"The Comedy Addiction Tour" employs very funny, hard working, road seasoned comedians who have unique stories to tell of their lives of excess and addiction. But, this groundbreaking 100 plus minute comedy show is different from other themed comedy tours. The humor is carefully written to appeal to those in recovery, those that know someone who is, and those that just want a great evening of universally appealing comedy. Over the course of the performance, each comedian will expose the wild and funny reflections and inherent terror of living an addicted lifestyle.
At the end of this amazing evening of comedy and enlightenment, patrons will have learned something important about human behavior, but more importantly, had a very funny evening in the theater. The comedians that "have been to the mountain" and who are now healthy and sober are on stage to describe their journey in a very human and humorous way.
The goal of the show is to entertain and laugh at ourselves, and those we affect in the hopes of sending a simple and subtle message of recovery to everyone. The performers address all manner of addiction - Alcohol, drugs, sex, money, shopping, pornography, internet, food and more. We all have one of them to some extent, or we know someone who does. Everyone can identify with the subject matter, but most of all, "The Comedy Addiction Tour" is the funniest show about real life you will see.
"The Comedy Addiction Tour" is unique edgy stand-up comedy and important innovative theater, and is the brainchild of Mark Lundholm, who will be your host performer for the event.
Mark: Addicted
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Jesse: Live in New York City
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Kurtis: ACYPAA Somewhere in America
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