Jonathan Cuss profile picture

Jonathan Cuss

Children of the Void, come out and say Hello!

About Me

On a perpetual voyage of enlightenment and self-discovery, enjoying beauty, seeking truth and trying to make the world a better place with Kindness, Wisdom & Compassion

"The ideals that have lighted my way, and time after time have given me new courage to face life cheerfully, have been Kindness, Beauty, and Truth. Without the sense of kinship with men of like mind, without the occupation with the objective world, the eternally unattainable in the field of art and scientific endeavors, life would have seemed empty to me. The trite objects of human efforts - possessions, outward success, luxury - have always seemed to me contemptible." / "The most beautiful experience we can have is the mysterious. It is the fundamental emotion that stands at the cradle of true art and true science. Whoever does not know it and can no longer wonder, no longer marvel, is as good as dead and his eye are dimmed." / [Albert Einstein]

OK there are a few things you should probably know about me before you message me.

1. I'm "mostly harmless" and I don't take myself too seriously (up to a point). I put a lot of thought into what say and how I act, I am general very calm, considerate and always thoughtful, but I can have my moments :)

2. I have an anarchic, childlike sense of humour (which can get me into trouble).

3. I love myself a lot, but I can easily be humbled, by enlightened argument.

4. I am pretty damn smart, I learn very quickly and I am a deep, lateral, thinker. I know a considerable amount about life, the universe and everything, but I recognise I still so much more to learn.

5. I am extremely loyal to my friends and family. I am monogamous, but being fun loving and playful, when prompted, I tend to flirt a bit ;)

6. I'm for reason, science and enlightement, kindness, beauty and truth, freedom of self-expression, morality and co-operation.

7. I'm against dogma, hate, exploitation, self-richiousness, bullying and narrow mindedness.

8. Some of my opinions shift as I become more and more enlightened.

9. I am very empathic and I am passionate about what I believe in, I promote worthy causes, but I am nobodies fool.

10. I encourage criticism (positive and negative). I view it all as feedback, but like most of us, I prefer more of the former.

Now that you've read all that...

Please feel free to message me :) I enjoy Helping people (directly or indirectly) and I enjoy being Enlightented.
Just one more thing. If you ask me to add you, I would appreciate a message to let me know of all the millions of profiles, what brings you to my quiet corner of myspace and if possible let me know a bit about what makes you tick.

"I find it staggering what we human beings are capable of, once we "follow our bliss", stop following the herd and worrying about what other people think of us. We are all unique and I believe it is only by exploring and indulging our own uniqness that we begin to fulfil our own potential and in doing so not only become more fulfilled, but also become more interesting to other enlightened human beings." [Jonathan Cuss]

I am always open to new ideas and perspectives!


My Interests

Acting / Art / Chatting / Charity / Cinema / Comedy / Cosmology / Computing / DIY / Emotional Intelligence / Enlightenment / Film / Fun / Geniuses / Gnostic Metaphysic / Emotional Intelligence / History / Humanism / Life the Universe and Everything / Literature / Logic / Lyrics / Meditation / Movies / Music / My Family / My Friends / Mythology (Joseph Campbell) / Poetry / Popular Science / Psychology / Philosophy / Reason / Religious Truths / Rhythm / Self-Development / Shakespeare / Socialising / Surfing the Net / Tennis / The origin and nature of the universe / The mystery of my existence / The search for Alien Life forms / Theatre / Truth / Website Development / Womenkind

I'd like to meet:

Enlightened Humanbeings and of course...

Happy Aliens


Beyond Compare: Civilized Tears / Samuel Sensation /

Top 20: Beatles / Bob Dylan / Buzzcocks / David Bowie / Elvis Costello / Ivor Cutler / John Cooper Clarke / John Lennon / Joni Mitchell / Joy Division / Julian Cope / Kraftwerk / Morrissey / New Order / Scott Walker / Sex Pistols / Teardrop Explodes / The Clash / The Smiths / Yello /

Significantly moved me at some Stage: Abba / Bauhaus / Bee Gees / Beethhoven / Billy Bragg / Bob Dylan / Depeche Mode / Dory Previn / ELO / Elvis Presley / Eminem / Frankie goes to Hollywood / Gary Numan / Gong / Gorillas / Ian Dury and the Blockheads / Jimi Hendrix / Kate Bush / Love / M / Microdisney / Momus / Mozart / Nirvana / Oasis / Paul Weller / Pet Shop Boys / Philip Glass / Pink Floyd / Quantum Jump - The Lone Ranger / Queen / REM - Losing My Religion / Robert Wyatt - Shipbuilding / Sham 69 / Simon and Garfunkel / Siouxsie and the Banshees / Sisters of Mercy - Temple of Love / Soft Cell - Something's Gotten Hold Of My Heart / Sparks / Steve Reich / The Beach Boys / The Carpenters / The Cure / The FALL/ The Jam / The Jesus and Mary Chain / The Pogues - Fairytale of New York / The Police / The Ramones / The Skids / The Undertones - Teenage Kicks / The Verve - Bitter Sweet Symphony / The West Coast Pop Art Experimental Band / U2 / Velvet Underground / Walter Carlos / Wendy Carlos / X-Ray Specs / XTC


