Omar Negron profile picture

Omar Negron

I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

What Did We Stay Up Till 7AM To Finish?

The Answer Will BLOW Your Mind...

Who am I?

Hey, Omar here! Thanks for stopping by my page. I am a 21-year old entrepreneur with big goals and ambitions. As you can see from my pics I have a girlfriend who I love and adore. She is my everything!
I am into your normal things, like I said I'm your typical college student, only difference is I have BIG BIG Goals. LOL. I am looking to network with different people here and I'm sure I am going to find cool personalities here. I am looking forward to it!
My Whole Retire After College Idea!
People call me crazy for it but that makes it even better! It was something that I thought up on day and it hit me "It would be cool to Retire After College". That's where the dream was born!
While going to college, I keep on seeing my friends working night shifts at work, and coming to school exhausted. I am sure you can relate. Seeing someone you care about so much be so tired from a job that they absolutely hate.
Contact Me
Yahoo IM : RetireAfterCollege
Skype IM: RetireAfterCollege
Who I Would Like To Meet
Wow, a lot of people! All those personal development people like Jim Rohn, Zig Ziglar, Anthony Robbins, and much much more.
I can't leave out the sports and other stars though. I would love to meet Derek Jeter! He is my favorite sports stars in the world! He is awesome. Also, meeting eminem would be cool, what he says in music is so true.
Family, My Girlfriend, Friends, Baseball, Video Games, Home Business, Helping others succeed
My Myspace BLOG
Don't forget to subscribe to my MySpace blog! I update with a lot of juicy information that I am sure you can use.
Everything! Well I listen to a lot of RAP, but other types of music are cool too.
8 Mile, SuperBad, Forest Gump, Half Baked, The Pursuit Of Happyness and much much more. Too many to list!
Fresh Prince Of Bel-Air
Think and Grow Rich, Awaken The Giant Within, Street Smart Network Marketing, The Slight Edge, The Secret, many many many more!
My Father, Mother, Brother, Sister, Aunt, Grandmother, and Girlfriend. Without them, I would be nothing!

My Blog

Business Integrity V.S Guru Integrity ? Which Do YOU Believe In?

Hey everyone, we haven't made a video in a while! It seemslike so long ago that we actually pulled out the camera to shoot aquick vid. the point of this video was for onething......
Posted by on Thu, 12 Mar 2009 19:45:00 GMT

The Secret Formula....

This blog is going to be short and sweet. ;-)Here's the formula you should follow for marketingANYTHING online.Traffic + Lead Expresses Interest + You SendInfo + Relationship Builder = Then YouRecruit...
Posted by on Tue, 24 Feb 2009 19:58:00 GMT

Robert Kiyosaki - The Hidden Seminar

Let me tell you....this seminar was awesome.Everythingmay not have applied to us, but the underlining meaning is what counts.He talked about why people tend to continue to fail do to poor mindsetand l...
Posted by on Fri, 30 Jan 2009 17:43:00 GMT

Article Marketing Made Easy - My 3 Minute Article *Revealed*

Sup. I made this quick video to show exactly how I go about my article marketing.It's not that hard....and brings leads in everyday. My question is...why aren't you using it?If I can write an article ...
Posted by on Tue, 06 Jan 2009 21:31:00 GMT

Article Marketing Strategy - Get Free Traffic To Your Website

This a cool article marketing strategy that you can use to bring daily free traffic your website.I remember I was shown article marketing a while back...and I didn't pay it attention. That was a stupi...
Posted by on Mon, 05 Jan 2009 23:25:00 GMT

How To Twitter - How To Use Twitter For Business

Hey everyone. What can I say....Twitter is blowing up. Are you part of it? It's funny because you don't really have to learn how to twitter. There is no skills, just let people know what you are doing...
Posted by on Sun, 04 Jan 2009 23:13:00 GMT

So What’s Your New Years Resolution?

Hey everyone! New Years is right around the corner and I am excited about it. Why?Simply, because I am looking forward to 2009 and the opportunities the future holds. This has been a crazy year and th...
Posted by on Wed, 31 Dec 2008 17:20:00 GMT

Post Christmas Day Update! *Special Gifts Inside*

Leave some comments below and let me know some stuff you were able to pick up for x mas!
Posted by on Sun, 28 Dec 2008 21:04:00 GMT

Control Frank Kern...InfoMillionaire Is Going..Going..Gone.

Hey all. Yep, if you haven't heard yet, Frank Kern the creator of Mass Control came out with InfoMillonaire.Ok..there's alot of stuff that comes out on the internetthat's trash. I have seen and read a...
Posted by on Thu, 18 Dec 2008 23:20:00 GMT

Retire After College? What The Heck Does It Mean?

Posted by on Wed, 12 Nov 2008 23:07:00 GMT