About Me
Funtastic Dracula Carnival is a festival organized by Confecciones Drácula, a small shop in Valencia, Spain.
The owners, music fanatics Sr. Varo (Doctor Explosion drummer for 12 years) and Paloma Borbone ( bass player in Ulan Bator Trio, Royal Canin, Los Bor-bones) have been spending their last 20 years collecting records, playing music and doing gigs among other stupid activities.
In the past 3 editions we had bands like:
Reverend Beat-Man, Los Bor-Bones, Palookaville, Waldorf Astorias, Los Pataconas, The Coyotemen, Wau y los Arrrghs! Fabulous Ottomans, Los Fossiles, The Spits, Los Chicos, Los Fregaplatos, Fela Borbone,
Nathaniel Mayer, Betty Harris, The Norton All Stars Revue with The A- Bones featuring Andre Williams and The Great Gaylord, Los Peyotes , The Trashmen , Blowfly, The Rip Offs ,The Kids, The Monsters, The Cannibals, Cecilia Et Ses Ennuis, King Salami and The Cumberland 3 ...
FDC is not a festival, it's a party!! Only 4 bands ( really good bands!! )per night are good enough to have fun with them and then dance all night long ( we mean all night long, until 7-8 in the morning) with the best r'n'r, garage, punk, frat, R&B, soul, surf spinners from all over the world: Billy Miller and Miriam Linna ,Martin Lawrie, Mr. Finewine, Johnny Alpha, Mike Spencer, Il Giaguaro, Cristina Alonso, Jordi Duró y Juan Ibañez :(The Boiler), Damian Lapeyre, PJ, Nicolas Oh lala, Igu Allnighter, Victor Lopez,Eva Aller, Vampisoul DJ's, Miquel Injection, Sergio Albentosa, Borja Gorostiza, Cok, David Nebot, Jose Mardigras, DJ Bone, Alberto Wowsville, Peter Slovenly, Manolo Bor-Bone, Pablo de la Cruz, Sr. Varo and of course, the great Wheelie Bag have been spinning for all of us.If you have been to FDC we know you'll come back. If you have not, you have to do it to experience it.. It's fun! It's mad! It's Spain: a place like anywhere else with nice weather, good food, cheap booze, nice and friendly beautiful girls and boys and freedom for ( almost) EVERYTHING!!