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George Washington and Thomas Jefferson Grew Cannabis,Henry Ford Built and Ran His car on Hemp and, OH, incidentally The FIRST AMERICAN FLAG was made of HEMP!! The Billionaires That Be Duped The American Public back in the mid 30's and they continue to DUPE the American Public through the TV now instead of the NEWSPAPERS of the 30's...Don't be duped Any LONGER...Join my Site and lets show how many of us want to LEGALIZE Cannabis.. http://www.myspace.com/getcounted "THEN GOD SAID, I GIVE YOU EVERY SEED-BEARING PLANT ON THE FACE OF THE WHOLE EARTH,AND EVERY TREE THAT HAS FRUIT IN IT." GENESIS 1:29-30" REPOST AND PEACE OUT....What I got is this...A fire under my ass ...That vote the other day(Hinchey Vote for Medical Marijuana to be left alone by the Federal authorities even though the people of the states involved voted in favor of medical marijuana) would have faired much better with an organized movement...for example...a bee may sting you,BUT,try to ignore a swarm of them!!!!Thats my principle and I'm not sure how to get started on this...must accumulate trustworthy and functional allies first to do some headbanging on Ideas to best aproach this movement...for instance..WHo would we want to head up the the united movement and what would we name it?..Me..I might pick Joe Rogen to head it(public Figure) and a name..weeelll...maybe this..."The UCS Movement"..(The United Cannabis Sativa Movement) and as a whole we'll pick who we back as The next U.S President,because we'll have numbers on our side then!I think a class action suit against the drug czar for defamation of character(calls us "terrorists")or whatever a lawyer may find suitable for such a suit..This is to open the doors for anyone associated with cannabis in any way..currently OR in the past if they have quit...BUT..This will give us a number the politicians will definitely take notice of...Same Thing with the DEA...Class Action Suit!!!!For the Numbers!!!!We Need ONE Web Page for to display the TRUTHS of the Cannabis Plant and with all associated things one would expect to find on a well designed and laid out page,We would have to get up the funds to offset the drugczars propaganda commercials on MSM(Main Stream Media..CBS,NBC,CNN,FOX...etc,etc) I'm somewhat new to this myspace continuum....Any Forthcoming Ideas would be Appreciated....REMEMBERTHIS PLANT HAS NO EQUAL!!! Please Post and Repost and Blog it if you so desire...2008 elections are not that far off...we WILL LEGALIZE if this approach is taken! As we still have a pretty good Network right now..FOR NOW!!!!!!!!!!Don't PROCRASTINATEPARTICIPATE..................Peace Out...Roger "Hemp Will Save The Earth"
The earth, our beautiful planet, contains many life forms that have in many ways been blessings to human beings and contributed to the evolution of living things. If one considers the earth as one organism, all of its animals, plants, minerals and micro-organisms, constitute its ecological network, and they have contributed to our prosperity and shared the evolution of the network. Our civilization is, however, now endangered on a global scale by our shortsighted sectionalism, environmental degradation caused by our social systems that focus on the oil industry, and the ill effects that these problems have on our bodies and minds. It has formed competitive societies based on harmful oil resources and has brought about unavoidable dispossession, warfare and confilct. In contrast, a symbiotic society based on infinite hemp and other biomas resources can produce a world of peace and sharing. As a first step, hemp, a natural material with many uses in key industries, has recently been highly evaluated worldwide.
It cannot be said that hemp alone will solve all of our environmental problems. However, the use of hemp and other natural resources can serve as a warning against excessive use of fossil fuels and hazardous chemicals, and contributed greatly to our movement toward a sustainable society. If each one of us becomes conscious of the need for environmental preservation and starts with what is possible, we can once again have the type of harmonious, cyclical society that existed in ancient times.
Hemp Paper
If hemp is cultivated on 12% of the European landmass, it can meet the entire world demand for paper, and thus eradicate the need to cut trees for paper. Hemp pulp, from which hemp paper is made, is as durable as wood pulp, and it needs only one quarter of the land required for producing wood pulp. While chlorine is used for bleaching in the wood-pulp manufacturing process, hemp pulp can be produced using the ASA pulp method, which hardly produces any pollutants. Moreover, hemp paper is of such high quality and durability that it hardly deteriorates, even after 200 years.

