♫♪ 'Brighter' - DiggingRoots
Add to Friends Nadya Kwandibens
A dynamic photographer, specializing in artistic natural/ available light portraiture & event photography. Nadya Kwandibens is of Ojibwe ( Anishinaabe ) / French heritage from the Northwest Angle #37 First Nation in Ontario, Canada. Identifying mainly with her Ojibwe roots, she is also known as Makoons and is from the Loon Clan .“
"Kwandibens' photos actively depict the Indian with passion and integrity . She captures an Indigenous spirit (individual + collective) and resuscitates characters overshadowed by the burden of false impression. Her aesthetic, whether shot in black and white or color, is cinematic. Her portraits carry personal and collective strengths forward and create lasting impressions."
- Ryan Rice
Aboriginal Curatorial Collective
Concrete Indians
"Portraits of the Urban Indian Experience"
-- A photo-series that explores what it means to be Native in the city... from your perspective.
This series explores themes of "Native Identity" and what it means to be an "Urban Indian" through photo ideas submitted by you. Concrete Indians is also a social networking website
»»——► http://concreteindians.ning.com
Photo Albums
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My Bulletins
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5 Toronto, ON - Headshots session w/Victoria Vaughan
8 Ottawa, ON - Product photography f/Manitobah Mukluks
30 Toronto, ON - Headshots session w/ Reneltta Arluk
7 Toronto, ON - Fashion Photography f/Koous Collection
11-12 Kenora, ON - Niigaan Innaabin Youth Career Fair
14-17 Winnipeg, MB - Photo-sessions
24-26 Thunder Bay, ON - Youth Photography Workshops
9 Vancouver, BC - Radio interview on ThinkNDN
10-16 Vancouver, BC - Photo-sessions
24-26 Thunder Bay, ON - NAN Women & Youth Conference
31 Whitefish Bay, ON - Shooniyaa Wa-Biitong Banquet
24 Toronto, ON - 'Coyote City' Artists Headshots session
27 Toronto, ON - Portraiture/ Headshots session w/ Jessica Yee
2-3 Kenora, ON - Nokomis Art Healing Project
7 Toronto, ON - 'Coyote City' Rehearsal Photos
8 Toronto, ON - Indigenous Artists Network interview
9 Toronto, ON - Photo-session w/ Alicia Sayers
15 Calgary, AB - Exhibit 'Transforming Motion' opens
16-18 Calgary, AB - Various photo-sessions
19 Toronto, ON - Modelling f/Native Reflections Calendar
20 Toronto, ON - Photo-session w/ Lisa Charleyboy
6 Toronto, ON - Product Photography Workshop
19 Thunder Bay, ON - Event coverage f/Nishnawbe Aski Nation
19-23 Thunder Bay, ON - Various photo-sessions
20 Calgary, AB - Exhibit 'Transforming Motion' closes
31 Wikwemikong, ON - Tentative. Concert photos f/Crystal Shawanda
7 Fort Frances, ON - Performing @ The "Good Life for Young People" Benefit Concert