Danita profile picture


Give me a place to stand, and I will MOVE THE EARTH ~Archimedes

About Me

"In truth I am an oxymoron, in reality I am just a moron" ~ Miss Danita , I quote myself...ha ha ha
and in addition a few things I stand for wholeheartedly, NO Uranium mining, No NUCLEAR POWER.

I stand behind my commitment to the study of the biochemistry and genetics of cancer as my life's work. In addition, I am a Partner in Hope, contributing annually to research provided at St. Jude Children's Research Center.
I've also done two years of undergraduate research with the Native American Cancer Research Partnership, here's their logo and a bit more info for the curious of mind

Systems Biology, it's an inherently Native concept, what we do in our present we know will effect our future.
I am doubly a systems biologist, being Navajo and an independent research scientist in the making...
FYI: I'd be the nut wearing the NUTS shirt...
OH and I find this absolutely fascinating, being the neurotic microbiochemist, that I am: ALL populations in exponential growth phase eventually CRASH...Human world population is very much in exponential growth phase, and with terribly gleeful interest I hope to experience and witness the CRASH that will eventually take place...Check this out:
1500 450 million souls
1850 1.2 billion souls
1927 2 billion souls
1950 2.55 billion souls
1970 3.7 billion souls
1990 5.3 billion souls
2006 6.5 billion
DEFINITE EXPONENTIAL GROWTH, I can't wait to see what happens to the stupid human beans. LOL.
I got my stats from Matt Rosenberg, Geographer, UC something or other....Sept, 16, 2007 thanks MATT!!!
I'm older, but younger at heart, in spirit and in mind
I'm a nerd, I love microbiology and chemistry and physics
I'm pretty, I like to get dressed up everyday and be girly, I never, REPEAT NEVER, leave my house in stretchy pants, "Chanco can I borrow your SWEATTTZZZZZ" that's something you'd never hear me say, even IF I was a luchador, I'd get a bomb ass outfit..
I'm confident, I know what I want from my life and I will work hard to get it.
I'm HappY, When you've been smashed up, tasted, and spit out, then YOU'VE been through my recent life...BUT having been regurgitated I am all the more fer-TILE and have grown into beautiful expression.
I'm UPFRONT, I don't back away from constructive criticism, confrontations, suggestions, mean nasty people, I'm respectful of other's opinions, but stand behind my own morality, or lack thereof...GRIN.
I'm an INSOMNIAC, just one piece of mindless trivia about me
I'm witty, I like to think all the time and play clever with my clever friends...
I'm a listener, I hear people, I truly love to be there for friends and to try to help by listening to what they are expressing.
I'm determined, ambitious, hardworking, sincere, honest, beautiful, trusting, kind, hopeful, a provider, and a rise above the turmoil, never give upper...

My Interests

My interest are:
People who have been to jail for stupid reasons

An extreme well brewed cup of Coffee, the gooderest brewers I know are Mark, Roberto, and Brenna Two Bears, my niece, she use to eat the coffee grinds as an infant so Coffee is definitely in her blood and she brews a KILLER CUPPA

Men who are taller than 6 feet, this is because...I've had men tell me, YOU NEED TO LET MEN BE MEN WHEN THEY ARE AROUND YOU, YOU DON'T ALWAYS HAVE TO TAKE CARE OF EVERYTHING. I'm EXTREMELY independent and I think I always know best and I always take care of myself, so when I'm with a TALL man then inherently I feel more womanly and cute and little and like I will momentarily allow him to be my champion and not to be all hardcore taking care of everything myself. TOO MUCH INFO??? yeah, and I didn't even have to go to a therapist for that, I figured that all out on my own with my other personalities. LMAO

Hiking and I LOVE running mountain trails by myself, it's so heart vitalizing and kick ass undescribable

Plants-growing them and Medicinal uses, some day I want to have my own pharmaceutical garden and make my own remedies, maybe when I'm an old grannie

YODA 'nuff said even tho he's not over 6' tall

Sewing, I'm currently finishing one quilt and will be starting a second one soon and I am vamping up all our dance outfits for POW WOW SEASON 2008!!! Don't got NO MAN telling me to stay home and not POW WOW.

COOKING, I am adamant about having dinner on the table by 6 pm. I LOVE TO COOK, I prefer veggetarian dishes but my kids like to eat meat so I have to cook that still...

LEARNING NEW STUFF, I invite any educational experiences

reading, I read all the time

scrap booking...HAHAHAH NO NEVER. I'm NOT into that crapbooking...as I like to call it.

Dance, DANCE, Dance, I love to dance and I am good at it.
I love Flamenco, but only ASPIRE to dance this good

Some day I'll be at this level of performance.

I'd like to meet:

I would like to meet this truck and marry it and live happily ever after...

OHH and it would help if this guy were in the truck,

OH HOW LOVELY,but he BROKE my heart when he LEFT

I'm all about ecclectic moods and living an adventure of positivity and wonder and imagination and creativity and LOVE for oneself and one's expression. I want to meet someone who will test my limits...for you see I am LIMITLESS. You'll witness my soulful expression and share the amazement of life...


