About Skem9
If you'd like to find some facts out about how Skem9 started, and who helped along the way then you can do so by reading the About Skem9 page on the site.I'm just gonna say what makes Skem9 so different then a lot of the other help sites out there. Now this doesn't go to all of the myspace sites out there, just some of them. Have some of you ever noticed that some sites have the same kinds of graphics, exact same code generators, and the exact same codes (that most don't even work anyways). The reason there are so many sites like that out there is because the owner of them bought the site off of ebay or some other script search site. Skem9 was created by myself (John), I didn't buy any generators, codes, or scripts to get it to do what it does. Some of you may have noticed that some of the same layouts on Skem9, can be found on other "Imitation sites" out there. The reason for this is either because the the creator of that site has stolen them from Skem9 to put on their site, or they also allow some people to add layouts to their site, and then these people take layouts from Skem9 and upload them to the other site. Most of the layouts found on Skem9, are on other sites out there only because those other sites couldnt create their own layouts.
Now with that off of my chest, I'm gonna talk about some of the features that are already in action on the site. If you're not a member, I'd suggest to sign up so you can check out all of the features the members get! Each member gets their own personal profile, that they can customize, and add whatever else they want to it. They also have a pictures gallery, where other members can comment on the pictures there, on any of the layouts, images within the image fun section of the site, and other members profiles. Theres a buddy list for members to add other members to it, kinda like the friends list here on myspace. Along with these features, members can send other members an e-gift such as cookies, and kisses to cars, and x-boxes. And believe me, I'm no where near done adding new features ;)
Contact Me
Skem9 Features
.^. Layouts.^.Images (Contact tables, Extended Network banners, etc..)
.^. One of a kind generators
.^. Personal Profiles
.^. Profile Comments
.^. Favorite Layouts
.^.Buddy Lists
.^.Private Messaging
.^.Picture Galleries
.^. Picture Comments
.^. Forum
And much, much more!
Friends List
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