Witness the conscious awakening of the global Afrikan community.
Fanny Lou Hamer, Toussaint L'Ouverture, Nanny of the Maroons, Boukman, Nat Turner, The Real McCoy, El Hajj Malik Shabazz, Yaa Asantewa, Imhotep and many more some known and unkonwn
…I wish to seize this opportunity that has been given me to direct your attention to the gravity of the responsibility which has been entrusted to you – that of the transmission of knowledge to young generations of our community. Looking over history we are quickly drawn to the fact that our nations have declined, and, as a result, our communities. This is intimately tied to national sovereignty and especially to the loss of control of our educational systems which assure the transmission of understanding from generation to generation… It is also the classical technique of domination, of colonization, throughout history, to destroy and to weaken the historical consciousness of a people who become dominated. All the factors which reinforce that consciousness are taken away, taken out of the instruction so that progressively the dominated nation becomes amnesiac.Cheikh Anta Diop made these statements about the intergenerational Afrikan worldview in a speech given at Moorehouse in 1983. It is recorded in Great Afrikan Thinker edited by Ivan Van Sertima (319).
" When you go back into the past and find oout where you once were,then you will know that you weren't always at this level, that you had once attained a higher level, had made great achievement, contributions to society, civili-zation, science and so forth. And you know that if you once did it, you can do it again, you automatically get the incentive, the inspiration and the energy necessary to duplicate what our forefathers formerly did. But by keeping us completely cut off from our past it is easy for the man who has power over us to make us stay at this level because we were always at this level, a low level. That's why I say it is important for you and me to spend time learning about the past so that we can better under-stand the present, analyze it,m and then do something about it" (Malcolm on Afro-American History).
Dr. Josef Ben-Jochanon..Music like all artforms should be used as a tool to enlighten and educate the masses"
SIs. Queen Malikah Hameenrc="http://i106.photobucket.com/albums/m254/omowale32/sos_co
py.jpg"height="600" width="400" border="0" alt="Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket"African Music In All It's ColorsSoul,neosoul, R & B, reggae, jazz, blues, African traditional music/ drumming, Afro-cuban/latin; hip-hop (particularly conscious)
Sankofa - The Movie, Lamumba, Malcolm X, The education of Sonny CarsonThe Spook Who SSat By the Door
HIPHOP is a Wolrdwide Revolution Check conscious hiphop from Uganda
You can purchase many of the books below online or at your local African bookstore; including The Shrine of the Black Madonna
The Spook Who Sat By the Door
by Sam Greenlee
The Isis Papers (Yssis Papers/Keys to the C...
by Frances Cress, M.D. Welsing
Psychopathic Racial Personality and Other E...
by Bobby Eugene Wright
The African Origin of Civilization: Myth or...
by Cheikh Anta Diop
Iceman Inheritance : Prehistoric Sources of...
by Michael Bradley
Behold a Pale Horse
by William Cooper
Wzorld's Great Men of Color, Volume I: Asia by J. A. Rogers
The Healers by Ayi Kwei Armah
Two thousand Seasons by Ayi Kwei Armah
The Groundings With My Brothers -Walter Rodney ..:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" /
How Europe Underdeveloped Africa- W. Rodney
Echoes of the Old Darkland -Charles S Finch
African origins of the Major "Western" Religions ben-Jochannan
Africa: Mother of Western Civilization -ben-Jochannan
Pagan Origins of the Christ Myth -John Jackson
Man, God & Civilisation -John Jackson
Egypt Child of Africa -Ivan Van Sertima
Philosophy and Opinions of Marcus Garvey -Amy Jacques Garvey
Star of Deep Beginnings -Charles Finch
Egyptian Yoga, Philosophy of Enlightment -Muata Ashby
Black Jacobins -CLR James
Development Psychology of the Black Child -Amos Wilson
Introduction to African Civilizations -John Jackson
