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About Me

I am a 26 year old young lady in the wrong place at the wrong time. My frustrations are nowadays tangible in the form of give and take, and this feeling of semi-social discontent is relentless. There is a lack of educational as well as personal values in this modern age- a loathsome glare of disrespect found in the mundanity of society, backward faces, and a recoiling of timeless traditions in this world that makes me feel as if I was born in the wrong century. However, I know all generations will have their Caesar; the taxes, struggles and mis-steps of every artist and philosopher that dares break free from the systematic molding of the institutionalized mind state that is the breath emanating from these metropolitan mobs. Time after time the foot has been stamped, the hand branded and smoke blown in the face of the intellect to blind, bind and categorize any over achiever and hold them in a state of ignorant catatonia. It is up to one to become almost lost to these God given liberties, to nullify the peripheral vision and eliminate these mass influenced distractions; using every ounce of focus to achieve and bring to fruition the dreams of those great minds that have come before us.

My Interests

Everything Under the Sun.

I'd like to meet:

I WANT TO MEET: grounded people. serious people. students. artists. photographers. producers. architects. novices and adepts. dog people. fish people. cultured people. beautiful people. people who love themselves. scientists. the ones who are not 'sleeping'. military people. collectors of old things. martial artists. those who realize their goal in life and live with purpose. underground and hidden folks. historians. archaeologists. mathematicians. writers. people who practice what they preach. those who have no need to manipulate. people who love children and animals.

I have become increasingly unavailable due to an evident substantial plateauing of the mindset of former allies and more random recent acquaintances. Neither offense nor denial will be a useful reaction upon reading this; it is more beneficial as well as noble to simply apply self-reflection, higher personal standards and the will to change the macro-cosmos that envelopes the individual.
If you are above the age of 18 and your page is littered with: glittery graphics thumbnail icons containing random sassy quotes and the far too common intentful grammatical and spelling errors amongst other ridiculous and self-degrading intrapersonal profile schematics-
-do not ask me to be your friend. I prefer intellectuals over those who reside within a ghetto mentality; those who display such a lack of self esteem that they portray themselves as someone they are not and never could be, nor should they have the desire to be so. If you are not of this category and have a desire to be known to me, contact me via message and I shall give you the password to send me a friend request.enter comment here:


le samurai. the corn dog man.
castle freak. the talented mr. ripley.
akira. searching for bobby fischer.
good night and good luck.
the extraordinary life
and times of peter sellers.
the phantom of paradise.
spartacus. dr. strangelove. jfk.
stand by me. as good as it gets.
schindler's list. bully.
l'avventura. la notte. l'eclisse.
the crying game. sleepers.
heat. clash of the titans.
to kill a mockingbird.
the deer hunter. platoon.
black hawk down. coming to america.


History Channel. A&E. Travel Channel. Discovery Channel. Court TV.
The Shield.


Plato. Augustine. Vetruvius. Aristotle. Foucault. Eco. Zanoni. Rousseau. Evola. Butler. Machiavelli. Robert Greene. Chaucer. Ovid. Homer. Nietzsche. B.Goldwater. Russell. Galton. Castiglione. Otto Rahn. Wilgut. Bronowski. Paul Krugman. Peter Bauer. Bill Clinton.Dawkins. Hawkings. Snorri. M.P. Hall. Pike. Descartes. Xenophon. Herodotus. Fulcanelli. Frankfurt. Virgil. W. Whitman. Kant. Emerson. Nagel. Milton. Ben Franklin. John W.Dean. Hume. Aquinas. Ron Clark. Hesse. Crowley. Alston. Michel de Montaingne Rene Guenon. J.S.M. Ward. LePlongeon. Musashi. Robert Burns. Barack Obama. Eckartshausen. Boccaccio. Kenko. de Lorris. de Meun. Sun Tzu. Grecian. Tom Powers. Budge. Locke. Regardie. Doug Massey. Howard Zinn.

Anything about



A bit of semi-classified information:

Here for: Social Studies.

Region of Birth: Pacific Northwest.
Religious/Philosophical Beliefs: Various.

Zodiac Sign: if you want to know, ask me.

Smoke / Drink Alcohol: Sometimes.

Children: They love me.
Education: Continuous.

My Blog

Three of my current favourite pieces

Portrait of a Girl Covered in Hair by Lavinia Fontana:The Beggars by Pieter Brueghel the Elder: Gabrielle D'estree and Her Sister  by The School of Fountainbleau:...
Posted by Lisette on Fri, 07 Mar 2008 09:50:00 PST

Nuwaubian Racial History

From Wikipedia:The races and their origins ..> " We must realize that when a people is trying to make themselves look bigger than others, they may take the main characters and heroes of a false or tr...
Posted by Lisette on Tue, 04 Mar 2008 11:45:00 PST

Dr. Malachi Z. York and Non Prince Hall Freemasonry

Dwight York From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia   (Redirected from Malachi Z. York) Jump to: navigation, search .. start content --> This article is about Dr. Malach...
Posted by Lisette on Tue, 04 Mar 2008 11:08:00 PST

Gay in the Gulag: Prison and homosexuality in Russia IN THE GULAG Anal and genital contact between consenting males became a criminal offence in the USSR on 17 Dec...
Posted by Lisette on Tue, 20 Nov 2007 09:23:00 PST

A Dead God in a New Era

"God is dead", Nietzsche had infamously wrote. "And we have killed him". These are powerful yet often misunderstood words that take on a new meaning when you look at the state of the Western Civilizat...
Posted by Lisette on Sun, 18 Nov 2007 09:56:00 PST

sun, moon, and rising:

  Sun Sign: Virgo Sun 9° Virgo 28' Virgo Horoscope for today » Moon Sign: Gemini Moon 9° Gemini 44' Gemini Horoscope for today » ...
Posted by Lisette on Sun, 18 Nov 2007 08:32:00 PST

Examining the Philosophic Problem of Evil

          The problem with evil from a theological outlook is an ongoing debate. Why would a God who is all good create evil?  This question is a caus...
Posted by Lisette on Sat, 17 Nov 2007 08:07:00 PST

Honne and Tatemae

Honne and tatemae are Japanese words that describe recognized social phenomena. Honne (??) refers to a person's true feelings and desires. These may be contrary to what is expected by society or what ...
Posted by Lisette on Mon, 12 Nov 2007 08:26:00 PST

erectable wrist penis

 I had the strangest dream within my series of night quests last night, it was much like a nightmare. I have problems with my wrists in my everyday day life as I suffer from carpal tunnel syndrom...
Posted by Lisette on Thu, 01 Nov 2007 07:12:00 PST

The U.S. Bill of Rights: (If you are American, you need to read and re-read this!)

The following text is a transcription of the first ten amendments to the Constitution in their original form. These amendments were ratified December 15, 1791, and form what is known as the "Bil...
Posted by Lisette on Thu, 18 Oct 2007 06:40:00 PST