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Earlier page hacked and deleted - this one still under construction. Be sure to READ BLOGS - above!
CENTRAL VALLEY water "shortage" or water "re-routing?!?"
CITY USING "planted" witnesses to cover up
EVIDENCE behind Polzin murder covered up
Asthma, Heart Disease, Raw Sewage
CLICK ON LINK --- "Asthma, heart disease, raw sewage
Sewage Pollution - Asthma, heart, lungs, respiratory
CLICK ON LINK --- "Asthma and sewage pollution
Beneath the surface i.e., beneath roads, homes, lawns, sidewalks is evidence of a 45+/- yr operation entailing felony altering of the city's water system. It appears that our water source is being diverted, while the public is told of a "water shortage."
Friends, we are being told that Fresno, CA is undergoing a citywide "infrastructure upgrade." What we are not being told is the TRUTH, evidenced by what is taking place behind the heavy equipment, which blocks the view to all of the sewage discharges and haphazard patching and rebuilding of structures as additional sewer/water lines are being replaced down alleys and easements, without authorization, permits or inspections. This appears to follow 45+/- yrs of preparations for this "upgrade", which has not only significantly altered structures from one end of Fresno to the other, it has left our city setting on top of haphazardly clamped sewer and water lines. In some cases, sewer and water lines have been switched with corroded and leaking lines, which property owners are held liable to maintain.
There are 2 groups altering the city sewer/water lines:
Group A = Authorized
Group B = UNauthorized
When members of Group A conspire with Group B, not only does Group B appear totally legitimate, it leaves no one / no where to report this.
No one oversees the alterations taking place - when questioned, public information is REFUSED.
We all want to believe that we are entitled to be safe in our own homes as well as protect ourselves and family members from harm. Just as we want to rest comfortably, knowing that our homes are in the same condition they were when they were built. The time has come to learn the truth about that and much more.
There appears to be no control measures or accountability within Fresno, CA's Dept. of Public Works. They have proven that as long as major alterations are carried out using the city's heavy equipment, no one questions anything. Nor does anyone follow up or they would find that upon completion, it is not permits or inspections on record with the City of Fresno - it is altered plat and parcel maps, to make it appear that things were always this way. This explains why there are no older records of Fresno, CA.
This department has also proven to be ruthless as they conspire with a former City appraiser in destroying property, businesses and innocent lives while carrying out one of the most horrific operations in history. Altering the city's sewer and water lines entails destruction and haphazard patching/reconstruction to connecting properties. Hence, sewer and water lines are clamped together; property lines altered; structures no longer standing as they were when initially built. Unless done in-between sales or under the guise of renovations over the past 45+/- yrs, things get nasty in vacating property. Trail of ID theft, forged deeds (verified by a handwriting expert) of people who seem to have "vanished" illegal conversion of assets, suspected homicide.
The truth about Fresno's real estate is reflected below.
Altering sewer/water lines entails sewage back spills, but because this operation is being carried out illegally, there is no warning or chance to protect one's self. Instead, various residents are repeatedly exposed to toxic, infectious, disease-carrying raw sewage, then LIED to about the cause. Despite a trail of illness, lung/respiratory, infections, amputation, death, soil testing is REFUSED!
Various pathogens and bacteria from raw sewage are waterborne as well as airborne. That includes pathogens from MRSA. Yet instead of addressing this issue, the City of Fresno reacted to the increase of staph / CA-MRSA by increasing medical benefits for themselves, while slamming the door on the public. It is therefore more important than ever to be aware of the potential threat we are now all facing. The right to be safe in our own homes; the right to protect our family members, belongings and ourselves has been taken from us. Below are articles and information regarding staph / CA-MRSA in Fresno.
Staph Among Fresno Wrestling Teams Skin Diseases Plague Schools 02/24/08Fresno's St. Agnes Hospital Investigation Officials Probe Fresno Hospital Infections 11/10/07
Fresno: Staph Triples in 1 yr Staph Big Problem in Valley 11/08/07
Medical (Staph) Benefits for Fresno Firefighters Staph Reclassified as Job Related 09/26/07
Click on these links for more GRAPHIC pictures of necrotizing and soft-tissue infections:
"Most people really don’t want to see the graphic damage pathogens in sludge biosolids and what reclaimed water can do to the human body. But, with --- necrotizing infections soft tissue infections. Click on Various Links Below:
Truth Re: Sewage and Sludge Deadly Deceit
MRSA is Airborne The Skinny on Airborne MRSA 03/18/06
Causing Muscle Infection in Children Resistant Bacteria / Muscle Infection 10/15/06
Foot Amputation Impact Of MRSA Limb Preservation 07/07
MRSA in Pets Pets May Spread Infection To Owners 10/18/07
Disinfecting Not Enough Disinfecting Schools Won't Stop MRSA Epidemic 11/08/07
Homeland Security Live Alert
Our infrastructure has been turned over to outsiders. If this is an example of what is taking place nationwide it may explain the nationwide staph infections.
According to CA Dept. of Public Health, Fresno's drinking water is in compliance. And yet according to various online sources, EPA has repeatedly caught Fresno's Dept. of Public Works covering up the truth about dangerous levels of contaminants in our tap water. There is something else they are covering up - felony alterations to the city water/sewer system.
Fresno received a "6" with "6" being the worst score regarding our water quality and compliance.
Fresno received an "F" from the National Resources Defense Council for protection of our water source.
Fresno received a "D" for water quality and compliance and for right-to-know reports.
Our watersheds have been rated as among the dirtiest/worst in the NATION!
Fresno - the ONLY city to have received a failing grade!
Surely Mother Nature did not cause this. Our sewer and water infrastructures are being torn apart! Re-routing, cross-connecting, switching lines with corroded lines, and clamping; followed by unknown chemicals/pesticides - unauthorized, no permits or inspections. An operation that appears to have started 45+/- yrs ago.
With evidence of this spreading to other cities, I urge you to read the blogs and peruse the 80-100 pictures. In the meantime, you can help by clicking on the poster below, and adding your name to the petition requesting an official investigation.
Wilbert G. Swieso, a former appraiser for the City of Fresno. During the 25 yrs I knew this man, I heard hints about his 45+/- yr "project" that entailed breaking laws that no one else was "brave enough to break." He boasted about getting around water issues that prohibited development beyond Friant, where he owned property. In 2001 he gave me a tour of that property - said everyone would soon be surprised that he finally accomplished his goal. Development would soon commence. His associate, who owns a nearby resort was proudly boasting that he would soon have piped water throughout the camp grounds. (Something about the water line at the dam going to be raised.) As our farmers are left without water!?!
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