Contemporary Indigenous Arts.
Trickster Humorists and their history within Cultural Care.
Moving -picture shows.
Crafters and their stories. Healing ARTs.
I love "Dance me Outside"--- a Canuck Indian and Chindian movie.
Well any "Canuck movies or references "are what i love to explore in comedy, stories, art promotion, as an Ol' not OLD, travellin' Injun' Outpost Nurse.Gotta laugh at Our- selves. Thats what i learned in the Great White Norte' and beyond....OH! AND I LOVE da' FISHIN' MUSICIAN and This New Classic' Chek IT' OOT!
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Other like-minded Honest Injun' Trickster Souls. Perferably, with Mac-Putter' Skills... A Will to Learn, A Will to Share.A Co-op, of Sorts: Of the Global Indie'-----Rattle and Roll, Movers' and a' Shakers' Movement.You Know. YOU feel it too. I know YOU Do....Come ON, Its O.K., Ya, Do!You are Younger, Wiser and So "Intent" On Changin' the Inherent Weather: The Bushed Weather.Wether--- Flaming, Blaming, or Shaman'. I mean what else can the Nanabush throw at US? Another Tital Wave... off Budhas' Shores? Or a Katarina Wave of all Waves---On Our Brothers and Sistas' --- Of all Kinds' of Shinin' Divine' Color? I believe in my Finger, Actually. In my--- Neck of da' Woods. We Injuns' Sure Have Fun. Reservations: For All.And Remember...,Keep a Feather in your Cap, and Don' look Back." We can all live, learn and laugh from da' Hearts".J.C. and the Sunshine Band.OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOT ic' Toc'. Tick. Tock. Ticks and Talks, Ticks' And Talks... More Wait, for the HEALING CIRCLE, I asked ohhhh, so many years ago. In a Health Care Systems' Story, Case, Call it a Family's Concerns. Hells- Bells call it what it was. A TRAIN WRECK. But, alas, always, always, a time to learn why we continue to"knock, knock, knock", on Your Towers that: BE. Wait, Wait, Wait. Nah, KNOW MORE, I Say. But after my troubles, I, as a NURSE, Wonder----- WHY?Who is helping the Elders, Who cannot Help, Themselves? Again, They Just don't Get Our Ways. An Elder Once Said to Me: in Wunnumin Lake, Ontario. She said: Many of our simple stories, and our simple solutions, come from simply, Words-----Shared, at the Table. Why is OUR words, not allowed at Our Health Care Hospitals Tables and Why, did They, Refuse to come to sit at OURs....Words. I understand Her, Now, Very, Very Well. Meegwetch, Thank-you, Jessie. xxxI Tink' We Sistas' have to Strike the Posse' ...Err rrrr, I mean: Pose. Feathers, Beads, Fire and Water, and A Weese' Can All Git' Our, Wars' On...Chek it OOOT... Fur' Sure. See ya, In the Traditional Poppy-Cock' Line....We all need alittle Spoon ful o' Sugar.... as Mary Pip' Pip' Poppins' Well,Says ....Open Wide.... But, NOT Tooooo, Much...Laughin'... Gotta' Watch OUR' "BLOOD'- Pressures' Folks! Reality Bites' Some-One, Says--Fur- Us-All.Right in the ASS. Time to WAKE UP, and Smell the MESSEE' RIVERS'It' Makes US' All-----HOWL' Round these' Camp-Fires. ..Neechis!
As they Say On da' River: Giver' till Ya' Quiver!
Funny Comments
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Anything Canadian,But..Especially--- Mary Walsh---I kiss your feet, I kiss your ring. Can i touch your hubbie' again? Wink, Wink, Nudge, Nudge. Poke' in da' Ribber'-Cages'...P.S. We loved your "Snake-Skins stilletos" ----- Our Posse' and All... at the "Copper-Thunder Bird Play" in the First Nations' Capitale'. More fun than a Barrel of Monkeys! A RED barrel, O' Course, Eh. Neeeeeee OH----- AND I love da' TRAILER PARK Gulls' AND Bouys'! J-ROCK-----I LOVE YOU... Gnome-Sayin!
A.P.T.N. C.B.C. listener- 107.3 ----my life line to da' true norte=strong and free? We still hope.Occasional:-"Just for laughs"....C.N.N. Come on....too funny,eh!Anything from that crazy Jew, Sara Golddigger... I mean Silverwoman. I am indian, i can use my satire sword like a warrior bloody princess, too. In the spirit of blood sisters, Sara.You Know? Can too!Andrew Gurney! from your Hockey Hot Mammas'--I and II. We are sooooooo proud of you! Kara, too! in the Big Smoke, Toronto. Eh?
Thomas King, of course. He is the Court-Jester, Extra- ordinaire' Scribe, for us all.Dougie Boy. The Cope-man. You Know who you are. Ol' feathered Friendship- Center. I want to build an Indian Canuck "Tee-Pee" WIT' YOU! Have land. Have ideas. Have you any Time....I am a Sharer, are You? oh....doh... The Idiots Guide to the Ontario Health Caring System. By: I.P. Lightly.The Trickster Shift--by some indian guy and another guy. Love the Nations cap and the glasses to boot! Bro.The Return of the Teachings. Rupert Ross.Dancing with a Ghost, Exploring Indian Reality.(again... Rupert Ross... gotta love that name.The Pig in the Python---some rich baby boomer... From Silence to Voice-a Nurses StoryFunny Farm-George Orwell.Of Mice and Men- Johnnie Steinbeck. Last but not least.... The 2007 Harrowsmith Farmers Almanac---and the Magazine. Harrowsmith, Ontario. Goggle it. Buy it. Breath new life into it. Do it for the children. Do it for the mother earth. Hell do it because, i say so...or---well, if you wish.On-line: The Onion. You -Tuber-Wipper-Snappers. Deviant Art. Other Rockin' Sisters. The Devine Bette Midler. Where are you when the girls at war. NEED YOU! The Rolling Stone. Always wanted to be on the Cover.... as they say, on the REZ...Just for my Mother.
My Ma, of course. My Children of course. My Family of course, my Friends of course."Peoples who have sensible footwear; or damn great Arches..."Because if Ya can't Dance, We want no part of this Evolution... I mean Revolution. The Posse':!1.Leland Bell---- and his Principle Posse' of "like-minded Humourist, Compadra-es, and Crafters".2. Mary Walsh of Course. Kiss, Kiss. Kiss. Snake oil on them tootsies, Sister?3. That guy that pretended he was an Injun' The blakc dude, in the golfing retro clothes and the heauvos' to spoof and have "jiggy with it" Andre? Something or other? He has an X-Box 3000, something to rock with his guitar on?4.The generations to hit the dance floors of the world with Glee, Bliss, and Freedom.Hey, Ya. Hey, Ya, Ya.That Shinin' Boy Sure Can Dance.And have Ya' seen' His, MaMas'! Chek it out---! ..