Major Accomplishments
ASA successfully filed suit against California Highway Patrol, the largest law enforcement agency in the state, compelling CHP to stop confiscating patients’ medical cannabis and otherwise comply with the mandates of Proposition 215.
ASA works with elected officials to enact sound ordinances regulating medical cannabis dispensing collectives (dispensaries). So far, 24 cities and 7 counties have given dispensaries protection and legitimacy under local law.
ASA turned the tide of media bias and indifference with a professional, proactive media strategy, making medical cannabis a page-one story nationwide. ASA is framing the national discourse on medical cannabis issues.
ASA has provided outreach services to countless collectives, including legal training, peer counseling, and media spokesperson training.
If you would like to become a supporting member, please our website: Americans For Safe Access
Americans For Safe Access
I'd like to meet:
07/27/2007- LA Councilmember, Dennis Zine, talks to protesters outside of LA city Hall.You!
Join up with thousands of other ASA members across the US that are the grassroots strength of ASA. People like you are the reason that ASA is building political power and beating back the attack on medical marijuana.
ASA activists are at the forefront of the struggle for safe and legal access to our medicine.
We're not watching the news, we're making the news.
If you would like to become a supporting member, please our website: Americans For Safe Access
"Americans For Safe Access
Time Line
** 2002-2007: ASA organizes court support for more than 30 federal defendants
* 2002-2007: ASA implements National Emergency Response actions over a dozen times, following DEA raids
* * Jan 2007: 500 patients and advocates rally outside the Los Angeles federal building, in protest of continued DEA raids
* *Oct 2006: Activists protest in front of DEA marijuana conference in San Diego
* *Oct 2006: Launches TV commercial campaign in San Diego area
* *Sept 2006: State lawmakers and ten state and national medical organizations file amicus briefs with CA Supreme Court in support of ASA’s employment case
* *Sept 2006: Releases report on dispensaries at convention of city officials; several city council members speak in support of dispensaries at press conference
* *Aug 2006: Helps Kern County pass medical cannabis regulations
* *July 2006: Hinchey Amendment to stop DEA raids on patients receives record number of votes in Congress
* *June 2006: Sues Butte County over cultivation ban
**May 2006: Los Angeles ASA helps to pass progressive medical cannabis ordinance in Los Angeles County
**May 2006: Sues city of Emeryville and wins; city pays patient $15,000 for destroyed medical cannabis
** Mar 2006: Congress calls on GAO to research DEA expenditures on medical marijuana
** Feb 2006: ASA granted cert by CA Supreme Court to argue medical marijuana employment case
** Jan 2006: Protests follow San Diego Lawsuit against the state
** Jan 2006: ASA organizes HopeNet support press conference
** Oct 2005: Nationwide protests against HHS for their delay on the DQA
**Aug 2005: ASA changes CHP policy
** July 2005: ASA organizes nationwide memorials in response to the suicide of Steve Mc Williams
**Jun 2005: ASA works with AG and others to clarify the impact of the Supreme Court ruling
** May 2005: CA Training tour prepares activists for Dispensary Regulations
** Apr 2005: ASA sues the City of Fresno
** Feb 2005: ASA files suit against CHP
** Dec 2004: ASA begins Motion for Return of Property Campaign by suing the City of Emeryville
** Oct 2004: ASA files the Data Quality Act Petition & Protests at HHS
** Aug 2004: Bryan Epis released from prison!
** May-Jun 2004: ASA trains over 600 CA Public Defenders on defending medical marijuana patients
** Mar 2004: ASA creates the "Raich" defense in federal cases
** Nov 2003: ASA protests Drug Czar tour in several cities
** Feb 2003: Evict the DEA actions
** Jan-Feb 2003: ASA completed a regional student training tour
** Jan-Apr 2003: ASA organizes the Juror's Revolt in Ed Rosenthal's case
** Jan 2003: Epis Billboard Campaign
** Oct-Nov 2002: ASA does a 26-city Know Your Rights training tour
** Oct 2002: ASA organizes a California stakeholder conference
**Sep 2002: ASA mobilizes over 1,000 activists to protest the 10 year sentence of Bryan Epis
** Jun 2002: 55 cities serve the DEA "Cease and Desist" orders
**Apr 2002: ASA launches with a 1200 sq. ft Banner Drop in San Francisco
If you would like to become a supporting member, please our website: Americans For Safe Access
Drew Carey: Reason TV- The medical marijuana episode
Video by: Law Enforcement Against Prohibition
About medical marijuana: Mr. Rosenfeld, a federal medical marijuana patient, testifies before the State of Michigan Committee on Government Operations on Tuesday November 28th, 2006.
A look at Sativex.
ASA’s trip to LA in October 2007 for the rally calling on Governor Schwarzenegger to Stand Up for Patients’ Rights was apparently well documented.
On Thursday, hundreds of patients and advocates rallied outside of Governor Schwarzenegger’s Los Angeles office:
Later that night, the DEA raided a medical marijuana dispensary in Los Angeles. ASA and LA activists jumped into motion and coordinated a protest outside of the dispensary:
During the weekend, Dean Becker interviewed Rebecca Saltzman for a documentary he’s working on, and she discussed the increase in raids and ASA’s response to DEA actions (the interview follows the one with Dr. Mitch Earlywine):
Read them.
Our Blog- Americans For Safe Access (ASA)
Medical Marijuana Discussion Boards- Americans For Safe Access (ASA)
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