The story of little Jordan Heikamp is a very sad one. Jordan was born premature(by c-section)on May 18, 1999 at Humber River Regional Hospital. He weighed only 4 pounds 6 ounces. His mother, Renee Heikamp was a 19 year old drop out. She lived for 4 years in Toronto shelters. When she got pregnant with Jordan, she was set up to live at Massey Centre. But Renee put herself into another shelter called Horizons for Youth. She had refused any prenatal care and only looked out for herself. After Jordan was born the nurses took notice that she never visited him in the nursery. Jordan gained weight in the hospital, he was there 11 days. It was decided that Renee was a High-Risk mother and it was now the duty of Catholic Childrens Aid Society(CCAS)to protect little Jordan. The assigned social worker was Angie Martin. Ms. Martin only saw little Jordan twice. Once when he left the hospital and once 2 weeks before his death. With Martin's approval Renee and Jordan were placed in Anduhyaun, a shelter for abused women. Martin never visited the shelter, instead she held the one visit in her office. She made a note that Jordan didn't seem to be gaining any weight, but she took no action. Jordan's case was 59 pages long and Martin only mentioned his name 5 times. Martin later said that she was over worked, but most of her 38 cases were either closed or inactive. Jordan's death (legally) falls into the hands of Renee, Angie Martin, and the CCAS. The 7 employees at the shelter said of the 25 days they lived there, Jordan was always wrapped up in a blanket and they trusted Renee when she told them that Jordan was gaining weight and getting regular check-ups. No doctor ever saw Jordan when he left the hospital. Little Jordan Heikamp died on June 23 of CHRONIC STARVATION. Experts said that Jordan was not fed at least 24 to 48 hours before he died. The autopsy report said that Jordan had no food or fluid in his stomach. Jordan's short life was spent wrapped in a blanket, in a cornor of a cold, dark woman's shelter. No one was there to hold him or sing to him or FEED him. He spent his last 25 days all alone and hungry. Jordan's full name was Jordan Austin Micheal Robert Scott Desmond Heikamp. He had more names then pounds. Sometimes the government fails and thats when we need to step in and take it into our own hands. I firmly believe in an "eye for an eye". These two women knew what they did was wrong and still have not paid for this in any way. Renee , during the trial of baby Jordan, gave birth to a baby girl. Thank God, she was taken away from her. If anyone finds them, i encourage you to beat the shit out of them and what ever else you want to do. I'll shake your hand!! Until then let's all remember little baby Jordan and thank you for helping his memory live on.
My story!!! (told by her mother melissa) MeKenna Sharee Brown was 21 1/2 months old. She was so smart! She was walking, talking, and just so full of life! I had just started going back to college after a four year break. I was 24. I had only been in school for about two weeks. On Wednesday September 13th, 2006, I had my first English quiz. My friend Steve didn't have class that morning, so he said he didn't mind watching MeKenna. I left early for school that day to study in the parking lot before class. I was bound and determined to get straight A's. I managed to get through the quiz (I found out later I got a perfect score 10/10!!!) On my way home from class later that day, I called home to check on MeKenna and talk to Steve. I had a 25 minute drive home, so i figured i could chat with steve a little bit to make the drive home seem faster. I had worked alot the weekend before and I was off that evening, so I was very excited to get to spend the whole day with my baby girl. When I called, Steve answered. I asked how MeKenna was, and he says " I don't know, I think something may be wrong?" He then told me she wasn't breathing right. I didn't quite know what he meant, because he seemed very calm. I called 911 since I was so far away from home. I arrived at the hospital the same time as the paramedics. I asked what was wrong with my baby. No one really had any answers. I did hear one man say "we don't know." It seemed like eternity, but I think it was about 45 minutes when a doctor came out of the room to tell me they suspected there might be head trauma, because her pupils weren't dilating. I wasn't quite sure what that meant, or if it meant it was severe, but I knew it wasn't good. The scans came back. The doctor asked me to come into another room. I didn't want to go, because I think I knew in my heart it was going to be bad. He asked me to have a seat. I felt like I was in one of those movies where they say " you might want to sit down for this " So at first I didn't want to sit, but I told myself, if it was bad news, I better be sitting because I might faint. I then heard the words "someone shook your daughter violently. If she survives, and that's "if" she survives, she will be severely disabled." I lost it. Her whole life flashed before my eyes, literally. I prayed she would get through it, that it wasn't as bad as they said it was. They life flighted her to a major hospital in Toledo, OH about an hour away from where I live. My daughter entered heaven the following night. She died at 10:31 pm on September 14th. The man who shook my daughter, whom I trusted, and who told me over and over he loved me, whom treated me like a queen, is now facing 15 years to life in prison. I miss MeKenna so much, she was my only child, my whole world. Never leave your child with someone u don't truly know and trust. It's now my purpose in life to try to put an end to child abuse, and my cause is making parents aware of the dangers of shaking a child, and that it can happen to any one. There really is no way to describe the pain and horror of losing a child. I can only say, it's sort of like how you would imagine it, except it's real, it's not just a bad thought. You have to wake up every single day, and getting hit with the reality of it all, that they aren't coming back. You also have to tell yourself every day that you will be with them someday. Shaking Shatters Lives! Never Shake a Baby!