The Isis Papers: The Keys to the Colors-Dr. Frances Welsing
All the Kings and Queens of the Bible- Leroy Carter
The Black Presence in the Bible- Walter McCray
Black Women in the Bible- David Adamo
Blacks Who Died for Jesus- Mark Hyman
Black Characters and References of the Holy Bible- F.S. Rhodes Men and Women of Color in the Bible- Raymond Woolsey
The Secrets of the Great Pyramid- P.Tompkins
The Black Elite-Richard Freeman
Broken Pledges: The Deadly Rite of Hazing- Hank Nuwer
Pledge Brothers- Walter Anderson
The Legacy of Egypt- S.Glanville
Is God a White Racist- William Jones
The 21 Indispensable Qualities of a Leader- John Maxwell
An American Dilemma- Gunnar Myrdal
The Identity Crisis in Black Theology- Cecil Wayne Cone
The Psychopathic Racial Personality and other Essays- Bobby Wright
Keeping Track: How Schools Structure Inequality- Jeannie Oakes
Living with racism: the black middle class experience- J. Feagin, M. Spikes
The Slave Trade- H. Thomas
The problem of slavery in western culture- D. B. Davis
The black image in the white mind- G.M. Frederickson
Black Self-Concept: implications for education and social science
Intellectual Warfare- Jacob Carruthers
Long Memory: the black experience in america- Mary Berry
Racial Oppression in America- Robert Blauner
African Philosophy- K.C. Anyanwu
Ethiopian Philosophy- C. Sumner
The American Image of Africa:Myth and Reality- Felix Okoye
Minorities in American Higher Education- Alexander Astin
How African Was Egypt- A. Noguera
The Origin of European Thought- Richard Onians
History of Ancient Egypt- George Rawlinson
Colored People and Bible History- R.A. Morrisey
Blacks in Antiquity- Frank Snowden
African Origin of Civilization- Cheikh Anta Diop
The Cultural Unity of Black Africa- C.A. Diop
Before the Mayflower- Lerone Bennett
The Greeks- H. Kitto
God of the Oppressed
For my People
Speaking the Truth- James Cone(3)
Every Young Man€™s Battle
Sexual Chaos- John Vertefeuille
Slavery: The African-American Psychic Trauma- Sultan Latif
Survival Strategies for Africans in America: Anthony Browder
African Origin of Biological Psychiatry-Richard King
Melanin: A key to Freedom: Richard King
Black Africa: The Economic and Cultural Basis- Cheikh Anta Diop
The Iceman Inheritance: Prehistoric Sources of Western Man€™s Racism, Sexism, and Aggression: Micheal Bradley
The Egyptian Philosophers: Molefi Kete Asante
Afrocentricity: The Theory of Social Change: Molefi Kete Asante
Uncle Tom€™s Cabin
The Bible Myth: The African Origins of the Jewish People: Gary Greenberg
The Ways of Black Folks- Lawrence Ross
White Privilege: Peggy Mcintosh
Pigs at the Trough: How Corporate Greed and Political Corruption are undermining America- Arianna Huffington
Cracking the Corporate Code- Price Cobbs
Breaking the Glass Ceiling- Anthony Stith
Ways to Know you are Black in Corporate America-Deborah Watts
Black Picket Fences: Privelege and Peril among the black middle class-Mary Patillo
Soul-Stepping-African-American Step Shows- Elizabeth Fine
Achievement Matters: Getting your child the best education possible-Hugh Price
Learning outside the lines- Jonathan Mooney, David Cole
Black Greek 101- Walter Kimbrough
The Hidden Injuries of Class-Richard Sennett and Jonathan Cobb
Learning to be White: Money , Race, and God in America- Thandeka
The Wages of Whiteness-David Roediger
The Hidden Injuries of Class: Richard Sennett and Jonathon Cobb
Beating the Odd: Raising academically successful African American males- Freeman Hrabrowski
The Skin We€™re In: Teaching our children to be emotionally strong, socially smart, and spiritually connected-Janie Ward
The Joy and Challenge of Raising African American children- Emma Talbot
African Holistic Health: Laila Africa
Nutricide: the nutritional destruction of the black race: Laila Africa
Pyramids of Power: An African centered approach to optimal health-John Chisell
Healing and the mind: Bill Moyers
herbs for clearing the skin: S. Beckett
Esoteric Anatomy: D. Baker
Black-related diseases- R. A. Williams
The developmental psychology of the black child- A. Wilson
How to Fast: K. Jaffrey
The Masters and Slaves: Gilberto Freyre