Hemp Bio-Plastic
Hemp stems can be used to produce biodegradable plastic that does not produce harmful substances and is highly antibacterial. It can be freely molded and used for car bodies, building materials and all existing plastic products. Only a few of its many features are sufficient to prove that it has great potential as an ecological plastic that can solve the problems of environmental impact and waste disposal.
To give and example, the American company Ford started using hemp for automobile manufacturing in 1929. The results of their research were published in Popular Mechanics Magazine in 1941 along with the catch-phrase "Organic car born from the Earth". All of the parts except the frames were made of hemp, and hemp seed oil was used instead of light oil. The car had one-third the weight and ten times the impact tenacity of conventional cars of the same type.
Hemp, a Natural Resource
Hemp is a human-friendly natural resource - it can adjust the temperature and humidity of houses because walls made of hemp can breathe. Hemp houses provide a comfortable atmosphere - cool in summer and warm in winter. It is an all-weather composite building material that can save energy for air-conditioning. Hemp board bends and curves easily, and has the same strength as concrete. It is very light and resistant to fire. As it is a natural resource, it is biodegradable. Hemp can totally change our views about housing and make us switch to environment-friendly houses, because it can be grown for a half a year and lasts for 100 years. Its use can result in the preservation of forests and the protection of living things, as well as the restroration of cyclical ecological system that includes human beings.
Hemp Fuel
One of the main causes of global warming is the carbon dioxide produced by the burning of fossil fuels such as petroleum and coal. Oil from hemp seeds and the cellulose of the hemp stem can produce methanol, ethanol and other kinds of fuel that have the same ignition temperature as diesel oil. Hemp fuel does not produce heavy metals or sulfur, so it does not cause acid rain or air pollution. As hemp is a plant, it reduces carbon dioxide to oxygen as it grows. It has three to four times the reducing power as a deciduous tree. If hemp is cultivated on only 6% of the North American landmass, it can meet all the fuel demand in the U.S.
A running test project of bio-diesel cars using hemp oil was established in the U.S. in July 2001. A car started from Washington on July 4, the anniversary of Independence Day, and was driven one thousand miles over a period of three months. In Japan, a car started from Takigawa City in Northern Hokkaido on April 29, 2002 and was driven 12, 500 km over a period of four months until September 11. The test used 2, 600 liters of hemp oil.
Hemp seeds and their oil are excellent foods that are good for human health. The oil can be used for cooking, massage, lubrication, cosmetics, and as dietary supplement. Hemp oil contains many elements that retail humidity, so it can be used for making soap, shampoo and environment-friendly cosmetics. Hemp seeds contain a protein similar to that of soy beans, which is easily digested and absorbed into the human body. They also contain eight kinds of essential amino acids that cannot be produced by the human body, so they are an ideal food that has perfectly balanced nutrients.
The nutrients in hemp seeds have many beneficial effects on human health. They balance and control cholesterol, purify blood and help it to flow smoothly in the body, thus preventing arteriosclerosis and increasing immunity. Hemp seeds can keep human bodies young and healthy, they are effective in preventing aging and promoting longevity.
Human bodies have many receptors that take in the medical components of hemp. When the components enter our bodies, melatonin, a beneficial hormone, is secreted, stimulating an auto-therapy mechanism. While melatonin is secreted, a-waves and c-waves occur in the brain, causing people to relax as if they were in a state of meditation. Hemp has long been used as a herb because of its medical effects, and it will gain importance in the future.
Textiles- Hemp and Cotton
Cotton requires the use of pesticide for its cultivation, and a huge volume of chemicls in its manufacturing process. Hemp, however, never requires the use of these harmful substances, a fact that makes it cheaper to produce. Hemp textile is four times more durable than cotton, and its productivity per unit of land area is three to five times higher than that of cotton. In France and Germany, insulation materials made of hemp and hemp board are already in use. Wooden buildings using oil resources have given rise to the so called "sick-house sydrome" that causes cancer and abnormal environmental hormones. These building catch fire easily and do not decompose. Many buildings are constructed of wood that is several decades old and last only 30 years.
Hemp Technology for Healing
Hemp can be used to produce 25,000 to 50,000 kinds of industrial products. It is an annual grass that can be grown in 100 to 200 days. It is useful for preventing deforestation and global warming b ecause it has a high capacity for reducing carbon dioxide to oxygen. A very adaptable plant that can be grown in most environments other than deserts, snowfields and tundra zones, it does not require the use of pesticides or chemical fertilizers or deplete the soil of nutrients.
Hemp fabric does not generate static electricity. Since it is highly resistant to insects and has an antimicrobial effect, herbicides and insecticides are not required for its cultivation. Accordingly, the soil can be improved and it is possible to prevent ground water from being contaminated. It has been reported if one root of hemp is planted, the surrounding 30 meter area becomes electrically neutral.
From the energy perspective, hemp is a healing plant that harmonizes with the environment. It has been attracting a great deal of attention because of its potential to neutralize electromagnetic waves, radioactive rays, ultraviolet rays, etc. Hemp fabric neutralizes electromagnect waves generated from electrical products and toxic substances. The material and its technology shall be required in many fields, such as architectural materials and health care products.
Traditional Arts
Hemp fabric has been used in Japan for imperial rituals, traditional events, Shinto religious services, shrines etc. since ancient times. In the same way, it has been used for rituals and traditional ceremonies in other countries all over the world.
In ancient times, the Japanese grew hemp as part of a lifestyle based on coexistence with nature. Hemp is an annual plant, and thus fits into the earths basic one-year environmental cycle. Cultivated every year, it is part of an ecosystem in which everything is connected, like a circular, harmonious society with no beginning or end. Hemp can help us to remember what we have forgotten about the wonder of the natural world. It is generally known that hemp can be used effectively in various industries and that it is an environment-and human friendly material. Whether we will use hemp and take advantage of its features depends on our attitude and our way of life. Japan is a nation that has strong connections to hemp in every aspect. Through our study of hemp we have come to understand why it is a plant that Japanese people have loved from ancient times - it represents a spirit of harmony.
For more information and to receive Delta contact: [email protected].
-Walk Gently on the Earth.

