..On June 24 2006 I lost the love of my life...On June 24, 2006 my fiancee Ron died from methadone. He went to a detox in Valdosta, GA for an addiction to percocet. He tested negative upon entering the facility for all drugs including percocet. He was started out on 30mg 2x a day with valium and clonapin. He died on his 4th day in detox. I don't believe they intended him to died but he was not properly monitored and dosed correctly. He complained of migraines and was vomiting before he died they were aparently confusing his symptons with withdrawals when in fact he was experiencing methadone toxicity. He died in bed at the detox between 2am and 1pm and was never checked on in all those hours even though vitals were supposed to be done every 30 minutes.Not just addicts are dying but also pain patients because doctors are not aware of all the drug interactions with methadone. Methadone is very difficult to dose because it's based on the patients perception of their tolerance levels. Methadone is also becoming more and more popular as a street drug and many people are abusing it and dying the first time they take it. What can be done to make this drug safer and doctors more educated on the complex metabolism of methadone?Please sign the petition below to help stop these preventable deaths. I have also included a link to my fiance's memorial webpage to see that he was a real person with a family that adored him and should not be dead at 32 years old.http://www.thepetitionsite.com/takeaction/472711451?ltl= 1162001553 www.renato-capozzo.memory-of.com.. Home | Browse | Search | Invite | Film | Mail | Blog | Favorites | Forum | Groups | Events | Videos | Music | Comedy | Classifieds .. Home | Browse | Search | Invite | Film | Mail | Blog | Favorites | Forum | Groups | Events | Videos | Music | Comedy | Classifieds
Care2 : The Petition Site : Stop Methadone Death
Care2 : The Petition Site : Stop Methadone Death
Please sign this petition and help save a life!!