The Missing Link: Jay Hoffman
Understanding an afrocentric worldview: L. Myers
Kill them before they grow: misdiagnosis of African American boys in American classrooms-michael porter
African psychology: toward its reclamation, reascension and revitalization- W. Nobles
The possessive investment: how white people profit from identity politics€”George Lipsitz
Assault on Diversity€”Lee Corkorinos
The falsification of African consciousness€” Amos Wilson
The first R: how children learn race and racism
The ten things you can€™t say in America- Larry elder
Interpersonal relations between black males and black females-r. braithwaite
Black child care: how to bring up healthy black kids in America-Comer, Pouissant
African spirituality: on becoming ancestors- A. Ephirim-Donkor
Childhood and cosmos: the social psychology of the black-african child- P. Erny
The black Anglo-Saxons- Nathan Hare
The science of melanin: dispelling the myths- T. Moore
Black masculinity: the black male€™s role in American society- R. Staples
The ankh: African origin of elctromagnetism- N. Amen
An African frame of reference- J. Amini
Let the circle be unbroken: African spirituality in the diaspora- M. Ani
The Negro- WEB Dubois
Invisible Man- Ralph Ellison
The Miseducation of the negro- CG Woodson
Ethiopia and the Origin of Civilization- John Jackson
The Black Biblical Heritage- Johnnie Johnson
The Bible and Race-T.B. Matson
African Religions and Philosophy- John Mbiti
100 Amazing Facts about the Negro- J.A. Rogers
Prophesy Deliverance- Cornell West
The Search for quality integrated education- Meyer Weinberg
Thy Kingdom Come-Dispelling the greek myth in the black fraternal system- Shahid Allah
A Charge- Prince Hall
The Destruction of black civilization- Chancellor Williams
The Origin of Race and Color- Martin Delany
Education and Oppression in the American Context- Joseph Baldwin
The Crisis of the Negro Intellectual- Harold Cruse
Ancient Greece in African Political Thought- Ali Mazrui
Kemet Afrocentricity and Knowledge- Molefi Asante
Civilization and Barbarism- C.A. Diop
Inferiorization and Self-Esteem- Barry Adams
The Hebrew Heritage of Black Africa- Steven Jacobs
Ancient Egypt: The Light of the World- Gerald Massey
How Black is the Gospel-Tom Skinner
God the Black Man and Truth- Ben Ammi
The Black Messiah- Albert Cleage
Black Men of the Nile- Ben- Jochannan Yosef
Black Athena- Martin Bernal
The Maroon With Us- Asa Hilliard
Golden Age of the Moor- Ivan Van Sertima
Two Thousand Seasons- Ayi Armah
The Science and Politics of IQ- L. Kamin
Chains and Images of Psychological Slavery- Na€™im Akbar
The Two Babylons- Alexander Hislop
Racial and Ethnic Bias in Test Construction- D.R. Green
Divine Speech- Jacob Carruthers
The truth about black biblical hebrew israel- Ella Hughley
What Color was Jesus?- William Mosley
African Origin of Greek Philosophy- Innocent Onyewuenyi
We the Black Jews-Y. Ben-Jochannan
The Black Hebrews- C.Jenkins
Schooling in Capitalist America- Bowles and Gintis
Reversing Underachievement Among Gifted Black Students- Donna Ford
Going to School: The African-American Experience- Kofi Lomotey
The Rage of a Privileged Class- Ellis Cose
The Black People of America- R.E. Dennis
Leadership IQ- Emmett Murphy
Bible Legacy of the Black Race- Joyce Andrews
Schooling in capitalist America- Bowles
Black Children: their roots, culture, and learning styles- J. Hale-Benson
Protest, politics and prosperity-Black Americans in White Institutions- D.K.Newman
The Black Woman€™s Guide to Financial Independence- Cheryl Broussard
Killing Rage: Ending Racism-bell hooks
The Miseducation of the black child- Nathan Hare
Body and Soul: The Black Women€™s Guide to Physical Health and Emotional Well-Being- Linda Villarosa
African Presence in Early Asia- Charles Finch
The Valley of the Dry Bones- Rudolph Windsor
Ladies First: Revelations from a Strong Woman- Queen Latifah
Laughing in the Dark: From Colored girl to Woman of Color- Patrice Gaines
Black Economics:Solutions for Economic and Community Empowerment- Jawanza Kunjufu
KINGS The True Story of Chicago€™s Policy Kings and Numbers Racketeers An Informal History by Nathan Thompson
