: My grandpa
Pepsi or Coke: Diet Whatever!
MacDonalds or Burger King: Jack-in-the-Box
Single or Group Dates: Sigh. Just a freakin' DATE period!
Lipton Ice Tea or Nestea: Who the hell cares? Does it have caffeine?
Chocolate or Vanilla: That's a whole chemical, monthly decision that requires too many factors to list!
Cappuccino or Coffee: ANYTHING JAVA!!
Do you Smoke: hee, hee... no comment.
Do you Swear: Like a sailor! Er, um... MARINE!
Do you Sing: Yes, but fortunately not often!
Do you Shower Daily: Yep. Twice in Florida during the summer.
Have you Been in Love: Yes. Thanks for screwing me up for anyone else, Matt in Idaho!
Do you want to go to College: I just got a Assoc. degree - give me time I'll get back around to the Bachelors.
Do you want to get Married: NO, NO and HELL NO!!! Did I mention NO?
Do you belive in yourself: Someone has to!
Do you get Motion Sickness: Yes. It's really not pretty. You don't want to be on a cruise ship with me.
Do you think you are Attractive: I used to. I can see that person somewhere under here!
Are you a Health Freak: Depends...when it serves my evil plans.
Do you get along with your Parents: My mum is like a sister. My dad passed recently.
Do you like Thunderstorms: LOVE them! (Raised in Florida... Duh!)

In the past month have you Drank Alcohol: Um, again! Duh! GUINNESS WENCH?
In the past month have you Smoked: Refer to previous question of same subject.
In the past month have you been on Drugs: Wait! I'm on them now! (legal!)
In the past month have you gone on a Date:' I haven't gone on a date in the past 12 Months! Can we rub it in anymore? Sheesh!
In the past month have you gone to a Mall: Yeah. Didn't buy anthing.
In the past month have you eaten a box of Oreos: They were Pepperidge Farm White Choc Macadamia
In the past month have you eaten Sushi: No. Why? Do you have some? Yum!
In the past month have you been on Stage: All the world is my stage!
In the past month have you been Dumped: Gotta have a date to get dumped!
In the past month have you gone Skinny Dipping: I hate this survey.
In the past month have you Stolen Anything: Depends on which personality you ask.
Ever been Drunk: OMFG...
Ever been called a Tease: Only twice today
Ever been Beaten up: Only once and I'm sensitive about it! (it was a midget vietnamese chick, ok?)
Ever Shoplifted: Yes, when I was a wee lass, and mum spanked me bum good!
How do you want to Die: as a hero
What do you want to be when you Grow Up: A globe-trotting anthropologist
What country would you most like to Visit: Ireland (of the 12 countries I've been to), Italy (out of the ones I haven't)
In the Opposite Sex...
Favourite Eye Color: Baby blue
Favourite Hair Color: I say dark, but I always wind up with blondes
Short or Long Hair: Short - like Marine High and Tights - OOH RAH! I like to play with a guy's hair so he can't be too weird about it.
Height: anything taller than me! (hard to find)
Weight: Eh.. beggers can't be choosers! Besides, personality is what matters most.
Best Clothing Style: However I dress him, of course!
Number of Drugs I have taken: Legal or otherwise? Cause the legal FAR outweight the non!
Number of CDs I own: at least 100
Number of Piercings: seven
Number of Tattoos: two
Number of things in my Past I Regret: Oh lord... there's just not enough room to list them all!



MY MUSIC: Celtic is by far my favorite, especially Moya (Maire) Brennan, Clannad, U2, Sinead O'Conner, Flogging Molly, Capercaillie, Blackmore's Night, the Cranberries and the Chieftans.

I also like a lot of Folksie music (I was raised in the '70s you know!), but otherwise, I have a really WIDE variety of favorites...eveything from John Denver (YES, really!!) to Marilyn Manson. Sometimes the mellow tunes of Yanni or Jim Brickman.

American-wise (or British!): Fleetwood Mac, Toby Keith, The Police, Dixie Chicks, Sheryl Crow, Dido, Blue October, KD Tunstall, DMB, Lisa Loeb, Gwen Stefani, Green Day, Avril Lavigne, Jewel, & Alanis, and a lot of music from the '60s & 70's.


MOVIES: I am a movie junkie! An addiction rating right up there with traveling! At last count, I had rated over 1,050 movies on NetFlix. Netflix is a movie-lover's wet dream, along with the 'bible' of movies, IMDB.com.
I'm one of those freaky people who is like a walking movie encyclopedia. A completely useless talent unless I happen to make it onto Jeopardy and every catagory is on movies. Or I happen to be staying with pals Kat and Rich, who may possibly be even more of a movie-geek than I am. MAYBE. Don't tell him. It'll go straight to his head. Among these talents, I can tell you who the actors are, what else they've been in and I'm a wiz at "Six Degrees of Kevin Bacon". I can remember movie lines even after watching a movie once. (Isn't there SOME job out there I can use this for??)
Given this "hobby" of mine, it also means that I have seen way too many movies to limit my favorites. I watch all genres and have at least a dozen favorites in each. Its really a mood thing, but I am especially partial to historical dramas, horror and Sci-Fi's, and (as incredible as it may seem since I HATE kids), animated movies such as "Ice Age", "Madagascar" and all the "Shrek"'s.
Among my faves, some of the leaders are still "Tombstone", "Robin Hood: Men in Tights", "Platoon", "Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan", "Below", "Pitch Black", "The Exorcist", "Elizabeth", "Pride and Prejudice", "Bridget Jones' Diary", the "LotR" and "PotC" Trilogies (of course!), the ORIGINAL "Star Wars" movies, the "Resident Evil" movies, "Underworld", "The Fifth Element", "The Exorcist", "Van Helsing", and of course, all the "Austin Powers" movies! Recently added (I was a comic-book-super-hero late bloomer!) are: The "X-Men" movies, the "Spiderman" movies (only 1 & 2...3 sucked!), "V for Vendetta" and "The Fantastic Four". I do NOT like the new "Superman" movie as it interfere's with a 2 decade love-affair with Christopher Reeves. Irreplaceable.
Being a hot-blooded American movie-lover, I of course have my favorite leading men! Funny, but 4 out of 5 of them are from 'across the pond'. Probably because England and Scotland still know how to crank out those traditional, romantic heroes we love so well. Of course, it could also be those accents!! So, even though the list keeps growing (see the hotties slide show to the right of myspace), the top five never get bumped. In no particular order, they are: Gerard Butler, Ralph Fiennes (I fell for him in his bad-guy roll on "Schindler's List"), Colin Firth (the ULTIMATE romance man!), Hugh Jackman (ok, he's actually Australian!), and Vin Diesel (I admit this one is just lust.. what a body!). I've got some runner-up hotties I adore also such as, Henry Ian Cusick (from "LOST"), Johnny Depp (well, duh!), Christian Bale (just saw him in "Empire of the Sun". He was even cute as a 12-year old!) and Ray Stevenson (I will hate HBO forever for cancelling "ROME"!!!) I'm currently developing a major crush on Jason Statham too. Yummy!


