Hello world! I am the Much Honoured Laird Christopher L J Francis - who else? But you can call me Christopher. I live in Addlestone in Surrey in the UK with my wife Camilla and our two dogs Sammy, a westie and Pumba, a Boxador (Labrador/Boxer Cross) I work in the Media in both Television and Radio. I also do voiceovers and write for various publications, news and media. You could say I am everywhere and a bit of a gadget guru.... I am always the life and soul of the party - or so my wife tells me! lol! Enjoy my page, though I will never know you were here, unless you leave me a comment me and let me know your thoughts and comments on Life, the Universe and Everything... and even on this page... So now, let me invite you in to rest a while with me here on MySpace read some of my articles, meet some of my friends and family, before you continue with your journey across the wide open expanse that is the internet, take time to leave some of your thoughts and ideas behind... Remember - Life is a journey through time...or perhaps it's the other way around - that the journey is life through time. I'm not sure yet - I'm still learning. What I do know is that Reality and Normality are purely the perception of ones own mind in a world that is an ever decreasing circle...
Why not find out more about me, my family and my work at my website:
Click here to visit my website
You can also contact
me on Yahoo Messenger ID: cljfrancis