Hi, I'm Alexx, a rock guitar player from Venice, Italy!
I play in a rock'n'roll band called WONDER. (www.myspace.com/wond3r)
If you like rock and metal music, you're not an EMO, you play any instrument,well...you're my friend!!
Guitar playin' Music Mountain trekking Good food Alcholics Computers Partyin' with friends
Musicians, rockers, boys, girls, animals etc...
NO EMO!!!!
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Lotta stuff that I'm goin to put here in a second time...
Novecento,Once upon a time in America, Cannibal holocaust, Suspiria, Deep red, Paura nella città dei morti viventi, Wayne's world 1&2, Rockstar, Shaun of the dead and others
Dragonball Z Candid camera Rassegna Stampa Il commissario Rex Distretto di Polizia RIS etc..
Jesus Me My sweet girlfriend Jimi Hendrix Brian May Dolomieu Randy Rhoads Fraddy Mercury etc...