Englas story:5 April 2008: Stjärnsund in Hedemora - Dalarna Engla asked her mom if she could ride her bike home alone this time. And her mom said "yes". Engla got so happy, because she had never done that before. They agreed that Engla and her mom were to contac eachother every 10 min since it was a 5 kilometers bike ride home. Engla was so happy that her mom finally said yes. 11.15 her mom dropes her of at fotball practise.13.30: Shes done playing fotball and stops by Jan Ivars kiosk. She buys her self an icecream, boat-ice.14.00: Shes still at the kiosk, but deside to start on her way home now. She talks to her mom on the phone.14.10: Engla talks to her mom on the phone again. Moments later she meets a group of people. A man in the group have just bought a new digital camera and takes random pictures of everything he sees. One of those photos are of Engla, moments before she disappears.14.20: Her mom calles Engla again. Noe Engla is at Rønås - Odden. Thats about 10 min bikeride from her home.14.30: A vitness sees Engla14.45: Englas mom starts to get worried when her daughter have not come hoem jet. Her mom starts looking for her daughter.16.25: Englas mom finds Englas bike just a few hundred meters from her home. The bike is without visable damage.16.34: Englas mom call the police. The police imidiatly starst a massive search with both the police and volunteers.