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Taegen Elise Mckinney was born 11/11/05 at 3:07am to her proud parents Cody and Jewel Mckinney, and the proudest big brother, Conner. She weighed a whole 4.10 Lbs and was 18" long. Completely healthy just a tiny little thing.Her life was happy and she was loved by all. She knew she was the princess, and Conner made sure everyone knew it.On 04/14/07 Jewel left Taegen & Conner at a sitters house to go to work, not their normal sitter, cause she was busy. She would not be off till 11pm-12am. At 11:00 pm Jewel called and was told the baby's are sleeping pick them up in the morning. Well in the wee hours of the morning we would all recieve the calls that would change our lifes forever. Taegen is dead.I didnt get my call till 6:15am. I heard my cell phone ring and rolled back over, but it rand immediatly again so I jumped and ran to get it. I had 17 missed calls. Well you can only imagine, I knew something was wrong. I started to listen to all the voice mails when my phone rang again. It was Bill, Jewels step-dad...Jan let me talk to Gene, my husband. Well he hung up and said you better sit down. Then he told me.....I will never forget I rolled into a ball on the floor and cried for over an hour. My husband kept telling me get ahold of yourself or your not going to leave hear, you got to be strong for the kids....HOW?? Well I called my girlfriend Rachael at @ 7:30am and told her to come get me, Gene had to call family. She laughed at first and said its early Sunday morning how do you even know Im up. I told her Taegen is dead, and she just came. We drove into town to Jewels dads house where all the family was gathered. I was told they had my son and Jewel at the police station questioning them. So I drove down there. I am hugging them not knowing nothing, and reassuring them she was better off, she must have been sick, God took her to keep her from suffering. I thought at the time she had died in her sleep.Well we all went back to house, and Conner drove up in a car with grandpa, he had been in questioning. I went over to have a little talk, so hopefully he would understand what was going on. I told him, "Conner we need to talk." He looked at me like the biggest little man and said, "Grandma, my sister is gone, but she is a little green butterfly, flying all around." I looked up at Rachael standing behind Rachael and she was crying. I sit devistated, with no words, then it hit me. God showed Conner comfort by showing him Taegen as an angel and he saw a butterfly. I looked at him and said you know son, your right. Well he told me, I couldnt beat that. Well as the day went on we heard more and more, and our anger built. Jose had been arrested, it was no accident but he was released. She would be shipped to Albuquerque for an autopsy.It was the hardest week of my life. The medical examiner called and gave us a report, and all I can say due to the fact the autopsy still hasnt been released, is it was no accident. We bought her a pretty casket, had pretty green butterflies painted on it, had a cinderella dress made for her, and had a huge funeral. All while Jose walked free. Seeing her laying in that casket, picking her up and rocking with her, loving her, kissing her was not suppose to happen to one of my grandkids. Boy was I in for a rude awakening. Shock set in. I had 40+ family members here at my house for a week, some I hadden seen in 10+ years and I dont think we spoke 3 words. Cody and Jewel ask us to wear bright colors not black and boy was that hard. After her beautiful service we released hundreds of live butterflies outside the church. We gathered for dinner and all went on our seperate ways....I think it took us 2 weeks and Lynn and I were on a cruisade. Something has got to change. This has got to stop. Petition, My space, Cafe Moms, Memorial page. The rest is as you all know, been much success.Then there is Jose. Our first hearing, @50 people showed up at our tiny court house for Taegen, all wearing t-shirts with her pics, and holding her 8X10 pics. They took him his mom and dad in a holding room. Brought in 14 armed policeman to surround all us then brought him into the room......You could feel the hate and anger in the courtroom, but we were warned one word and they would close the court room. He said nothing, only the charges were read and we were released. 5 min. maybe. We havent seen him since. Time will tell Joses fate. Taegen's has already been set. What we do know and can say is she was dead @9:pm on 04/14/07. The call to 911 was not made till @2:50am 04/15/07. We know they cleaned her up from vomit and blood and put her to bed, and left her to die. Oh from an accidental stepping on.!!!!Only God knows, and Taegen, Jose and the Babysitter, and for our sake.......the Medical Examiner. As for our judical system......the victims have no rights. Shes gone. He's free. Wait for court dates, but lets not get in any fuc&&ng hurry, he might have to go to jail, and that may not be safe for him. Who cares. Taegen was safe. I could go on and on.....but till the judge rules, nothing else matters in this case.......thats where Taegens Law comes in. There will never ever be the waiting in the fate of a child killer, the sentence will be known...... Wish you were covered under this law Jose.....I would sit front and center when you fried.Update: jose aka baby killer sentence to 30 years to life in prison and right before her 2nd birthday
