Energy cannot be created or destroyed, only transferred from one form to another. There is no birth, no death; only Transformation. I am light. I am energy. I am eternal.
The world is as we dream it, as we create it to be. Awaken, Brighten, Enlighten. Be Change. Create Possibilities.
Tune In
Turn On
Come Out
& Take Over
For the past 5 years, I have actively sought change in the longest running 'war' in U.S. history, the drug war. The impact of the war on drugs has been devastating on people and communities across the nation and around the world. Drugs will never go away. They have been here since always. Most of the drugs illegal under U.S. law are those which are natural to this Earth, from the Mother herself...Plants and their derivitives. People have always consumed these teacher plants. Changing one's consciousness temporarily should never be a crime in and of itself. As a result of the drug war, we now have more prisoners than any other nation, nearly half of whom are convicted for nonviolent drug offenses. The madness has to end. There are many ways to actively seek change...
The November Coalition is a group who works end prison injustice in the war on drugs. Find them online at These people are some of my favorite activists working towards meaningful solutions for people. The prison system is modern day slavery supported by the institutionalized racism that permeates America. In the name of freedom...stand up, get active and create change.
Donate your time, or if all you have is money... Donate to November by clicking here!!The injustices of our system of criminality do nothing to address the socio-economic conditions that result in crime being an attractive or desperate, yet viable pursuit. The prison industrial complex continues to boom; the business of enslaving 2.1+ million Americans, most of which are prisoners of the drug war. With busting budgets across the country; education spending taking cut after cut, year after year; social services taking massive funding cuts; and the need to reserve our prisons for people we're afraid of instead of people we are mad at; we must reevaluate the war on drugs.
The 13th Amendment is all the evidence I need to see the Drug War is Slavery. The exception spells it all out...
"Section 1. Neither slavery nor involuntary servitude, except as a punishment for crime whereof the party shall have been duly convicted, shall exist within the United States, or any place subject to their jurisdiction.
Section 2. Congress shall have power to enforce this article by appropriate legislation."
All that was needed to reinstitute slavery was a law to create a crime for which to punish. In 1970, Nixon created the Controlled Substance Abuse Act, under which drugs get scheduled. To see the results of the enforcement of this law, look at the demographic breakdown of every prison across the nation.
Another great organization to get active with is Americans for Safe Access (ASA) . They are the largest grassroots organization working solely for medical marijuana. This group is bad ass. They have their own legal team that sued the California Highway Patrol and won! For patients who are sick, ranging from cancer, MS, AIDS and chronic pain, ASA has been instrumental in creating safe space for safe access in California, including standing up for the dispensing collectives that provide medicine to the seriously ill patients who are unable to grow for themselves.
While California State law permits cannabis use for medicinal reasons, federal law does not. The Controlled Substance Abuse Act placed cannabis in schedule 1 , meaning it's as dangerous as herion though cannabis is only as addicitive as caffiene. Free the most effective natural drug for most common illnesses and serious diseases! Support ASA's amazing, unique work! Join the fight or donate to them today!
Click here to Donate to ASA!! Click here to Donate to ASA!! Click here to Donate to ASA!!And yet another awesome organization is Students for Sensible Drug Policy, found online at . SSDP is a national student organization and the voice of the DARE generation. SSDP has also just launched a lawsuit with the ACLU against the Feds on behalf of thousands of students who are being denied financial aid over a drug conviction under the Higher Education Act Drug Provision. Get active on your campus or donate to support their work.Click here to Donate to SSDP!! Click here to Donate to SSDP!! Click here to Donate to SSDP!!Politicians follow the People; they are not leaders. They follow votes, and therefore voters. Every time a politician hears from a voter, they count that one voice as 35. With as little as they hear from people, they average each person who raises their voice to speak for 34 other people in the community. Sure the powers that be are powerful, but only because we, the people, let them. Speak Out, Stand Up & Be Counted! When the People acknowledge and take ownership of their Power, as leaders not followers, Change is inevitable.
Tune In
Turn On
Come Out
& Take Over