*elana profile picture


drinking sanity....

About Me

I'm made of fresh strawberries and bees love me because my head looks like a flower.

On Tribe:

Wanna learn how to bellydance? I teach a drills and technique class on Saturday mornings at Blue Cat Studio (3627 N. Bosworth Avenue, the door on the right). Get in touch for more info pleeeze!!.movement.

My Interests

letting life play me like a violin. belly dance, fire, music that makes me breathe heavy, rusty old metalic objects, going through extremes, warm honey, eloquence, hopeless romanticism, music that moves me to tears, relentless seduction, owls, positivity, burning man, taking over the world one audience member at a time, costuming, literature, REALLY listening, stargazing, water, poetry at 5am, climbing trees, learning, stretching, dancing, loving, burning, altering, screaming and writhing.

I'd like to meet:

a poet. a guitarist. an acrobat. an author of fairy tales. a person who means what he/she says. one who speaks from the heart and listens deeply. a fool. a genius. a child.

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= life... glitchy breaks (for freedom of movement), Spanish guitar (to feed the heart), gypsy jazz (roots music), paco... dear paco, Ojos De Brujo, the toids, Django Reinhart, beirut, old time jazz remixes, Hamsa Lila, boxcar saints, tipper, devotchka, andreas kapsalis trio, tricky, massive attack, Amon Tobin, Guillermo Portables, Cure, portishead, kan'al, johnny cash, lots of organic/electronic sounds... i lurve me sum deep, curvy bass at a low bpm that gets even the walls to sweat.what i really want to hear is flamenco/spanish guitar inspired breaks. if you have it, bring it. i will be forever greatful.AAAANNNNNNDDDDDDDDDDDD, I have a profile dedicated to my myspace musical talented squishy loves.


The Fountain!! The Saddest Music In The World, Latcho Drom, City of lost children, pi, anything by david lynch, delicatessen, intimacy, koyaanisqatsi, secratary, realm of the senses, waking life, nowhere, city of god, sex and lucia, tango, dangerous beauty, harold and maude, but i'm a cheerleader, the house of yes (parker posey rocks me senseless), casablanca, o brother where art thou, welcome to the dollhouse, happiness, bitter moon, broken blossoms, my cousin vinny, a bronx tale, queen of the damned (im partial to vampire flicks), i could go on...


none for me


The fifth sacred thing (itll change your life), sexing the cherry, too loud a solitude, written on the body, anything by tom robbins, lolita, the vampire chronicles (yeah, i know), count of monte cristo, camus, kafka, sartre, dostoevsky, tom wolfe, master and margarita, kurt vonnegut, blindness, poetry by octavio paz and rumi, the alchemist, milan kundera (the unbareable lightness of being), aldous huxley, when neitzche wept, cat's cradle, the dharma bums, george klima, memoirs of a geisha, herman hesse, c.s.lewis, the grimm brothers' fairy tales, ken keasy, erotic photography books... i read classics because they take me into another time. my ability to communicate with the world is ameliorated by literacy. i wouldnt be who i am today if my father hadn't read beowolf to me when i was four, giving me nightmares about a moster's head on a stake but at the same time, making me wildly curious about the power of words.


all who have the guts and the motivation to do what they love.
octavio paz

My Blog

1001 Books You Must Read Before You Die

http://www.listology.com/content_show.cfm/content_id.22845/B ooks   for all the nerds out there....    ...
Posted by *elana on Thu, 20 Sep 2007 10:53:00 PST

The background photo...

was created by these people: http://www.parkeharrison.com/ Their work is incredible.  Check it out if you have a moment. yEah.
Posted by *elana on Tue, 07 Aug 2007 11:31:00 PST

Words of Wisdom

If you want something to happen which has not happened before you must do something you have never done before. (from a horoscope....)
Posted by *elana on Fri, 18 May 2007 09:13:00 PST

Bella Fuegas

Finally finally finally. KC and I have been performing together for years and we've fianlly slapped a name onto the project and gave it life. To me, this represents a new committment to belly dance a...
Posted by *elana on Mon, 02 Apr 2007 02:49:00 PST

a conversation

do you ever catch yourself having a conversation with someone in your head? fantasizing about what you would say to someone given the chance? your perfect dialouge, no pretense, no consequence.... i f...
Posted by *elana on Wed, 22 Nov 2006 07:29:00 PST

Video: Me & KC doin our thang

.. width="425" height="350">..>...
Posted by *elana on Thu, 05 Oct 2006 07:24:00 PST

A poem

Octavio Paz MaithunaTranslated from the Spanish by Eliot Weinberger   My eyes discover younaked        &nbs p;and cover youwith a warm rainof glances  ...
Posted by *elana on Mon, 02 Oct 2006 01:51:00 PST

Putting things into perspective

This is really worth looking at... http://www-personal.umich.edu/%7Emejn/cartograms/ ...
Posted by *elana on Thu, 17 Aug 2006 07:45:00 PST


I am completely appalled!! Did anyone see that advertisement on their home page...   SHOOT THE TERRORIST... GET A FREE IPOD.   I can't believe the audacity of these advertisers. What the fuc...
Posted by *elana on Tue, 20 Dec 2005 09:11:00 PST