bettie page, vampira, horror, occult, art, literature, film, photography, philosophy, gothic, punk, industrial, fetish, pin-up, spidergoats, robots, mythology, pirates, zombies, tattoos, tiki, bela lugosi, vincent price, burlesque
interesting, creative, unpretentious laid-back people
weird spooky girls and hot pirate wenches!
please send a message along with an add request.
i don't want to add your band, you suck.
cabaret voltaire, skinny puppy, motorhead, ministry, the cramps, samhain, the damned, danzig, siouxsie, david bowie, the sisters of mercy, wumpscut, alien sex fiend, thrill kill kult, the creatures, autechre, dead can dance, black flag, delerium, the misfits, sigue sigue sputnik, billy idol, electric hellfire club, meg lee chin, the damage manual, bauhaus, the dwarves, h3llb3nt, joy division, ac/dc, chris & cosey, 45 grave, add n to (x), christian death
clockwork orange, less than zero, blue velvet, apocalypse now, caligula, snatch, blow, jawbreaker, king of new york, pulp fiction, the big lebowski, boondock saints, blade runner, wild zero, gangster no. 1, heathers, taxi driver, the road warrior, mad max, mean girls, reservoir dogs, prey for rock & roll, old school horror movies
invader zim, the wild wild west, CHiPs, the A-team, batman, batman the animated series, miami vice, hawaii five-o, twin peaks, space ghost coast to coast, the surreal life, 24, firefly, aqua teen hunger force, BSG, MXC dog the bounty hunter, the shield, nip/tuck, weeds
robert anton wilson, william gibson, kurt vonnegut, jerzy kosinski, e.a. poe, phillip k. dick, anais nin, h.p. lovecraft, neil gaiman
george washington, emperor norton I, adam weishaupt, elvis, baron von munchhausen, robert anton wilson