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*****READ THIS*****
If you are feeling like you want to kill yourself, I want to help. I know you are hurting right now, but you don't have to go through this alone. I have been where you are. I know how you feel. This page contains some suggestions for things you can do right away to help yourself get through the immediate crisis and have a chance to find other solutions.
Talk to someone who has experience helping people in your situation:
* a crisis or suicide hotline (scrolling #'s above)
* a private therapist, counselor, or psychologist
* a community mental health agency
* a school counselor
* a family physician
* a religious/spiritual leader
Give yourself today.
The option of killing yourself isn't going to go away. But Remember, Suicide is a Permanent "solution" to a TEMPORARY Problem. When you are feeling so bad that you want to kill yourself, I know that the thought of just surviving the days ahead can seem exhausting, overwhelming, and unbearable. So just try to focus on getting through today, not the rest of your life.
Your coping ability is greatly weakened right now. You may not be able to imagine getting through this -- but your thoughts can play tricks on you when you're in crisis. So don't try to handle thoughts of the future right now; just make a decision to get through today. Today may be painful, but you can decide to survive it and give some other options a chance, at least for a day.
Remember that however alone you feel, there are people who want to talk with you, who want to help. Call a crisis line to talk with someone like that right now. There are numbers for crisis lines scrolling above. It's completely anonymous and way better than listening to the thoughts in your head, or going through this dark time alone. Trust me.
Your life has a purpose. Even if you don't see it right now. I still struggle through these times. But I also know that I am called to help others going through this very same thing.
Some other things that have helped me personally are:
* Make a list of people who would be affected if you committed suicide right now
* Make a list of people who you have helped or made a difference in their lives
* Paint, Draw, or Scribble how you feel right now or what is inside your head instead of doing it it really helps relieve the pressure
* Write a song, poem, or story
* