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About Me

yoga teacher, performing artist, beautifier, goddess, fire tender, healer, clown, genius, fool, lover, poet, dancer, singer, storyteller, witch, joyful servant, bike grrl, gypsy... harmonious singularity defying the conventions of dualism.::: we are drops, dreaming of ocean. we are stars, dreaming of sky, we are lovers, dreaming of beloved... let me dissolve into your uni-verse (there's really only one - song) ::: ::: ::: a light seed seeking just the right soil :::come, be my gardener, and i'll be your rain

My Interests

a new perspective on a very old world::: yoga, music, art, life as performance art, ritual, fire, theatre, street theatre, contact improv, dialogues (as in excellent conversation), magik, poetry, trees, the amazing human body, sistersong, the Green Man, gardening- organic, herbal, and social, expanding consciousness through many means, dance, drums, bikes, bikes as revolutionary urban redemption, releasing the illusion of ownership, love free of attachment, water of life, life, love, hugs, dark chocolate and love making, kissing in public, radical intimacy, the bliss of this perfect moment, the quantum field, deep drums, raw vegan food, conscious living, fulfilling potential.

I'd like to meet:

other spiritual beings enjoying this delicious human adventure.::: yogis, dancers, musicians, poets, performers, storytellers, healers, lovers, clowns, gypsies, warrior women, men who love Goddess, reclusive hermetic mystics, extroverted street prophets, wild people tamed just enough to have a conversation, shamans living in the world, heroes and sheroes in costume or not, seeds spreading their first sprouts to the light, ancient Redwood trees..... i love all of you.


it has to make me want to dance. feel through the music.:::first, the drums. then a voice in the wilderness. the flute, the violin. a bit of brass. the wild howl of a soul unfurled through the mouth. jazz, jazz, jazz, especially Coltrane or Davis, Ella or Billie. world beats, African or Indian. almost anything with a harp. later you can add some downtempo trip hop. really good psytrance. yay for Michael Franti and Ani Difranco. minimal techno is a new favorite. ambient fusion IDM even is cool, but give me your drum or guitar and my voice anyday. i do love to scat.


last one I saw was ' the fountain', before that 'an inconvenient truth' ...though 'the dark crystal' and 'labyrinth' are still pretty cool.


i gave mine away on the day i decided to create my worldview, not buy someone else's


Rumi. check out Rob Brezsny's Pronoia, or anything by Deepak Chopra, Starhawk, John Irving, Tom Robbins, or J.K. Rowling. Travis Culley's book about bike messengers. "Gossips, Gorgons, and Crones" by Jane Caputi. Books about yoga, Buddhism, and Goddess spirituality, mostly, but I do enjoy an occasional historical romance or sci-fi fantasy. and poetry - Whitman, Ginsburg and all the beats, Rumi... Thich Nhat Hahn's "Peace is Every Step" ; "The Path of Practice: a Woman's Book of Healing with Food, Breath, and Sound" by Bri. Maya Tiwari (Mother Maya), and the yoga sutras, and I'll probably re-read Harry Potter soon. Joseph Campbell's "Hero with a Thousand Faces" at the moment it's Iyengar's "Tree of Yoga"


all of you willing to live the deep truth. we all fear, the only difference between a hero and a coward is that the (s)hero does it anyway.

My Blog

water is healthy only when it flows

there is one moment we long foreverything falls into placewe seek the love that we already arewe seek the love we arelet me dissolveall this noise is silence in your embrace-:-:-:-:-make your words wo...
Posted by lightseed on Sat, 09 Feb 2008 08:59:00 PST

Do not lose heart, by Clarissa Pinkola Estés, Ph.D.

do not lose heartMis estimados:Do not lose heart. We were made for these times.I have heard from so many recently who are deeply and properly bewildered. They are concerned about the state of affairs ...
Posted by lightseed on Sat, 19 Jan 2008 05:35:00 PST

love let her

You are a poem a composition an exposition of the revelry a piece of the mystery, revealed in each flick of hair in each turn of phrase, a play of shadow and light. just as no sun can reach every le...
Posted by lightseed on Wed, 08 Aug 2007 11:08:00 PST

Goddess Temple at Burning Man

Gaia MAitreya Goddess Temple  Entheon Village theme camp at Burning Man Art Festival 2007  Throughout the history of humanity, the word for mother has had many forms. In our evolution into ...
Posted by lightseed on Thu, 03 May 2007 03:14:00 PST


the ground is white from snow or salt I cannot tell How we compensate for weather without considering the climate the sky shifts from one shade of grey to another - even the layers of glass cannot kee...
Posted by lightseed on Fri, 02 Feb 2007 02:52:00 PST

a brand new day

i was born yesterday 27 years ago and each year till now i've grown and changed lived and died dreamed and did and now i celebrate i ride the tide of love that is my family this family this tribe i am...
Posted by lightseed on Mon, 08 Jan 2007 03:31:00 PST


i see it past the glass the lampost, the wires and boxes, but before the backporch of some random house. Growing majestically from concrete and alley glass. still bits of green on her limbs, still bir...
Posted by lightseed on Tue, 26 Sep 2006 12:57:00 PST


the first geese fly. Harbingers of Autumn Sun setting in a long, soft sky. Gently the Summer leaves, one element at a time the first tears fall. Harbingers of ending Love ebbing on a long, soft goodb...
Posted by lightseed on Thu, 21 Sep 2006 07:45:00 PST