Enjoy your stay in here.
I'm just a dreamer, and I dream my life away... I really believe Ozzy thinks about me while singin' this song :P what else ro say?... hopeless romantic and passionate (a really warm-blooded one!), overachieved, curious, complicate, stubborn, exhibitionist and sometimes psychopathic... please don't get my hackles up!
Aesthete, great taste for beauty in everything around me...
Love autumn, gothic and decadent landscapes, the sky in the sunset, the sea in winter, love old-school, hyper-realistic and biomechanics tattoos, piercing and every kind of body-modification - but not for me :P) Don't you think air has a wonderful smell after a shower? And cats are the most beautiful pet of the world, even if my favourite is always my lovely bro ahah :*** nightime is the best for me 'cause it can be so mysterious, quiet and inspiring, but I love sunny days as well...
Have an incurable weakness for long-haired men, often chasin' after rock musicians LOL (I've always been in pain whith the one I called Frontman Syndrome, because for years I had lovin' eyes only for singers but past time I realized that guitar and bass players are not so bad, and they're every bit as good as a singer), love reading, 'cause books are really the food of mind, can't live without makeup and concerts.
Addicted to cigarettes and chewing-gum, used to talkin' bullshit, missing buses and trains, sticking my fingers together with superglue, reading horoscopes, leavin' hotels rooms very very late and to the web.
I love black clothing, I'm a bleach blonde haired babe, I like pink details, emo-nerd striped shirts and blue jeans, leopard G-strings, I live for my snake-skin cowboy boots, leather, lace, fashionable handbags and high heels.
Don't label me, you can't.
I think I'm a curious meltin' pot.
Do you like what you see?
I love art in its every kind, from academic paintings to photography to modern art... for example, I love some painters from the nineteenth century and I love abstract paintings, conceptual artists and body-art performers at the same way.
I'm a drawer, a painter, a comic strip artist, an engraver, a photographer, a writer, a digital illustrator and also a graphic designer.
C.D.Friedrich, William Turner, Francisco Goya, William Blake, Vincent Van Gogh, Pablo Picasso, Amedeo Modigliani, Vasilij Kandinskij, Edward Munch, Jackson Pollock, Mark Rothko, Salvador Dalì, Man Ray, Edward Curtis, Joel Peter Witkin, Andres Serrano, John Santerineross, Erwin Olaf, Philip Warner, David LaChapelle
Traditional Art
Winsor & Newton oils and watercolors, Yarka charcoal and sanguine/sepia crayons, Staedtler Karat Aquarell colored pencils, Caran D'Ache Neocolor I / II pastels, Maimeri acrylics, LeFranc & Bourgeois mediums, Humbrol enamel paints
Canon FT-QL, Canon EOS 300E
Digital Art
Nikon Coolpix 4100, Adobe Photoshop CS2, Adobe Illustrator CS2, Wacom Graphire2 pen tablet
If you are interested, click on the banner below and you will be entering my personal Digital Art Gallery on Deviantart.com, take a look if you want and feel free to leave a comment if you're a registered user.
Se non vi sto particolarmente sul cazzo, potete anche contattarmi per fare due chiacchiere (e se voi non state sul cazzo a me ovviamente. Ma lo specifico perchè pare che non sia una cosa ovvia per tutti).
Ecco alcune semplici regole per essere ammessi nell'olimpo dei contatti.
Io amo la mia lingua e non sopporto le K, le X, i +, i - e qualsiasi altro tipo di abominio frutto dell'incontenibile necessità di abbreviare le parole. Non state scrivenmdo SMS nè qualcuno vi sta inseguendo (spero per voi) quindi il tempo di scrivere un ch ce l'avete.
Perchè di persone noiose è pieno il mondo e io le rifuggo come la peste. Le persone noiose fanno discorsi noiosi e domande noiose, e io non ne ho per le palle.
Per domande noiose intendo Come ti chiami?, Di dove sei?, Quanti anni hai?, Che musica ascolti?, Cosa fai nella vita? e così via. Se vi siete degnati di dare almeno una misera occhiata al mio profilo prima di aggiungermi, avrete sicuramente abbastanza nozioni per osare intraprendere una conversazione un po' più interessante.
Una menzione particolare va fatta per la domanda Cosa stai facendo? : se sono connessa cosa sto facendo, sto passando l'aspirapolvere? Su, mettete in moto l'encefalo.
Molto generico ma incredibilmente mirato. Se mi rompete le palle vi cancello immediatamente.