Dirt Show - 13 killer songs coming soon! profile picture

Dirt Show - 13 killer songs coming soon!


About Me

It was the cold, foggy winter of year 2006 AD in Venice, when the insane brains of Jinn "The Dirty Distorted Riffer" and Silver "The Dirty&Loud Attitude Bringer" decided to give birth to the Loudest, Craziest, Heaviest and above all Dirtiest rock band on this fucking planet... and so it was DIRT SHOW! But Venice is not L.A. my friends, so it took a while to get together all the pieces these music junkies needed to blast your ears... But thanks hell, in spring, when girls begin to show what they hid during the whole cold season, a guy came into their way: he was Tray "The Dirty Fast Fingerer" they were looking for! One Dirty piece left my friends... And one day, a man, or maybe better say a beast, rushed into the lives of Silver, Jinn and Tray to give them the Dirtiest stage attitude they've ever seen: he was Jesse Blackstar from Nowhere to provide his "Dirty Vocals&Inked Bass"! Now they are ready to spread the Dirty word of rock, but you think you're ready to be kicked in the ass by these 4 stage animals?

My Interests


Member Since: 2/27/2006
Band Website: dirtshow.com
Band Members: - Jesse Blackstar: "Dirty Vocals&Inked Bass"
- Jinn: "The Dirty Distorted Riffer"
- Tray: "The Dirty Fast Fingerer"
- Silver: "The Dirty&Loud Attitude Bringer"

Influences: we influence fuckers&rockers to headbang!
Sounds Like: 1000 motorbike crashes
Type of Label: None

My Blog


HEY FUCKERS!ieri c'è stata la premiazione del concorso per cui abbiamo suonato Venerdì... e indovinate un pò?ci siamo piazzati secondi!!!ringraziamo tutti coloro che si sono mossi di casa per venire a...
Posted by Dirt Show - 13 killer songs coming soon! on Tue, 05 Aug 2008 03:16:00 PST

NEW REVIEW from Shapeless Zine!

Eccoci qua con un altra recensione per il nostro promo "Keep It High" proveniente da www.shapelesszine.com! Anche qui i consensi  non mancano e ovviamente noi che facciamo per festeggiare? BRINDI...
Posted by Dirt Show - 13 killer songs coming soon! on Sun, 08 Jul 2007 02:35:00 PST


Allright dirty men and women!!! We are pleased to inform you all that the brand new DIRT SHOW website is now on line! Just click on: www.dirtshow.com You can find tons of pix and all the news and li...
Posted by Dirt Show - 13 killer songs coming soon! on Thu, 21 Dec 2006 09:50:00 PST

Dirt Show Won "Suonica Contest" first gig + New Pics!!!

Hi Fuckerz & Fuckettes! We would like to proudly announce that on Saturday 9-12 we won the first gig of "Suonica Contest" at New Age Club! Now we have 123 points, and we are playing anot...
Posted by Dirt Show - 13 killer songs coming soon! on Tue, 12 Dec 2006 09:32:00 PST


Nuova recensione, pubblicata su un altro sito di riferimento del glam italiano, SLAM!, e nuova promozione per "Keep it High".... Da www.slamrocks.com/review.htm: Dalla loro biografia apprendo che i ...
Posted by Dirt Show - 13 killer songs coming soon! on Tue, 19 Sep 2006 04:41:00 PST


HERE WE GO WITH THE SECOND (EXCELLENT) REVIEW FOR "Keep it High".... Da www.norespect.it: Espulsi da tutte le bettole del Veneziano, i Nostri decidono che mettersi a suonare è l'unica risorsa per po...
Posted by Dirt Show - 13 killer songs coming soon! on Mon, 04 Sep 2006 10:29:00 PST


Allright fuckers & fuckettes, here we go! From now on we'll try to keep the blog updated with all the new reviews of our debut promo cd "Keep it High". Enjoy!!! Jesse - Jinn - Silver - Tray Fro...
Posted by Dirt Show - 13 killer songs coming soon! on Fri, 01 Sep 2006 04:36:00 PST