books2Arts profile picture


i would rather do something creative,than watch tv.

About Me

Welcome one and all! Slaine is continuing her mission to heal self and others by planting and weeding her thoughts about being female, a daughter, mother, sister, aunty and mentor.'Our community is in pain right now.' She is trying to do her part by, broadcasting a LIVE weekly radio internet information show, every Tuesday between 6-8pm on do we look for with live guest on the show? Any one, doing something positive, within them self or their community. REMEMBER your journey, story will heal and inspire others to effect change in their live.IF YOU WOULD LIKE TO BE INTERVIEWED OR PROFILED, JUST MAKE CONTACT. check for more details about the show content and contact details.We can create a ring of love around the world By our thoughts & deeds. LOVE, can heal our self and others. LOVING one-self is the 1st step. LOVE the skin you are in. LOVING thoughts and deeds, will lead us all to a loving place. A willing cause and then The effect will be the natural out come.What inspirers Slaine. Her Grandmother she never met, who had 13 children. Who specks to Slaine in her dreams. All the sheros and heroes that walked before her, so that we all could have a shorter journey. Finally Slaine says, 'Me Myself and I.'Her versatile array of life experience has spanned 20 years. Before, as she puts it, Lived and had other life experiences. She has freelanced for Cultural Partnerships, GLR, BBC2-womens hours, World Service-Mag-a-Mix, FLR-(first love radio). Now that she had decided to 're-wine and come again'. She has been getting her groove back, working on 3 programmes on called, Arise with Slaine, Mid Week Pass Thro and rotation show called Sex, Life, Rice n Peas, for the last 12 months.In July 07, Slaine started her new information show called The Inflomation Show with Sly n Legs and her rotation show, Late Night Pass Thro. Information is her thing, so she combines information, with humour and music. In essence Slaine makes programmes she is passionate about. Keeping the oral tradition alive, from her birth place in the UK, via her Caribbean roots. Right back to the source, MOTHER AFRICA.The African journey is a long one. We have a vast history, with many stories to tell. KNOW YOUR HISTORY AND FIND YOUR OWN TRUTH. Black has many colours in it. Be not defined by his-stories, make your own. Copies of the shows will soon be avaible to down load.Other Interest. Event manager, public speaking, writer. Also check out my other business called PALS UK international, which stands for pampering and life style development programme. is still under construction but you can look at [email protected]. .as u can c, this page is works in progress. MyGen Profile Generator
FM Radio Ends In 2012-u ready?! Sista Talk Tues. 6-8pm GMTJoin Sly and Legs for the In-Flo-Mation show every Tuesday 18:00-20:00 GMT NEW YORK, USA/JAMAICA, WI (EST) Log on from 13:00 LOS ANGELES, USA (PST) Log on from 10:00 FRANKFURT, GERMANY Log on from 19:00 TOKYO, JAPAN Log on from 3:00 SYDNEY, AUSTRALIA Log on from 5:00 Other non-UK listeners see and convert your Time Zone to GMTNo-holds barred chat about the things that are happening now! “The show is very in-yer-face, we talk about everything!” Mothers, educators and entertainers-you need to hear this sister act tell it like it is! Live every Tuesday 18:00-20:00 GMT only on www.playvybz.comGot something to say? Chat to Sly and Legs Live; Click on Live Chatz from the Playvybz Homepage Call: +44(0)207 738 4326 Text: 07934 540 302HOW TO LISTEN: Click .. Here for Stand Alone Player' underneath the picture of the player from the HomepageCLICK BELOW & GO TO THE SITE NOW: ..www.playvybz.comCatch The Next Wave Of Internet Radio

My Interests

feeding my mind and soul.

I'd like to meet:

any one that would like to met me. but mostly, sisters,mothers,dauthers from around the world.


see mu music page. [email protected] PLEASE DO NOT LEAVE MESSAGES THERE CAUSE I HAVE BEEN HACKOUT SINCE AUG 07MAMA AFRICA - AKON.. .. .. .. .. ....


any thing and every thing. but i make a point of mainly seeing black lead films and rolls. films with strong female actors.


love hate relationship.


i will read every thing that is sent to me. if u would like a quicker responce. then i will have to pass it on to my book club team.


any one doing some thing creative ,possitive and or constructive.

My Blog

Zhana will be a guest on the show tonight

on the inflomation show tonight Live guest. Zhana between 6-8pm gmt.   Zhana in the UK breeds success. She writes about it and she provides services that help other people achieve it.Today the au...
Posted by books2Arts on Tue, 20 May 2008 04:18:00 PST

be real or be silent

be real or be silent Current mood: adventurous Category: Life I took this out of a sentance an another site page. Wht is it so head to keep it real and or be silent.  Are we just to buzzy with...
Posted by books2Arts on Thu, 24 Apr 2008 11:53:00 PST

the inflomation show with sly nn legs

..TR> joe seeHip Hop / Hip Hop / Rap ..TR> " RAGTIME MUSIC " london, London and South East United Kingdom Profile Views:  3397 ..TABLE>..TABLE>look out for this live interview tonight bet...
Posted by books2Arts on Tue, 15 Apr 2008 07:21:00 PST

Looking for more spoken word to be mp3 to me

please send me radio friendly versions. NO material with bitch, nigga or curse words can  played on this show. like the station? don’t go keeping it to yourself. spread the word to yo...
Posted by books2Arts on Wed, 09 Apr 2008 11:48:00 PST

question of the week next week. 9 things people many not know about you

Posted by books2Arts on Wed, 24 Oct 2007 03:41:00 PST

books2arts event on the 25th of nov07

Posted by books2Arts on Thu, 18 Oct 2007 08:00:00 PST

we need your comment for this question on child birth

what has your experiance been when given birth. home verse hospital birth. we will use all responces for a radio show coming up soon. father where you included in the process. did you support your par...
Posted by books2Arts on Thu, 18 Oct 2007 05:52:00 PST

black beauty

Posted by books2Arts on Fri, 14 Sep 2007 11:01:00 PST

what does the word forgiveness mean to you

forgiveness what does that word mean to you to meforgiveness allowed me to break free, heal and move one. again it took an older sister who happens to be in the church to tell me this. but this time i...
Posted by books2Arts on Thu, 09 Aug 2007 09:58:00 PST