I am indebted to exemplary geniuses like Aristotle, Galilelo, Newton, DaVinci and Einstein and inspired, tenacious explorers like Charles Darwin etc. whose giant shoulders I and the majority of humankind all stand upon. There are many Writers, Artists and Musicians whose art lights up my existence, who inspire me. However I know little about most of their characters. My friend's characters I know well and the most talented of them are like heros to me. If I were pushed to single out one famous hero and heroine whose saintly characters and genius have touched me most in recent days, I'd say Jopseph Campbell (who so eloquently and thouroughly defined the parameters of the Hero's Journey) and Iris Murdoch (whos inate goodness shines through all her many novels and philosophies).

Save The World - One Click At A Time!
Nice Idea, I am a little sceptical (my default position), so please make your own mind up. A click cost nothing the rest is advertising ("John Lennon" has them on his profile).
Click here to post this on your page or 'blog

My Blog

Dripping Dreams

Hello friends, I have been amorphous cloud these past few weeks, dripping and seeping my way to new understanding.  I bring to you the immortal words of Spike Milligan who managed to sum up one o...
Posted by Jonathan Cuss on Fri, 14 Dec 2007 04:38:00 PST

No Internet Connection!

Where have I been? Well I took a week off to move into the new house. I've got no internet connection at home and myspace is blocked at work :(  The previous home owner forgot to cancel his broad...
Posted by Jonathan Cuss on Fri, 09 Feb 2007 09:32:00 PST

Immanuel Kant was a real piss-ant who was very rarely stable.

Which Existentialist Philosopher are you? You scored as Friedrich Nietzsche. You are Friedrich Nietzsche.  You are a sweet philosopher who belived that humans are caught up in "herds" and need to...
Posted by Jonathan Cuss on Sat, 20 Jan 2007 03:52:00 PST

Oh Happy Day!!!

Little Jimmy has made it onto myspace.Yesterday was something of  an occasion for me, I created a myspace for my author friend Jim Williams.  Jim has had 8 novels published so...
Posted by Jonathan Cuss on Thu, 18 Jan 2007 05:12:00 PST

You are now entering the Justice Zone!

So you better watch out You scored as Judge. You are a Judge Empath, one who is a "truthsayer". You can tell truth from lies, good from evil. You do not tolerate wrong doing. You are a defender ...
Posted by Jonathan Cuss on Mon, 08 Jan 2007 05:32:00 PST

New Year's Day

"New Year's Day" Yeah...All is quiet on New Year's DayA world in white gets underwayI want to be with youBe with you night and dayNothing changes on New Year's DayOn New Year's DayI will be with you a...
Posted by Jonathan Cuss on Sun, 31 Dec 2006 10:11:00 PST

The Scientific 100: A Ranking of the Most Influential Scientists, Past and Present

The Scientific 100: A Ranking of the Most Influential Scientists, Past and Present The list below is from the book The Scientific 100: A Ranking of the Most Influential Scientists, Past and Present, C...
Posted by Jonathan Cuss on Sun, 24 Dec 2006 07:15:00 PST

The Globe and Mail - The Millennium 100

The Globe and MailThe Millennium 100 By: SALEM ALATON Special to The Globe and Mail In response to our invitation to submit 20 names of individuals who had the most impact in the past 1,000 years, rea...
Posted by Jonathan Cuss on Sun, 24 Dec 2006 07:10:00 PST

Religious Affiliation of History's 100 Most Influential People

The following list of influential figures from world history comes from Michael H. Hart's book The 100: A Ranking of the Most Influential Persons in History. In the book, Hart provides brief biographi...
Posted by Jonathan Cuss on Sat, 23 Dec 2006 03:32:00 PST

Beyond Mirrors

Merry Christmas everyone.  Too busy to blog properly. I will get back into the swing once again after Christmas.  I leave you with this gem as food for thought ;~) Yello one of my all time f...
Posted by Jonathan Cuss on Sat, 23 Dec 2006 11:27:00 PST