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Caitlins Closet - Website
Miss America's Outstanding Teen
Caitlin TV
In 2006, I founded my charity, “Caitlin’s Closet.†As my charity was born, so was alifelong plan and commitment. I would strive to make sure that every girl in high school, regardless of social or economic status, would have theopportunity to attend her Prom, Homecoming or any other special event.
“A child with a dream is the child with a future.†Every young woman dreams of going to her high school dances, sports or award banquets.“Caitlin’s Closet†helps make this dream a reality for many, thus raising their self-esteem and enriching them socially. Fitting into society takes practiceby being in social settings other than the classroom. Dances and banquets are a great first step toward enabling young women socially.
After Hurricane Katrina, many groups got together and supplied clothing to its victims. And at Prom time, these contributors included gowns.This was one of my inspirations. I was heart-broken to find that I had peers for whom attending Prom was either a hardship or impossible. And these weregirls nearby that I could have the opportunity to help.
I began by soliciting friends, family and neighbors for nice, used special occasion dresses. And I began looking for opportunities to supplythese dresses. I partnered with Children’s Services in Washington D.C. and Old Dominion High School in Sterling, Virginia and in the spring we were able togive over 80 girls the chance to attend Prom feeling special and beautiful. I will never forget the feeling! Receiving might be wonderful, but giving iseven more special!
My plan definitely includes taking Caitlin’s Closet nationally. In fact, plans have already been formulated and we are in theprocess of planning our first events outside of Virginia and the Washington D.C. area. These events are planned for spring 2008 in North Florida, and SantaMaria, California.
My organization, “Caitlin’s Closet,†is here to stay. Girls want and need to go to high school special events and thinkingthat not affording a gown is the deterrent is unacceptable. We are going to change this! Attending Prom, Homecoming and other special events should bepossible for everyone, regardless of their socio-economic situation. “Caitlin’s Closet†plans to make that happen.Caitlin Brunell is currently a sophomore at Trinity Christian School in Fairfax, Virginia. Caitlin lives in Northern Virginia with her family, whichincludes three younger brothers (Jake-12, Joseph-9, and Luke-6) and her parents. As a daughter of a professional football player, she was exposed from anearly age about the benefits of giving back to the community. The Brunell Family Foundation was formed and Caitlin started visiting children at WolfsonChildren’s Hospital in Jacksonville, FL when she was just 10 years old. Caitlin learned that giving back was far better than receiving. It was this love ofgiving that led her to form Caitlin’s Closet in 2006. Caitlin’s Closet donates slightly worn dresses to young ladies that would not be able to afford one.Every young woman deserves to look and feel her best at her high school dances, sports, or awards banquets. Caitlin’s Closet plans to help that dream becomea reality to many teens. As Miss America’s Outstanding Teen, Caitlin has also partnered with the US Dream Academy, an organization that targets illiteracyin the youth of America. Caitlin loves to spend time with friends and family; swimming, skiing, and shopping. She has been dancing since she was threeyears old and dreams of performing on Broadway and winning a Tony Award. She is thrilled to represent Miss America’s Outstanding Teen and considers it agreat honor and privilege. You can learn more about Caitlin at maoteen.org or www.brunellfamilyfoundation.com .
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