Cool people from everywhere who likes music, movies, literature.
FOR GIRLS: Do you like me? Well, go somewhere else. I'm taken and engaged to the most beautiful and perfect female creature on earth..
Color: Black
Flower: Orchids
Animal: Cat/Rabbit
Season: Winter
Name(f.): Claudia
Name(m.): Daniele
Shoe Brand: Vans
Clothing Brand: Famous Stars & Straps
Drink: Water/Mojito. Actually, I could exist on a diet solely based on water and mojitos
Food: Pizza (same as for 'drink')
Place: My head
Character: Myself
TV Show: Lost
Cartoon Show: The Simpsons
Singer-Song: Robert Flynn/Imperium
Music Station/Channel: -
Sport: I hate sports
Pass-Time: Playing guitar
Jewerly: None
Book: F. Dostoevskji - Crime And Punishment
Game System: Ps2
Class (school): On the way to degree
Either OR:
Chocolate or Vanilla: Chocolate all the milky way
Gold or Silver: Silver
SportsCar or SUV: Sportscar, SUV are for pussies
Cats or Dogs: Cats
Pepsi or Coke: Coke... cherry coke, vanilla coke, etc.
Cash or Diamonds: Gimme cash and I'll be fine