Click below for some cool "LOST" T-shirts Links:

MY TV: OBVIOUSLY, I'm a HUGE "LOST" fan, which also makes me a HUGE "LOST" conspiracy theorist too! My Thursdays in summer totally suck when the show's on hiatis. By far still my favorite show and I'd rather chew off my right arm than miss an episode! If you want to do some "LOST" MySpace surfing, make sure you check out my 'friends' list. There's many good and dedicated spaces there!

After "LOST", the second fave would be "Battlestar Galactica" (MUCH better than the original!). The others, in no particular order, "The Simpsons", "South Park", and "Rome" (freakin' CANCELLED dammit!!). I can also out-quote anyone in a "Star Trek" marathon. I'm talking the original (and the best). I know nothing about the later knock-offs, but yes, William Shatner did indeed change the world (with a lot of help from the late, great Gene Roddenberry).


MY BOOKS: My favorite book of all time is still Harper Lee's "To Kill a Mockingbird". You might notice my dogs are named after key characters (and I had Scout long before Bruce and Demi did!) I'm also very fond of Jane Austin's novels (I visited her home while in England), particularly "Pride and Prejudice".

William Butler Yeats is my favorite poet (visited his grave in Ireland). Otherwise, I mostly read 'trashy' historical, romance novels. What can I say? I have to get my kicks somewhere! My favorite romance authors include Connie Mason, Theresa Medieros, Lynn Kurland and Lisa Kleypas. Someday I'll write my own. I've got the story ideas and the writing skills, I just lack the ability to complete a story! I get going, then get another idea and forget to come back to it! Writer's A.D.D. I guess.


MY HEROES: My Dad and my grandpa - They both passed away in the summer of 2005. Doc Holiday and Wyatt Earp. Feminist Victoria Woodhull, a woman 100 years before her time. Sherrif Joe Arpaio (Maricopa County, Phoenix, Az), Bill Shatner, William Butler Yeats, Amy Brown (fairy artist), Thomas Jefferson, Oskar & Emily Schindler (of "Schindler's List" fame) for doing right no matter what, my beloved Marine Corps and ALL our troops (wish I could be over there with you!), and of course Arthur Guinness (creator of the nectar of the gods!) and all my California friends (cause I know all your secrets!).
I tend to root for the underdogs... people who did amazing things to spite small starts (J.L. Kraft, Napoleon Bonaparte, John Denver and others I've already mentioned). Since most of my heroes are now deceased, I'm sort of on a mission to pay respects to them, when possible. So far, I've visited the graves of: John Denver (in Aspen), W.B. Yeats (in Sligo, Ireland), Napoleon Bonaparte (in Paris), Thomas Jefferson (at Montebello, Virgina), and Doc Holiday (in Glenwood Springs, CO). I haven't made it to Edgar Allen Poe's grave in Baltimore, but I did visit his home & museum in Richmond, VA.

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My Blog

American Suicide: Worth the Read!!

Wherever you stand, please take the time to read this; it ought to scare the hell out of you! Take note of how many of these are steps are already at work in the U.S.   ...
Posted by ♥ Guinness Wench ♥ on Sat, 19 Apr 2008 10:25:00 PST

Guinness Wench for President!!

Last Update:  12/13/07 Well, we are quickly approaching another election and, as usual, signs are going up and promises are being made.  It never ceases to amaze me that we have over 2 billi...
Posted by ♥ Guinness Wench ♥ on Mon, 10 Dec 2007 01:26:00 PST

The PET PEEVES List is here!!

Well..... it's finally happened!  My bitching and griping has EXCEEDED even my wild expectations!  So, it's being moved off the MySpace and onto the blog.  Fear not!  I have an en...
Posted by ♥ Guinness Wench ♥ on Fri, 08 Jun 2007 01:14:00 PST


What Legal Americans Should Know About Illegal Immigration (From someone that deals with it daily)      Dictionary.com Unabridged (v 1.1) - Cite This Source invasion ...
Posted by ♥ Guinness Wench ♥ on Mon, 07 May 2007 01:46:00 PST


This was actually posted on my 'other' blog back in September of '05, but since I still get hits and comments on it, I thought I'd move it over here for your enjoyment!  Slainte!  DOWN WIT...
Posted by ♥ Guinness Wench ♥ on Fri, 27 Apr 2007 10:05:00 PST