jodi profile picture


I'm the devil, i love METAL!

About Me

i wake up every morning with a different song in my head, usually a very strange one. i am constantly disgusted with humanity, but somehow i love people. i talk to everyone, so next time i see you i probably won't remember where i know you from. i strongly believe that all living creatures deserve to be treated with kindness, compassion, and respect. i have a hard time relaxing cause i always feel like i should be doing something productive... but i really just wanna sit on the couch and eat soy ice cream. i am mommy to the 2 coolest cats in the world. i have the greatest friends who never let me down. when nothing else can make me smile, music always does. i am level headed, logical, and can always see both sides of the coin. and occasionally i am crazy and over-emotional, though the only one that gets to see that is the one wonderful guy who loves most me for all these things... i am a lucky girl.

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My Interests

singer for STRIGA (very varied, but all sprout from metal roots), singing, touring, great friends, road trips, animal rights, unconventional religion, alternative medicine, bdsm, home grown veggies, things that are fuzzy, platform shoes... and beer! P.A.W.S. volunteers rock

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I'd like to meet:

metal chix . people who aren't full of shit . people who speak their mind and do what they feel . vegans . like minded folk . angelina jolie - preferably sweaty and braless


THRASH, life of agony, judas priest, mastadon, priestess, fight, entombed, motorhead, w.a.s.p, lamb of god, dysrythmia, dead milkmen, slayer, gwar, dave brockie experience, shadows fall, god forbid, hatebreed, stinking lizaveta, motley crue, iron maiden, bloodsimple, suicidal tendencies, genitorturers, the cult, the cure, nashville pussy, concrete blond, ministry, obituary, anthrax, pro-pain, h.i.m, chimaira, behemoth, danko jones, junkyard, testament, 4 non blonds, exudus, white zombie, candy striper death orgy, strapping young lad, linda perry, machine head, skinless, nine inch nails, inflames, lick golden sky, beck, biohazard, ministry, skid row, meshuggah, sepultura, fear factory, grave, m.o.d, forced entry, wrathchild america...


team america!!! true romance, supersize me, ferris bueller's day off, natural born killers, night patrol, goofellas, return to paradise, derailed, the dark crystal, pulp fiction, breakfast club, dogtown and z-boys, iron monkey, seven, the shining


is the devil


a million little pieces by james frey, thirst, wither, the wasp factory, waiting, the twelve, the witching hour, penthouse unsensored


THE GENIOUS WHO INVENTED BEER, adam boxleitner, ruyter suys, linda perry, gen (of the genitorturers), that chick mechanic from knighterider, wonderwoman, laura croft

My Blog

car vs bike take 2

my plan yesterday was to leave work, bike over to the electric factory to see my friend biffen, head over to a flash gallery installation to see josh's work, then meet the tuester at the troc for high...
Posted by jodi on Sat, 26 Apr 2008 05:46:00 PST

art vs. design

i spend my days doing graphic design, but, recently, as i do often, i find myself feeling like i should be creating art outside of work. i used to paint, and still do occasionally, but its been years...
Posted by jodi on Fri, 18 Apr 2008 02:15:00 PST

recommended by me!

last thursday i went to see gene baur speak. he is co-founder of the awesome organization, farm sanctuary. he has written a book, titled "farm sanctuary, changing hearts and minds about animals and ...
Posted by jodi on Wed, 09 Apr 2008 07:17:00 PST

where im at

Posted by jodi on Wed, 19 Dec 2007 11:48:00 PST

have a heart

contemplating this decision has been hell. i can't express how much i want to keep her, she is awesome, i love her so much. but i would never forgive myself if oscar or dorito got sick. now im look...
Posted by jodi on Thu, 06 Sep 2007 06:45:00 PST

feline lukemia advise please!!

this is long - but if ur in the know - or know someone who is, please have a read...11 days ago i took in a 4 month old kitten from a feral colony. when i got her she had extremely crusty eyes and nos...
Posted by jodi on Thu, 30 Aug 2007 05:00:00 PST

there a new baby in the house!

went up to jess' place in the poconos last weekend for the annual bash. his there is always a colony of feral cats hanging out up there that breaks my heart. this time i met one i just couldnt resis...
Posted by jodi on Tue, 21 Aug 2007 12:25:00 PST

proud auntie

i wont post any pics till they do cause i dont wanna steal any thunder, but i went to the hospital yesterday to see susanna and jed, and meet little eddie, and man is he awesome! soooooo cute :) they...
Posted by jodi on Thu, 31 May 2007 06:35:00 PST

overdue cuteness

its been a while since i treated you all with shots of the cuties i get to hang out with. here's a couple from a recent petsmart night...tiger - fat cats need love too!my buddy joshmarmelade perks up...
Posted by jodi on Thu, 24 May 2007 09:29:00 PST

Adoption Day this Saturday!

if you know anyone looking to add a fuzzy loved one to their home - send em on down this saturday!...
Posted by jodi on Wed, 16 May 2007 11:13:00 PST