ManSplat Magazine profile picture

ManSplat Magazine

There is no place in Heaven for hippies

About Me

MANSPLAT.COM has been re-designed and is now all sparkly and shiny. Stop by for a visit instead of ego surfing.
MANSPLAT'S OFFICIAL BLOG: SPLATBLOG is open and ready for your gushing commentary. Updated more often than we wash the company car. Hey, that's what rain is for, man.
People have been sleeping on our lawn (which is gooning us out because we don't have a lawn), waiting for us to come outside and tell them where they can buy our books and ManSplat shirts. It's quite simple: send $12.99 + $2.01 shipping for the Drinkin' & Drive-in books and/or $10.00 + $2.50 shipping for a ManSplat shirt (size LG and XLG only at this time) to: Hairball Media, 4742 42nd Ave. SW, PMB 515, Seattle, WA 98116. And hey, we'll throw in some extra stuff as well. I'm sure you'll have a use for all our used Lotto tickets and empty Bud cans.
Finally. Now you can put off doing laundry for another week (two if you run through the neighbor's lawn sprinkler while wearing it). And we'll even throw in some ManSplat back issues to offset your grief.
We worked, we drank, we scratched ourselves in public. And you?
Then we went over to senior editor Matt Johnson's house for a BBQ repast of burgers, chicken and bratwurst. Oh, and beer. Lots and lots of beer.
Then we worked on the new issue of ManSplat some more. Comes out in a shortly. Expect it to raise gas prices to $12 a gallon.

My Interests

Girls who let us feel them up

I'd like to meet:

Wonder Woman's secretary

Who We Don't Wanna Meet:
Anyone with a purple sore on their lip

Favorite Color:
Rhythm & BLUES

Favorite paranormal activity:
Throwing the frisbee around with Mothman


KISS, hard rock, metal, thrash, punk, straight-edge, surf, honky tonk, rockabilly (psycho and regular), greaser, garage, swing, twang, old school country (not that total pussy "new country"), and loud. (Loud is too a form of music.)


Saw one once. Thought we were looking at a giant TV.


It is our religion.


In the near future no one will remember what a book was. By the way, we have several books for sale.


The guy who invented the bra.

My Blog

Splatblog - that is SO a real word

It's ironic - and possibly surreal - to use a blog to promote our blog. While we hate that word (blog is the same sound one makes while throwing up and may or may not be the place where Swamp Thing li...
Posted by ManSplat Magazine on Sun, 29 Jun 2008 10:00:00 PST

ManSplat shirts aplenty

THE fashion statement of the Century (18th...ha!) Large and Extra-Large only, although we can do custom sizes for the stately gentleman and/or lady. $10 + $2 shipping: Hairball Media, 4742 42nd Ave. S...
Posted by ManSplat Magazine on Sun, 27 Apr 2008 07:33:00 PST