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Jesus! & Meet You!
Animations provided by MySpaceGraphicsandAnimations.com
What if you had no more excuses?
God The Father, God The Son ,and The Holy Spirit!Now for Mentors:My Husband Rick,Grandma Angie,My Mother In-Law Sue,Really ya know what? Just a bunch of People some known and some we may never ever hear of that are speading the word of God for lost and dying souls and not ashame as to what people may think nor say or going into places that are very dangerous.God Bless each and everyone of you all out there and on MySpace using the web to make such a differnce in the very Lives and Hearts!We All need someone to be there for us and if ONE just ONE soul can be WON to the Lord in your or my life time ...To me this life thats tempral here on earth is worth it all!I mean ALL the ups and downs that come with being one that LOVES the Lord With ALL my HEART & Soul! I will stand in the gap any time you call and I love the fact that there are people on my space alone that will GLADLY STAND in the GAP & Pray for YOU , NIGHT or DAY!!!! That's what I call Hero's here on earth.May God Bless You All! Jer.29:11 , Matt.11:12.