Karlie Ava McMahon is a most precious little 14 month old baby girl. When she was 11 months old she was diagnosed with Brain Cancer (Ependymoma). Karlie has had 2 brain surgeries and has went through chemotherapy. Doctors say her tumor was huge. They now think the tumor is gone, maybe little pieces here and there but mostly gone. Now there is just one problem ~ Karlie's Momma asked the doctors why her daughter needed radiation if the tumor was gone and he responded "Because she will die." The radiation she need has lots of risks and side effects. But its better than not doing anything. This is the problem. The special type of radiation is only in a few states. Karlie's family are either going to Houston, TX or Boston, MA. They are still trying to find out which is best. Karlie and her family need your help. First, they need your prayers. God listens. Also, they are asking for any donations possible. According to the doctor its going to be at least $100,000. They will have to live in the state where Karlie receives her radiation treatments, for about 2 months. Please if you can help. Every little bit helps! To make donations, please go to: www.myspace.com/curekarlie There, you will find a donation button for PayPal. ALSO~they are selling brain cancer awareness bracelets. There is also a PO Box on the page. Please send Donations to:
Kelly McMahon
c/o Cure Karlie Foundation
P.O. Box 5182
Baltimore, MD 21224
Thank you!
She is just 3 years old and has been through more than most adults go through. Her name is BreAnna and she is a victim of Shaken Baby Syndrome with a hard blow to head. The doctors said that her injuries were more suvere than being in a car accident and the worst case they have ever had. That they get 6 to 7 cases a year of babies just being shakin. She was 16 months old when she suffered her injuries on March 22, 2006. She spent almost entire year of 2006 in the hospital and rehab. BreAnna was released on October 22, 2006 just four days before her 2 birthday. When BreAnna was hurt she was away at her father's house, in his care. Knowing something was wrong with her he tied to cover it up and wait and see if she would be ok. After splashing cold water on her trying to wake her up he finally called his girlfriend to come home cause their was something wrong with BreAnna. She came home and found bre laying on the ground not gasping for air and having violent seizures, she did call 911. She was then rushed to the hospital then shipped to St. Louis MO at the Children's hospital. where her mother could not touch her or talk to her cause she could not have stimulance so her brain would not swell anymore. The doctors told her mother she would be a vegitable and for 3 days they asked her to take her off life support. I could not do that. She remained in the Children's hospital for two months. Then they sent her to this rehab called Raken Jordan for another five months. BreAnna suffered alot of injuries causing her to loose the left side of her brain. She has a shunt, a bone flap removal and several more surgeries. "The child Protection doctors said it was the worst case they have ever seen still to this date and did not make sense if he did not do it why did he try to cover it all up and wait so long to get her help". When we went to court on Feb 8, 2008 he said he was surprised that she has made it this far. She got her trach out in July 2007 and has made it through many surgeries. We have several more surgeries to go through. Bre has made it further than the Dr's believed she would ever and they are still amazed with her and so am I and everyone who sees her. When you look at her she seems like she is perfect, like nothing is wrong but she knows it is when she trys to talk and can not get sounds out or when she sees her big brother playing and can not get up to chase him around. Every time I look at her I know she is a miracle, thank you God for your answered prayers. I believe slowly but surely she will regain more and more back.March 22 will be the two year mark from her injury and her perpertrator was finally arressted in September. YES..he has been released on bond. We are waiting for trial to start, I am sure it will be 6 months to a year before we start it. I know the law takes a long time to do what they need to do but come on two years. When my daughter got hurt not a thing was on the news, papers..nothing. I had to call the Attorney General all the time to get them on the case.
more of the story in my blogs
Madilynekilled by a day care worker