Here are me, my daughters, my nieces, and my nephew at the OZO show they all got pulled on stage!

The best GIRLS NIGHT OUT I ever had in my LIFE

My ALLTIME favorite OZO song
Cuando Canto
Cuando canto mi cancion inspirar mi gente con una solucion
Cuando desperto en la manana se que tengo el poder para un dia triumfar
Cuando me acuesto en la noche puedo mirar estrellas que me dan esperanza
Cuando sueno en la madrugada ojala que mi trabajo no es temporal
Cuando demuestro mi corazon con mis aciones puedes entender que no soy hombre perfecto pero trato mucho, trato decidir lo mas major para el mundo y lo pongo en una cancion
Cuando canto mi cancion


When I sing my song I want to inspire my people with a solution
When I wake up in the morning I know that I have the power for any triumph
When I go to bed at night I can see the stars that give me hope
When I dream in the early morning I hope that my work is not temporary
When I show my heart through my actions you can understand that I am not a perfect man, but I try to make the best decisions for the world and I put it in a song
When I sing my song


and this is only with this one song, there are so many expressions out there that lift me in this manner, from a Seneca Smoke Dance song to something closer to my Navajo HOME, TO MY NAVAJO HEART in hearing my relatives sing back home.


Just one ALL TIME Favorite Movie Quote:
" We must endeavor to percevier" Grandfather Old Lodge Skins, from the movie Little Big Man


Kill yOuR TV, I DON'T watch TV.




Maurice Sendak

Kahlil Gibran

Ayn Rand

William Shakespeare

Jane Austen

Chiam Potek

Rould Dahl

James Welch

Vine Deloria Jr.

Esther G. Belin

Lucy Tapahonso

Michael Dorris

Diana Gabaldon

Tennesee Williams

W.B. Yeats

Sherman Alexie

Don Miguel Ruiz

M. Scott Peck

Madeleine L'Engle

Flannery O'Conner

Ken Follet


My Daddy

Thomas Lee Joseph Ryan Sr.

born Easter Sunday, April 5, 1942

took his journey to the Creator, February, 3, 1998

I love you Daddy

My Blog


hey you guys, all you sinners, these are the newest updated 7 deadly sins sealed with burning wax and kissed with the seal of our glorious Pope Benedict  and sent via whatever means around the wo...
Posted by Danita on Thu, 13 Mar 2008 05:38:00 PST


mom when have you ever been on a bike????~dante rose in an accusatory voice...LMAOI was day dreaming out loud the other day, thinking about riding a bike and thinking of the long rides I would go on, ...
Posted by Danita on Wed, 12 Mar 2008 11:01:00 PST


i have been sick for the last few days, starting wednesday night, blech.  i always tend to sound like a truck driver when I'm sick.  i am very proud to say i worked the whole time giving 115...
Posted by Danita on Sat, 08 Mar 2008 04:21:00 PST

Crazy Stories

The dusty motes on the breeze were even more bored than any other thing in the universe that day.  They normally wandered aimlessly existing through thoughtless floats on the exhalations of thoug...
Posted by Danita on Thu, 28 Feb 2008 10:30:00 PST

running fool

That girl is a running fool, NOPE, not being said about me.  I haven't been running at all.  DAYUM, p/s you can tell.  LOL  hahaha I actually got, well never mind...ThAt's EXPLICIT...
Posted by Danita on Thu, 28 Feb 2008 01:48:00 PST


O I must admit, my life just has not afforded any blog worthy tidbits.  WOE, dear me.  hahahahah.  Let's see, I am almost finished with the quilt I am making.  I wanted to finish i...
Posted by Danita on Wed, 20 Feb 2008 04:13:00 PST


I decided today that I am going to change my name to DUH-NEED-Aprimarily because DUH-NEED-A, NEEDS a certain amount of this and that.DUH-NEED-A needs a clue, get a clue,DUH-NEED-A needs a break,DUH-NE...
Posted by Danita on Tue, 29 Jan 2008 01:56:00 PST


It's funny when you cough up a hairball, it's weird and it takes you by surprise, but it's such a relief to be free of the itch and annoyance.I think sculptered nails are sicko.  I admit, I was a...
Posted by Danita on Wed, 23 Jan 2008 10:32:00 PST

Mutton Skinwalker stalker

When I cook I atract so many favorable experiences and sometimes funny things just happen to me. A couple of weeks ago, I had one of my bestest friends in the world come out from Northern California w...
Posted by Danita on Fri, 18 Jan 2008 02:49:00 PST


I'm 'pose to list this stuff about me that is weird, 10 things. JEEZ that's too easy, just 10?  I'm fairly weird, with an outward expression of serenity, but actually I'm frothy weird on the insi...
Posted by Danita on Mon, 07 Jan 2008 10:11:00 PST