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FASD motto - If you're pregnant, don't drink. If you drink, don't get pregnant.

About Me

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OUR 40TH ANNIVERSARY - JUNE 8TH! Married on 06 - 08 - 68The farm where I spent my childhood, my grandfather homesteaded, and now next to an 83 wind turbine power project!I was born in a small city in Saskatchewan, Canada, called Swift Current. I grew up on a farm about 5 miles from the nearest town, and attended a 2 room school, named "Iris" in the country surrounded by only farms! When I was in first grade, our school burned down in winter, so we had to wait the afternoon in the teacher's little house until the parents could see to pick us up. I believe we had a snow storm, because we were picked up with a team of horses and a sleigh that day. The sleigh tipped, because the horses were too frightened of the smoke and fire that remained. What a frightening day for a 6 year old! I graduated from Wymark High School where I attended only grades 11 and 12. All these years ( from about age 10, I practiced piano as my only outlet that I enjoyed, although we also attended a Youth Group in a church about 5-7 miles away). After High School graduation, I attended Bethany Bible College in Hepburn, Sask. where I earned a Bible and Music diploma after a 3 year course. I also received my Grade 10 certificate for piano, from the Royal Conservatory of Toronto school of music.

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After graduation, I went into voluntary service under the Mennonite Central Committee, as a psychiatric aide at Brooklane Psychiatric Center near Hagerstown, Md., U.S.A.! I had never been out of Saskatchewan before! There I met my husband, Ken, who was also serving as a psychiatric aide. Our common interest in music brought us together, as well as a common faith. After we were married in 1968, Ken decided he wanted to fulfill his goal to become a pastor (minister), so we moved to Elkhart, Indiana where Ken attended Mennonite Biblical Seminary, and I worked as a Psychiatric Occupational Therapist in Elkhart General Hospital. I also worked overtime at the Nursing home in Elkhart to make ends meet for seminary expenses as well as living expenses. We lived in London, Ontario for one of the 4 years, were Ken took Clinical Pastoral Education so he could also do chaplaincy work.
WwW.SparkleTags.ComAfter he graduated, we moved to Meno, Oklahoma were Ken had his first pastorate, and our first child, Jeremy, was born. We were there only a year, then moved to at United Methodist pastorate at Kanopolis/Carniero/Brookville, Kansas. Our second child, Kristel was born during the 3 years we were there - at Salina, Kansas. During these years I supplemented our income by teaching piano, and marketing Cameo Decorative Paints on a "party plan" system, which included teaching at each "party". I became manager and also had to instruct other instructors. The next pastorate was Haddam/Morrowville in northern Kansas. After 3 years we felt it was time to move to Canada so my parents could get to know their grandchildren, so we moved to Swift Current in 1980 for Ken to again try to minister in the Mennonite Church. After 3 years it was again not working out, so we moved to Herbert, Sk. where Ken worked as a Nursing Home Administrator but was burned out after a year from doing two jobs at once. I continued to teach music wherever we lived, and also became district manager for FHR Hobby Products, traveling to Regina or Saskatoon once a month to conduct meeting. I also traveled to Manitoba, since I was given that territory as well.
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We thought we'd take our lives into our own hands and opened a Music Store in Swift Current! I loved those years of teaching music and owning our own Music Store! However, it didn't support our large family well enough, since we adopted 2 FASD children and our third natural child, Heidi, was born in Swift Current.Ken went into the ministry in the United Church by accepting a call to Wilkie/Scott/Landis pastoral charge. After 3 years there, we moved to Eastend, Sask. where he is still serving the Pine Cree Pastoral Charge, this being the 13th year! Oh how nice it is to be settled for a change! I now have students leaving me, instead of me always having to leave them!I also have my grade 9 certificate in Pipe Organ from the Royal Conservatory of Music! I took my exams in Swift Current (Gr.7), in North Battleford (Gr.8), and Saskatoon (Gr.9). Ah, I love the sound of the pipe organ - the King of Instruments!

My Interests

I want to tell you about a new site I joined. It's called Yuwie and it's really great, because it pays you to do the same things you do on myspace! I set up a page for you to come and check it out. Please just give it a chance. I hope to see you there! Please come and join me on Yuwie!