My Interests

Petition powered by ThePetitionSite.com .. src="http://www.thepetitionsite.com/js/widget.js?petitionID= 709529630"..Getting out of jail the Hundreds of thousands of people sitting in and wasting their lives behind bars while the American Taxpayer foots the bill needlessly...They Are NOT Criminals!!!

The ACLU has several petitions asking congress to "Fix The Patriot Act", "Fix The real ID Act," and "Fix The Military Commissions ACT." We would like to say to them, that despite their noble efforts of the past and continuing noble efforts at present. Their petitions to merely "FIX" something is NOT GOOD ENOUGH!! We would like to remind the ACLU of what Benjamin franklin wrote to the Pennsylvania Governor in 1755, "They who can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety. " We do not want the above items fixed, we want them eliminated. We are not going to give an inch of our liberties for a false sense of security. The government and its agencies have allready shown that they have no problem violating the laws they are sworn to uphold, or interpreting at their will who it applies to.

We ask all of you to sign the petitions below that ELLIMINATE these travesties, instead of just trying to FIX them.

"Truth must count. Innocence must matter."

The federal government now has the power to make you disappear. It can detain you and torture you without trial. Forever. You may have heard that this power only applies to non-citizens (as if that makes it okay). If so, you heard wrong. This law removes your right to challenge your detention in court, and if you cannot challenge your detention in court, then you cannot use your U.S. citizenship as grounds to end your detention. This law needs to be repealed immediately.



"Stop IT!"

What is IT? IT is a bill that doesn't have a name or a number, or any definite wording, or any agreed upon effect. It's a secret bill about secret surveillance that could allow the government to secretly uncover all of your personal secrets in a secret way. Maybe. As best we can tell the bill would (could?, might?) legalize illegal government spying on innocent Americans. We don't know. No one seems to know for sure. So we just throw up our hands and shout STOP IT! If you want to STOP IT! too send a message to Congress telling them so.



