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"THE HUMANS ARE DEAD"VICTOR BORGE - amazing artist and comedian
Myspace Layouts - Myspace Editor - Image Hosting
Theatre, teaching, dancing, yoga, animals, children, books, epsom salt baths everyday, crossword puzzles, sitting by the lake and watching the boats real far away.
My grandma, the Dalai Lama, Pema Chodron,Frida Kahlo .....
Ms. Lauper.Ben FoldsGlen HansardSufjan Stevensas well as Jack Johnson, Radiohead, Bjork, John Mayer, Kate Nash, The Tossers, The Frames, David Berkeley, Ben Lee, Vienna Teng, and bunches more.
Once, Everything is Illuminated, Juno, Frida, Keeping the Faith, The Three Amigos, 50 First Dates, Spanglish, A Christmas Story, anything that has "Care-Bear Adventures" in the title and is from 1981, Chocolat, Grosse Pointe Blank, Pride and Prejudice (both versions), any movie that reminds me of people I love.
Top Chef, Project Runway, House, Dexter, Six Feet Under, Grey's Anatomy, Desperate Housewives, Oprah, Friends, Mad About You, and Sex in the City.
Currently reading: "Shadows of the Wind" by Carlos Ruiz Zafon. Just finished: "The Book of Getting Even" by Benjamin Taylor. All time favorites: Pillars of the Earth, by Ken Follett, and the Berenstein Bears. Wish I could find my: childhood copy of Winnie the Pooh, in which I colored Christopher Robin's eyes black with a ballpoint pen.
Those who are able to step beyond their egos and live their lives with a little bit of grace.