Whole Heart, Horns High... that's my motto. Throwing my metal horns up high with my whole heart's conviction has made me who I am. I'm proud that I've never stopped and I'm proud that I've never changed, despite the obstacles I've had to overcome in the long hard fight to be myself.
Mischa Monster is a nickname I was given when I was a little girl, obviously it stuck.
My dad owns a military surplus shop. I worked there when I was young and helped make ammo in the back.
I have two brothers, one older and one younger by two years to the very day... literally, he was born on my second birthday.
When I was 15, I kissed Anthony Keidis at a Fugazi concert at the Hollywood Palladium.
When I am driving by myself, I am usually blasting some 80's glam era, Hollywood sleaze-rock like Motley Crue, L.A. Guns or Faster Pussycat and singing along... loudly.
I don't have any tattoos.
I've been playing the violin since I was 3 years old, serenading audiences in solo recitals and orchestral concerts, dolled up in costume, on stages and parade floats all over the state of California. Who would have thought?
I grew up in Ridgecrest... the Mojave desert of Southern California, riding dirt bikes and shooting guns.
I'm a certified phlebotomist, but I choose to collect blood with rock and roll instead of needles.
When I was in junior highschool, I used to sit in my room everyday after school for hours on end, learning every guitar riff I could possibly figure out by taking my Ozzy, Iron Maiden, Guns N' Roses and Metallica cassettes and rewinding section by section, over and over until they were all chewed up.
When I imagine Jesus Christ as a person who was savagely beaten, spit on, nailed to a cross, torchered and killed... regardless of anything else you may or may not believe about him as a person... who he was and why he did the things he did... just the fact that any person would go through something like that so willingly, out of the love they felt for people brings tears to my eyes. The thought astounds me.
I am a natural born performer... I love playing music on stage. When I get the opportunity to perform in front of hundreds or even thousands of people at a time, the feeling it gives me is absolutely invigorating, and in that moment... I feel complete, which is a rare feeling for me. This is the feeling that leads a lot of people like us to various types of addiction... we go searching for a way to replicate it again and again... you always want more
Believe it or not, I am actually kind of shy.