""Repeal the Patriot Act""

We said the government would abuse the Patriot Act, and it has. Now it's time to tell Congress to repeal it. Politicians excel at "the fine art of crisis creation." Time and again they create policies that fail. Then they exploit those failures to grab more power, and then, almost inevitably, fail again.

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""Repeal the REAL ID Act""

On May 10, 2005 Congress passed the REAL ID Act. This law imposes a national identification system on the American people for the first time. We are promised increased security in return. This is an illusion. The larger government becomes the less competent it becomes. And the more power it has, the more it abuses that power. To urge Congress to repeal the REAL ID Act

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. . . ''Until the philosophy which holds one race superior and another inferior is finally and permanently discredited and abandoned: That until there are no longer first-class and second class citizens of any nation; That until the color of a man's skin is of no more significance than the color of his eyes; That until the basic human rights are equally guaranteed to all without regard to race; That until that day, the dream of lasting peace and world citizenship and the rule of international morality will remain but a fleeting illusion, to be pursued but never attained''Haile Selassie

I'd like to meet:

Some People who are willing to undertake this MISSION!!! Attorneys,..Web Developers,..Doctors,..Victims,..Volunteers and ..SOLID Americans.. who would stand up for this Injustice against A Plant From MOTHER EARTH!!!!A MIRACLE PLANT AT THAT!!!!!.............................................."THEN GOD SAID, I GIVE YOU EVERY SEED-BEARING PLANT ON THE FACE OF THE WHOLE EARTH,AND EVERY TREE THAT HAS FRUIT IN IT." GENESIS 1:29-30"......Make the most of the hemp seed and sow it everywhere. ~~George Washington (1794)........If you are not free to choose wrongly and irresponsibly, you are not free at all. ~~Jacob Hornberger (1995)........Those who give up their liberties and freedoms to obtain security deserve neither. ~~Benjamin Franklin........If a law is unjust, a man is not only right to disobey it, he is obligated to do so. ~~Thomas Jefferson........It is dangerous to be right when the government is wrong. ~~Voltaire........Real heroes are men who fall and fail and are flawed, but win out in the end because they've stayed true to their ideals and beliefs and commitments. ~~Kevin Costner (MY Man!)........One of the greatest delusions in the world is the hope that the evils in this world are to be cured by legislation. ~~Thomas B. Reed (1886)........There are 100,000 total marijuana smokers in the US, and most are Negroes, Hispanics, Filipinos and entertainers. Their Satanic music, jazz and swing, result from marijuana usage. This marijuana causes white women to seek sexual relations with Negroes, entertainers and any others. ~~Harry J. Anslinger, testimony to Congress, (1937)........Once I was high on LIFE, but eventually I built up a tolerance to it. ~~Arj Barker;The Marijuana-Logues........I never considered a difference of opinion in politics, in religion, in philosophy, as cause for withdrawing from a friend. ~~Thomas Jefferson (1743-1826)............................ Join the R [evol] ution
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Would be to hear the American People with one voice say...Enough is Enough!!!!!!


"Hemp for Victory"...You can Find it on Youtube!!!


Is owned by those who want us to believe whatever trash they put on it!!!!!


HOW DANGEROUS IS MARIJUANA?HOW DANGEROUS IS MARIJUANA COMPARED WITH OTHER SUBSTANCES? Number of American deaths per year that result directly or primarily from the following selected causes nationwide, according to World Almanacs, Life Insurance Actuarial (death) Rates, and the last 20 years of U.S. Surgeon Generals' reports. TOBACCO 340,000 to 450,000 ALCOHOL (Not including 50% of all highway deaths and 65% of all murders) 150,000+ ASPIRIN (Including deliberate overdose) 180 to 1,000+ CAFFEINE (From stress, ulcers, and triggering irregular heartbeats, etc.) 1,000 to 10,000 "LEGAL" DRUG OVERDOSE (Deliberate or accidental) from legal, prescribed or patent medicines and/or mixing with alcohol - e.g. Valium/alcohol 14,000 to 27,000 ILLICIT DRUG OVERDOSE (Deliberate or accidental) from all illegal drugs. 3,800 to 5,200 MARIJUANA 0 (Marijuana users also have the same or lower incidence of murders and highway deaths and accidents than the general non-marijuana using population as a whole. Crancer Study, UCLA; U.S. Funded ($6 million), First & Second Jamaican Studies, 1968 to 1974; Costa Rican Studies, 1980 to 1982; et al. LOWEST TOXICITY 100% of the studies done at dozens of American universities and research facilities show pot toxicity does not exist. Medical history does not record anyone dying from an overdose of marijuana (UCLA, Harvard, Temple, etc.)