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Get Your Comments Here!Scrapbooking,needlework and crafts,puzzles,flower gardening.I love nature. When I get to enjoy it, it gives me a great sense of serenity. I like the snow sparkling on a winter sunny day, the swirl of the snow in a blizzard from safe shelter, the hills around this "Valley of Hidden Secrets", the running water of the Frenchman River,flowers in summer,our big blue sky with beautiful big sunsets, the Aurora Borealis when we can catch them (very rarely). I also love to visit with my family by the fireplace on a chilly day. I have loved a lot of pets over the years. ..This is Victoria dancing "Arabian Maidens" with her dance teacher's daughter, at Aunt Heidi's wedding.

I'd like to meet:

Parents who have adult FASD children, or are raising FASD children. Celebrities I'd like to meet include The Amazing Kreskin, Oprah, Dr. Phil & Robin, Montel Williams, Sylvia Browne, Paul Schafer, Diane Bish, Susan Aglukark, Tina Keeper.


I like many kinds of music, from baroque to contemporary, although I don't like a lot of today's band music. I like the big band era though. I like to hear a great variety of musical instruments, but my favorite to play myself is the piano and pipe organ. I like the soft sounds of the harp, classical guitar, strings, etc.


The Sound of Music, Top Hat, Holiday Inn, Singing in the Rain, My Fair Lady, Hello Dolly, The Wizard of Oz, Oklahoma, The Illusionist. ..This is my grandson, Gabriel (age 4) performing his first magic trick in public, at his Aunt Heidi's wedding.


Canada AM,Corner Gas,So You Think You Can Dance, Dancing With The Stars, Regis and Kelly, Dr. Phil, and Montel Williams.


I have had very little time to read in my life. I seem to need uninterrupted quiet for me to concentrate, since I've had to be aware of my environment constantly while raising 6 children, fostering 3, and having 5 exchange students!


All children, teens and adults who have suffered abuse of any kind,T.C.Douglas, Martin Luther King. mspobj type="application/x-shockwave-flash"

My Blog

Living In Canadian Provinces - Top Reasons

..Living in Canadian Provinces.....Top Reasons TOP REASONS TO LIVE I...
Posted by Eleanor on Tue, 27 May 2008 02:17:00 PST

A Delightful Story

What a pleasant read, enjoy. "My Father Never Drove A Car" This is a wonderful piece by Michael Gartner, editor of newspapers large and small and president of NBC News. In 1997, he won the Pulitzer...
Posted by Eleanor on Mon, 05 May 2008 09:07:00 PST

Just a Mum?

JUST A MUM? A woman, renewing her driver's license , was asked by the woman recorder to state her occupat...
Posted by Eleanor on Wed, 30 Apr 2008 10:20:00 PST

Regina, Saskatchewan - The Most Dangerous City in Canada?

I found this article difficult to believe!   The most dangerous cities in Canada.By KEN MACQUEENThe worst and best of CanadaMore Links: Taking back the neighbourhood Crunching the crime numb...
Posted by Eleanor on Sun, 16 Mar 2008 07:03:00 PST

A Special e-mail form my grade one teacher - Mary

Installing LoveTech Support: Yes, how can I help you?Customer: Well , after much consideration, I've decided to install Love.Can you guide me through the process?Tech Support: Yes. I can help you. Are...
Posted by Eleanor on Mon, 14 Jan 2008 07:45:00 PST

Saskatchewan is now "The Place to Be" in Canada!

add to favorites Our population in Saskatchewan has topped 1 million for the first time since July 1, 2001! Statistics Canada's most recent quarterly population numbers show Saskatchewan's populat...
Posted by Eleanor on Fri, 04 Jan 2008 06:59:00 PST

Missoula Childrens Theater

Last week, 10 year old Vicki, participated in "Little Mermaid" with qualified direction from the Missoula Children's Theater from Missoula, Montana! In just one week, they put together a musical, usin...
Posted by Eleanor on Mon, 26 Nov 2007 12:47:00 PST

Musical puns

We Get Letters Evelyn McLachlan has a serious addiction to puns, but now it appears as if the disease is running rampant through her congregation. She writes, "I had made a request to Bob, the choir ...
Posted by Eleanor on Thu, 01 Nov 2007 08:28:00 PST

My Grandfather's Homestead

Today I visited my grandfather's homestead, the farm where I grew up, and a burial for one of my cousins.They were all one and the same place!My grandfather and 2 of his 3 wives were also buried in th...
Posted by Eleanor on Sun, 29 Jul 2007 08:01:00 PST

Rock and Roll Weekend

The weekend of July 24th was very interesting in Eastend especially, but also in Shaunavon! To begin with, Eastend had "Dino Days". and Shaunavon had "Boomtown Days". What added to the usual happy tim...
Posted by Eleanor on Fri, 27 Jul 2007 09:19:00 PST