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I Am Returned

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In ancient times it was known of the existance of more planets than our scientist' and astronomers have known about. Archeologist have uncovered much from the Sumerian civilization of more than 6000 yrs. ago which told of all the known planets as well as some which we knew nothing about. It showed the positions and had discriptions both of which were very acurate. Evidence of more planets were verified with the discovery of Pluto in 1930. Still there was evidence that there were more to find. Research continued because of odd movements of some of the planets which indicated that there was something out there quite large that was effecting them. On Oct. 21st. 2003 photos were taken showing a tenth planet. It was not realized there was another planet until Jan. 2005 when the photos were reanalyzed. The planet was too far out to see it's movement originally. Once the existance of this planet was known a great deal of research was done. It has been studied on a continuing basis. Much of this research has been funded by NASA. The planet they discovered was known in ancient times as "Nibiru". There are many referances to it in past civilizations. Zecharia Sitchin has written much on these ancient civilizations and their knowledge. Although NASA has funded research of this planet and there are photos in existance of it and it has been tracked and it's orbit projected they still will not tell us about it and in some cases completely deny it.The orbit of this planet cuts through the orbit of our other planets bringing it close to our own Earth every 3600 yrs. The ancient name Nibiru has many stories about it and the problems it caused the last time it came close to the Earth. The Biblical floods of Noah, as well as the extinction of the dinosaur and the disappearance of Atlantis are all believed to be caused by the tenth planet Nibiru. Scientist tell us our own planet Earth has undergone severe physical changes, like polar shifts where the Earth's crust shifted and the magnetic poles changed. We know that Antarctica was once a tropical continent now covered in ice. These things were believed to all happen because of the passing of Nibiru. The governments of the world are aware of this planet and the coming events but have not warned us of it. They have tried to supress the information for years and in some cases actually deny it even exists. Every government of this Earth has begun preperations to save themselves from the destruction that will come with this planet. They have not warned us because they are afraid of mass panic. There is nothing anyone can do about this planet so they tell us nothing untill it is upon us. Visiable in our own skies they will no longer be able to deny it exists but still they will not try to help us. They will only save themselves to preserve their power and financial strength. Although this planet will not collide with Earth it will cause massive destruction. The current warming trends that governments call global warming is just the beginning of the effects it will have on us. There will be earthquakes, hurricanes, volcanos, tornados and tsunamis larger and far more destructive that ever before seen. They predict there will be another polar shift during which the crust of Earth will rotate as much as 90 degrees changing the equator and starting a new ice age as in the past. It is believed that at least 30 percent of the Earth's population will perish in the upheaval and an equal or greater number will perish from starvation and exposure to the elements afterwards. Your government is abandoning you! You will be left to fend for yourself, but they expect to return and again continue their reign over us. The American Government has already taken steps to protect themselves with massive underground bunkers and years worth of food reserves. There are those who will be in the space station they are now racing to finish to study the passing of this planet and the destruction left in it's wake. It's not too late for the citizens of Earth to protect themselves and to prepare for the pending events, but you must start soon. You will need large amounts of food and water as well as clothes and tools to make shelters with. Forget your homes. They will be destroyed. There will be no electricity, no cell phones, no internet. No fuel for cars. No place for airplanes to land or take off. No roads! The Earth as we know it now will no longer exist. It will survive but not as we know it now. Think of the lives and civilizations of ancient times. This is what we will inherit. Much of the Earth as we know it now will be flooded. There will be new land masses appearing and old ones disappearing. Millions will die. Millions will survive, but no one can predict who or where. Consider your needs carefully, you will only have what you can carry. You cannot pack your car or truck and take it with you. You will not be able to return to your home later. It will likely be gone with the entire city around it! Curse your government, demand their help! They can do much to store and save food and water that may be usable by all peoples later. If you think they will help after, consider the American Governments actions in New Orleans, the help they provide in tornados and earthquakes. The police and military come, not to feed and cloth you but to keep you restrained and remove the bodies left by the destruction. If the government has a plan to save themselves why won't they help you? Please watch the videos I have placed here. They are important evidence of what's to come. Will you believe? Will you be ready? Will you survive? God bless you my friends and good luck!

My Blog

Nazi America On the rise

We have all recently witnessed the end of the Bush administration and the beginning of the Obama-nation. Obama has been presented to us as the next messiah. They have done such a sales job with him th...
Posted by on Sat, 24 Jan 2009 07:36:00 GMT

Scientists Discover New Planet Orbiting Dangerously Close to Giant Star

A must read article which states a new planet orbiting a Dwarf Red Star within our own solar system. Notice it was seen from a Texas observatory in the constellation of Leo. This is NIBIRU the ancient...
Posted by on Thu, 20 Nov 2008 04:21:00 GMT

Basic preparations

I have had several people tell me that they are going to buy guns and protect their homes from the goverment when they come. My answer to them is simple "You will die the first day!" Why do I say that...
Posted by on Mon, 10 Nov 2008 17:35:00 GMT

The information presented here..

I have presented much information here on this site. It should be understood that I am not able to confirm all this information and it's truth or falsehood. It should also be understood that that info...
Posted by on Mon, 10 Nov 2008 17:04:00 GMT

Research, to this point...

I would like to report to you my friends, the discoveries I have made so far in my research. It is a sad situation we face with the coming of Planet x/Nibiru. To make matters worse, the governments of...
Posted by on Thu, 13 Dec 2007 05:53:00 GMT

Have you heard anything about this?

Have you heard the rumors around the net about the government building some camps that are reminiscent of the WWII Nazi concentration camps? Have you heard about all the executive orders that have bee...
Posted by on Wed, 05 Dec 2007 05:01:00 GMT

NASA Denies it exists, but funds more studies.

Here are two excerpts from a page of Q&A from NASA. They openly deny the existance of a tenth planet while an article included below shows they funded the research for more information. If it doe...
Posted by on Sat, 17 Nov 2007 09:52:00 GMT