My love, Thelma Lou, (and Juanita, but dont tell), spending time at the diner (wink wink) singing in the choir beautifully, protecting the good people of the town, guns especially my Colt .38 caliber, marbles, jax, dirt, ummm im kinda bored so im gonna move on.
Ed Sullivan, A better policeman than me...OOPS, he dosnt exist. I dont think there is anyone I'd like to meet other than that becuase they all want to meet i dont know about anything outside this silly little town. I got somethin for the milkman too yessiree, that'll be the last time you jip me sonny. Words to live by: Inkem binkem notamus rex, protect us all from the man with the hex. Gomer once you read this come over, I got a plan for that little squirrel issue.
The Darlings, Anything by me, water drippin through my ceiling and hittin the wood floor, and the sound of a bullet out of this here gun, music to my ears. Also any of the Mayberry Penal Code put to music, Lester Flatt, Charlie Daniel's Band and Earl Scuggs.
Whats a movie? Oh heck, ill just say Blazing Saddles, it will come out eventually.
Broken, dont ask. (Lets just say I have one less bullet in my pocket) Ill pay you back Aunt B, scouts honor.
Mayberry Penal Code Volumes 1-3.5, King James Bible, Treatise Upon Civil Government by Locke, anything by Socrates, stamps, the words on my nametag, The Magna Carta, Ecclesia Dei Adflicta by the Pope, other than that I aint to much of a reader.
Andy3, Walter Mitty, Ed Sullivan, Dick Tracy, the Good Lord above, Ma and Paw, Mel Brooks (Floyd the Barber God rest his soul)