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Playback's a Bitch

About Me

Work hard, play harder, sleep later; Experience as much as humanly possible within the limits of physical law.Friendly but very intense, sometimes almond-joy nuts; I'm my own biggest fan + my own toughest critic, exactly like you.
Troop Support Rally / National Guard Deployment July 4th Weekend, 2007

Trailer for DVD

A dream to some... a nightmare to others!

You can hold a reel of film in your hands and it's all finished and complete - beginning,middle, and end are all there that same second. The film exists beyond the time that it records, and ifyou know what the movie is, you know generally what's going to happen before you walk into the theater:battles and excitement, winners and losers, romance, disaster; you know that's all going to be in there.But in order to get caught up and swept away in it, in order to enjoy it to its most, you have to put itin a projector and let it go through the lens minute by minute. So you pay your nickle, get your ticket,settle down, forget what's going on outside the theater and the movie begins for you...

My first impressions are always wrong... At about thirty seconds old I was placed in my mother's arms; she says I opened my eyes, took a long slow look all aroundthe delivery room, and then closed them and went to sleep. I probably thought I had everything figured out! Pretty much every moment since has been a lesson in humility.

About every five minutes I do what he did & see what she saw.I have a lot in common with this guy...This guy is my hero......and this kind of thing happens to me every day.

When I see '9:11' on the clock I feel lucky to be alive. My heart goes out every timeI see a plane in the air, and when emergency vehicles go by. I try to thank every soldier, cop& firefighter I meet. This flag is no longer a chip on my shoulder.

Clark Kent is the city engineer's technician at a municipal DPW. I testify in court, get knee-deep inwater breaks, play tomb raider in the cemetery + ride shotgun in the sewer-sucker truck, sometimes allin the same day. Having a short attention span helps a lot... I also spend a lot of time at the computerdrawing maps: underground utilities, truck routes, event layouts and court exhibits for city, state,county and federal law enforcement. But I'll let you lead the way because I have zero patience forfollowing a map when I'm on the bike - I'd much rather get lost than sit at the side of the road readingone! My hypocricy knows no bounds.

I try not to take things too seriously - it's not as easy as it looks. I'm the only one that can make meuncomfortable & the only one that can make me happy.

Little kids like motorcycles because they have faith. If I really had faith, I wouldn't be afraid of what I haven't experienced yet.
I would look forward to it instead.

Bikers are more exposed than most travelers, but they experience the road and scenery more vividly. Iwave to anyone that looks. I don't own rain gear but I dry out. I don't like to carry baggage so I end up with over-stuffed pockets. Idon't carry a map but I trust my sense of direction and I learn best by getting lost. I neverremember the names of streets but if I've been there once I can get there again. I'm good at readingsigns but I ride very hard, and I often blow right bymy exit. I like quiet farm roads best but crowded highways are a rush too. Some people's bikescost more than I earn in a year, and some will never even sit on one. I've realizedthat very few people ride at the same speed, and noone sees exactly the same thing over the bars,but I'm getting better at sharing the road. I'm the only one that can be blamed if I feel road rage: with humility, bad drivers are just as easy to avoid as they are to spot. When I was younger I drove like a complete asshole, then for awhile I got in the correct lane early so I could block other people out. Now I get to it early so I can help others get there safely. Someday when I lose the urge to fight the ones that still drive aggressively, I will have arrived.

Art interpretation is a rabbit hole for me, especially the subconscious audio/visual/physical communication we get from film. I have regrets about once per minute, and what other people think means everything to me. I like to puzzle over the great ironys of life; there are plenty inmine. And I have a huge problem with karma: who the hell am I to decide what someone else deserves? For mewhat goes around doesn't always come around, and things don't happen for a reason, but everythinghas a reason... give me a couple days and I'll think of a good one.

My Interests

Wheels and cycles, seasons, relatives. Drums, symbols, video. New Hampshire, Hampton Beach, hot weather, open space, open road. Freedom of Speech + Tolerance. Contemplative participation in divinity. Truth, Justice + the American Way.

I'd like to meet:

Noverim te, noverim me.
May I know you ~ May I know myself.

This really blew my mind... the fact that me, an over-fed,long-haired,leaping knome, should be the star of a hollywood movie???

&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp &nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp

If reality is genuinely a constructive process, then a search for truth becomes a matterof finding a better seat in the theater. There are clear advantages for sitting up front, and allsortsof misconceptions born of not being able to see well. But, no matter where we sit, there is always atall stranger sitting in front of us. In other words, there is no front row...

Imagine that your life is a moving picture projected upon a white screen. As long as you are dominated by ego, you focus on the moving images and take them to be real. When the seeker arrives on the scene, you begin to sense their unreality. But with the birth of the seer, you turn and face the light. Now self-image is seen for what it is: a flimsy projection made real by the ego's desperate need to place importance on the time-bound mind and body.

I will make time to message back. PEACE

Friends of GTSvideo


Other peoples' music. Songs I've heard before but never listened to.


Most of them. Favorite directors: Stanley Kubrick, Jon Boorman, Mel Gibson


All of it. (Thanks SENSEI )



U.S. Armed Forces

Victims of hate & intimidation

Defenders of freedom

My Blog

Boston M.F.A.

Some web images of thought-provoking pieces at the museum near my home, none of which can compare to viewing the originals. It's wild to think that this type of creative talent has always existed in a...
Posted by GTS on Sun, 27 Jan 2008 05:07:00 PST

Tool: Vicarious

This is a band that I have to admit to avoiding over the years... maybe I've been afraid to look. I haven't listened to the lyrics very much, and my read is just from the spectacular visuals: Alex Gre...
Posted by GTS on Fri, 04 Jan 2008 03:06:00 PST


To fully appreciate Monty Python's remake you have to see the original, especially if you've only heard of the story and never really heard it. This film has some fantastic Irish scenery and the grail...
Posted by GTS on Thu, 22 Nov 2007 09:40:00 PST

Personal Republic

Socrates' sailing ship metaphor from Book VI of The Republic. Intended to describe the political power struggle in a community, it also works to illustrate the clash of different desires that try to c...
Posted by GTS on Fri, 30 Nov 2007 06:21:00 PST

Souls Orbit

"Phos Ilaron": From the Byzantyne hymn by the same title. Soft, indirect light such as that seen just before sunset. Beautiful and illuminating, but not blindingly bright. Robert Heinlein's Blowups...
Posted by GTS on Sun, 09 Dec 2007 01:02:00 PST

Noahs Ark

Just another irony I suppose, that I joined here to promote videos and now I'm blocked from uploading =) Myspace doesn't let you use copyrighted background music unless you're promoting them, don't ge...
Posted by GTS on Sat, 01 Dec 2007 07:42:00 PST


Posted by GTS on Tue, 20 Nov 2007 08:20:00 PST


Like most of my experiences, my monestary weekend was not what I expected: the services seemed more physically religious than spiritual, and with a busy schedule of visitors and off-site engagements I...
Posted by GTS on Fri, 16 Nov 2007 05:48:00 PST

Impeaching Hate

At last a flash of sanity: the momentary realization that there is no need to come to certain conclusions about persons, events, conflicts, trends, even toward evil and disaster, as if from day to day...
Posted by GTS on Sun, 21 Oct 2007 09:07:00 PST

Sturgis: I crashed mine

It takes awhile to cut 19 gigs of film down to ten minutes, to arrange a couple hundred screen caps into a picture blog, or to piece together three weeks of memory fragments into one lesson. What a lo...
Posted by GTS on Sun, 21 Oct 2007 09:10:00 PST