Whoever makes themselves a member of this Page...Then Joins whatever Class Action Suit we levy against the right areas of government!!!! This Page was STARTED on 7/28/07 Around 1 AM......

My Blog

How Cannabis Cures Cancer and Why Nobody Knows!!

----------------- Bulletin Message -----------------From: Auroras Closet (Kara)Date: May 1, 2008 3:49 PMRun From The Cure: How Cannabis Cures Cancer And Why No One Knows      &nbs...
Posted by Lets Become One>>>The UCS Movement..... on Fri, 02 May 2008 04:32:00 PST

Ron Paul in a Nutshell......

Posted by Lets Become One>>>The UCS Movement..... on Mon, 28 Apr 2008 01:09:00 PST

Wow! Check this out for Alternative Energy!

----------------- Bulletin Message -----------------From: Pass the PeAcEDate: Apr 28, 2008 12:05 PMAWESOME,Many thanks to:FrankDate: Apr 28, 2008 12:01 PMThis blew me away! I hope to see them availabl...
Posted by Lets Become One>>>The UCS Movement..... on Mon, 28 Apr 2008 12:36:00 PST

This just isnt right..!!!

This is Not to be TOLERATED..!!!!Take action and repost-Peace Out........RogerSaturday, 26 April 2008From: FrnnkEducation on Youtube. Many Thanks!Ron Pauls elected delegates have been unlawfully, ille...
Posted by Lets Become One>>>The UCS Movement..... on Sun, 27 Apr 2008 09:20:00 PST

Last Post..Its Been Real..PEACE..SHARE

A Nice Collection of Videos.............................................Fight the Good Fight..!!!!!!Now this made me cry.....I love our country and will do what I have to do to help take it back. Bush...
Posted by Lets Become One>>>The UCS Movement..... on Fri, 21 Sep 2007 10:20:00 PST

Petition to remove Ron Paul from debates? WTF?

----------------- Bulletin Message -----------------From: Legalize FreedomDate: Sep 18, 2007 11:57 PMFrom: GR8BENWA Date: Sep 18, 2007 9:04 PMGOP PETITION TO BUMP RON PAUL... ENDS THE AMERICAN DREAM!!...
Posted by Lets Become One>>>The UCS Movement..... on Wed, 19 Sep 2007 12:30:00 PST

Collection of News Clips Regarding the North American Union

----------------- Bulletin Message -----------------From: Seek Rather than Follow...Date: Sep 18, 2007 10:11 PM----------------- Bulletin Message -----------------From: Uncle SamDate: Sep 18, 2007 9:1...
Posted by Lets Become One>>>The UCS Movement..... on Wed, 19 Sep 2007 11:58:00 PST

420 goes presidential

----------------- Bulletin Message -----------------From: The White Chocolate for Ron Paul 2008Date: Sep 18, 2007 6:38 PM----------------- Bulletin Message -----------------From: Jack HererDate: Sep 1...
Posted by Lets Become One>>>The UCS Movement..... on Wed, 19 Sep 2007 06:55:00 PST

A Petition,Electronic Voter Fraud,911 Rebunked

The 2004 Election was won by Electronic voter machine fraud,Lets not let this repeat itself in 2008......How do we do That?This is How...we start now with an email,telephone and letter campaign NOW, w...
Posted by Lets Become One>>>The UCS Movement..... on Tue, 18 Sep 2007 08:32:00 PST

Lets STOP Voter Fraud.!!

The 2004 Election was won by Electronic voter machine fraud,Lets not let this repeat itself in 2008......How do we do That?This is How...we start now with an email,telephone and lettter campaign NOW, ...
Posted by Lets Become One>>>The UCS Movement..... on Mon, 17 Sep 2007 05:08:00 PST