Lady Jack profile picture

Lady Jack

Choreography appearing in Rebound Dance Festival June 8-10!!

About Me

I dance, and I act, and I sing, and I write, and I talk, and I think until my brain hurts. I make it a habit to stay up slightly later than I intend to every single night of my life, and subsequently promise myself every morning I won't do that again. I have a BFA in Theatre, and moved to Chicago in the Fall of 2004, and after a one year stint in Ballroom and Latin instruction, I now be doin' shit a little more my style. Dancewise, I tend be most attracted to dance that uses a fusion of styles - Jazz, Lyrical, African, Hiphop, Modern, Ballet...I love to improvise movement, and my dancing and choreography is almost completely driven by music and my emotional reaction to that music. In the world of theatre I love contemporary pieces that explore the complexities of modern day life and relationships. Give me depth! Depth I say! Give me passion! I have beautiful, wonderful, lovely friendships in my life that I am grateful for. Currently I am in love with my hair, and embarrass myself by flipping it around in public, thus making the guy at Potbelly's laugh at me. I thought I was the proud creator of the word suckfest - used initially to describe the experience of jury duty. Example: "Jury duty was a suckfest." But apparently I was mistaken, and another individual has been using it far longer than I. Bullshit. I sing and model and play the flute and write and blah blah blah. I want constant constant intellectual stimulation, conversation, and artistic creation. Fuck the top friends idea on MySpace - nothing but trouble, and obviousness, and yet I can't seem to get away from it. Can't they just have a top friend list that you see but no one else sees or something? Do certain layouts do that? Whats going on? I'm great fun but I'm not 'laid-back', 'easy-going' or other frat-boy profile adjectives. And I take not taking myself seriously very seriously, whatever that means...I've been called charitably aloof, elegantly irreverent, deliciously exotic yet classic, and a 'passionista,' Go me! "Dancing is not rising to your feet painlessly like a speck of dust blown around in the wind…Dancing is when you rise above worlds tearing your heart into pieces and giving up your soul." - Jelaluddin Rumi"myspace layouts for Get this layout for your myspace page.

My Interests

Dancing, acting, singing, overanalyzing, overthinking, working out, reading, puttering around online, laughing really really hard and loudly, movies, human emotion, experience, communication, and sexuality, eating Indian food, eating out in general, drinking tea, , jewelry arranged by color family ie. reds and oranges together, frolicking, language, the idea of of traveling (since I can't actually)

I'd like to meet:

You, possibly. Dancers, actors, musicians, writers, photographers, models, theatre and dance companies to name a few - anybody that's an artist or lover of the arts.


Anything I can dance to, which is basically everything. Also anything that moves me emotionally (and I'll probably still be dancing...)


Lost in Translation, Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind, Harry Potter, LOTR, Jurassic Park, Drop Dead Gorgeous, Zoolander, Best in Show, Nightmare Before Christmas, Beauty and the Beast, Finding Nemo, About a Boy, Frida, Princess Bride, Whale Rider, The Matrix, Pride and Prejudice, X-men I & II, Batman, Batman Returns, Fight Club, Kill Bill 2, The Neverending Story, The Age of Innocence, The Portrait of a Lady, Kill Bill II, Little Miss Sunshine


Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Seinfeld, Simpsons, Family Guy, Lost


Blood Memory (Martha Graham bio,) Harry Potter, Lord of the Rings, Sphere, Pride and Prejudice, Jane Ayre, Sophie's World, The Dictionary of Failed Relationships, The Alchemist, The Master and Margarita, Illusion, Boyhood: Scenes from a Provincial Life, The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy


Dalai Lama, Martha Graham, Jim Henson, the cast of the Christopher Guest movies, Jon Stewart, Superman (he's so NICE!) Wolverine (he's so SIDEBURNY!) Batman (he's so BROODING!) anyone who has died happy

My Blog

"Renewal" ...come see my choreography...

You may have seen it. You may have never heard of it. Either way, I (Lindsey Marks) choreographed it, Eva Swan made with the writing, it's about finding your worth, and it's all making a reappearrance...
Posted by Lady Jack on Tue, 29 May 2007 03:33:00 PST

Atrophy through Overthinking

Her legs are tired.  Her arms are tired.  Her eyes are tired.  Her back hurts.  She's helping him move, but she herself is moving at half his speed, and can only carry half th...
Posted by Lady Jack on Sun, 27 May 2007 01:20:00 PST

Love and Ballpoint Pens

He told me a brief story, not even a story really, but a brief summary of his parent's relationship.  Summary?  It may have been a sentence.  I don't remember it exactly now, and I regr...
Posted by Lady Jack on Tue, 15 May 2007 12:19:00 PST

The Landlord

If you haven't seen this, and you quite possibly have, you absolutely must. Screamingly funny. Also a little disconcerting. The Landlord Add to My Profile | More Videos...
Posted by Lady Jack on Fri, 04 May 2007 01:06:00 PST

It's this weekend and it's free!!!

I will be performing with a dance company I am involved with  Adler Danztheatre  at the Hyde Park Art Center Extravaganza. Creative Move TOO! Hyde Park Art Center - 5020 S. Cornell Avenue Chicago,...
Posted by Lady Jack on Wed, 25 Apr 2007 11:42:00 PST

Plain, Poppy, or Sesame on the rocks, no salt.

She tosses and turns as her relentlessly restless brain will not shut off. Her eyes flutter open  she cringes as she thinks&'Fucking bagels!'   This is what happens when a person buys bagels fo...
Posted by Lady Jack on Wed, 25 Apr 2007 08:40:00 PST

May going out?

Well if you are, do it in support of me, my choreography, and the rest of the dancing in the Rebound Dance Festival this summer.  See, this is what I love about fundraisers at T's.  Alls you...
Posted by Lady Jack on Mon, 23 Apr 2007 10:17:00 PST

"You're always on my mind."

Said the attractive and sincere young man. Her better judgement said. "To be perfectly frank, I really think you're just going to have to make this decision yourself.  I've been weighing out...
Posted by Lady Jack on Mon, 16 Apr 2007 04:55:00 PST

Oh Archie&

You know what I'm talking about, right?  Archie Comics? Did you read them in your impressionable youth, when you knew nothing about sexual politics and true love and effective communication skill...
Posted by Lady Jack on Thu, 12 Apr 2007 01:12:00 PST


That's me! that's me!My current picture, which has swiftly become my favorite picture of all fucking time, is me in costume for the filming of the noir short:Seduction in C-Sharp  directed by Ann...
Posted by Lady Jack on Wed, 11 Apr 2007 08:26:00 PST