Our website is home to a group of people known as Forever Searching We are an ACTION group not a chat group. In May 2007, our personal perspective on life changed, The minute the news broke, of a little British child, being taken from her bed, on the evening of May 3rd, by someone unknown to her family, we knew we could no longer sit back and allow this little girl, to become another statistic. We have worked effortlessly, during this time, literally distributing thousands and thousands of Madeleine's posters throughout the world. We have been asking people to print off the poster and to display them, wherever they can. We are also asking the world to make themselves aware of the bigger issue of child abduction, by visiting the ICMEC website . To look into the eyes of these children, and to do something to bring them home. The ICMEC tell us that it is "Key" to keep awareness high in any child abduction cases, and we support this. The child needs to be seen. The phrase "A picture paints a thousand words", has never been more precise. Each year thousands of children go missing - we seldom hear about them, the group using this forum intend to change that, in any way we can. By joining us you have decided to do something to bring these children home. We need like-minded people, who have time to give, to assist us in getting the message out there. The children need you and we need you. You will be making friendships here that will last a life time, we are all passionate about bringing this horrid crime to the forefront of everyones mind. Once again thank you for helping to do that.
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This event is to be held on the 12 March 2008 in London. in an effort to raise awareness not only to those people who are still out there waiting to be foun... Posted by Forever Searching on Sun, 20 Jan 2008 01:16:00 PST
Tara London - Find Your Way Home (Forever Searching song)
To all of our precious and valued friends,
We are very proud to announce our very own Forever Searching song.
Find Your Way home - Tara London
A beautiful piece of music created by ... Posted by Forever Searching on Fri, 09 Nov 2007 02:42:00 PST