Race for Success: The Ten Best Business Opportunities for Blacks in America- George Fraser
Girlfriend to Girlfriend: Everyday Wisdom and Affirmations from the Sister Circle- Julia Boyd
God Made Me Beauty-Full: Building Self-Esteem in African American Women-Terri McFaddin
Developing Positive Self-Images and Discipline in Black Children- Jawanza Kunjufu
In the Black: The African-American Parent€™s Guide to Raising Financially Responsible Children- Fran Harris
The African-American Health Book: A prescription for improvement-Valiere Alcena
The Habit of Surviving-Black Women€™s Strategies for Life- Kesho Yvonne Scott
Beautiful, Also, are the Souls of my Black Sisters- Jeanne Noble
Black Women in White America- Gerda Lerner
Raising Black Children- James Comer and Alvin Poussaint
Countering the Conspiracy to Destroy Black Boys- Jawanza Kunjufu
The Personal Touch-Terry Williams
Are you paid what you are worth?- Michaal Omalley
Spirit-controlled temperament-Tim Lahaye
Anointed for Business- Ed Silvoso
The 5 Secrets to becoming a leader- Alan Nelson
Black and White Styles in Conflict-Thomas Kochman
A Mind at a Time- Mel Levine
Building your Career- Cassandra Hayes
Why you act the way you do- Tim Lahaye
The Art of War- Sun Tzu
We can€™t teach what we don€™t know- Gary Howard
Behold a pale horse- William Cooper
Conversational Magic- Les Donaldson
Race for theory and the biophobia hypothesis- Melvin Williams
Motivating People- Kurt Hanks
Primal Leadership- Daniel Goleman
The Game of Life and How to play it €“ Florence Shinn
The quality and quantity of contact- Robert Moore III
Brothers of the Academy
Out of America: a black man confronts Africa- Keith Richburg
Skin deep: how race and color complexion matter in the color-blind era- Jacqueline Irvine
Black-Brown relations and stereotypes- Tatcho Mindiola
Culturally responsive teaching- G. Gay
Black children: their roots, culture, and learning styles- J. Hale benson
Talkin and testifyin: the language of black Americans- G. Smitherman
Awakening the natural genius of black children- Amos Wilson
Black American scholars: a study of their beginnings- H. Bond
The African personality in America- K. Kambon
Afrocentric theory and applications- Warlfield-Coppock
Decolonizing the mind: the politics of language in African lit.€”n wa thiong€™o
Decoding European geopolitics- l. Hoskins
The choice: issue of black survival in America- S. Yette
Africans at the crossroads: notes for an African revolution- J. Clark
The mind of Africa- W. Abraham
Nationbuilding: theory and practice of African-centered education- K. Akoto
Gifted African American male college students- Fred Bonner
How to love a black woman- Ronn Elmore
White women, race matters: the social construct of whiteness- Ruth Frankenberg
Liberation psychology- D. Azibo
Black male and female relationships: an afrocentric context- M. Asante  Malcolm X; Nat Turner; Ida B. Wells; John Henrik Clarke; Kwame Ture;Gabriel Prosser ;Assata Shakur, George Jackson, Jacob Carruthers; Yaa Asantewa;All fighters for Afrikan liberation
Many Afrikans in America have been imprisoned for their political beliefs and actions ... some of them for 30 years or more An excerpt from an Angela Davis Essay "Political Prisoners, Prisons, and Black Liberation" provides a clear definition of political prisoners.
".....overt violation of the laws of the land converge around an unmistakable common denominator. At stake has been the collective welfare and survival of a people. There is a distinct and qualitative difference between one breaking a law for one’s own individual self-interest and violating it in the interests of a class of people whose oppression is expressed either directly or indirectly through that particular law. The former might be called criminal (though in many instances he is a victim), but the latter, as a reformist or revolutionary, is interested in universal social change. Captured, he or she is a political prisoner."
For more information about political prisones visit The jericho Project at http://thejerichomovement.com
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