It all started several years ago While struggling with my weight, I turned to a drug called Tina To help me turn away from my plate
So Now I’ve tricked my mind By placing meth in a capsule pill Just a little here and there My appetite it will kill
I recalled each event that Has led me to this place It Seems just like yesterday I couldn’t bear to look at the sores on my face
Using Meth to escape a childhood Filled with pain and lies I was Just a child longing for love But instead – abuse and silent cries
So I turned to drinking and drugs Giving up all faith and hope My new found love Crystal Meth This would help me cope
I abandoned my children Turned my back on friends Left my family n husband Didn’t bother with amends
I took stuff that wasn’t mine This addiction I had to feed I became a evil monster while I destroyed my body with speed
I sold my possessions and things And baragained with my soul For life without Crystal Meth I would never be whole
I hurt the ones who love me Their love I couldn't afford But, above all I hurt My Christ, my Savior, my Lord
So no longer able to bear the pain My life I decided to end I was giving up to death , My soul was already dead from shame & sin
So I decide what my weapon of choice shall be Then I pull up my sleeves ‘til fresh skin I see
As I lay in a my pool of blood The room twists and swirls Thought began to caresses me Of family, friends, my girls
What have I done I cried! I’m not ready to die just yet! Help me Lord! I’ve made a mistake! Jesus had died so I can live! He’s paid my DEBT!
So get thee behind me, satan In the name of Jesus Christ I'm taking back what's mine I'm taking back my life!
So Please Listen to me Before it’s too late If you think your’e addicted Take action! Get Help! Don’t Wait!
There’s Healing with God by your side! Just seek and you will find it Make a promise to be clean And stand firmly behind it.
Make your vow , take it today God’s called you to act Its time to obey The only regret you will admit Is you took way too long to quit
Meth is Killing , stealing and destroying So many are daily affected So many helpless children Are being totally neglected.
Meth fills home with nothing But proverty Children not knowing love or hugs What little money comes to them Are spent on drinking and drugs
Moms and Dads are in Prison Leaving children abandoned every day They shouldn’t have to live like that God planned a better way
So we come here this evening With the topic “Meth Addiction†It is in the need of everyone’s attention The Schools, The Community, The Church This Topic is in need of mention!
This meth problem is a real one, epidemic in its stage. It's time we pull together in this war we've chose to wage
The victims are our friends, family, children, Our parents and even the old. Most having horror stories they felt better left untold.
Lives are shattered everywhere. Youth is robbed and lost. Our world must come together or we will continue to pay the cost.
This battle won't be an easy one; There’s So much to be resolved. There is those who do the most they can; There is those who won't be involved.
The only way that we will win, defeating drugs one day, Is everyone doing some small part and helping in some way.
We need prevention and education; We have turned our backs too long. Its time to take a stand And some how make right ,this wrong
We need to talk about it, Gain some understanding. And then to take the action With God doing the commanding...
Before we lose another life! our good friend or precious son. Before we're filled with deep regret for what we haven't done.
Let's try to play some simple part in cleaning up this mess. Addiction is an issue, A Demon that is vital we address.
So if you are with me Want to take a stand I will share with you my strength and source First -Its My Lord My Savior Next: The White Co. Meth Task Force!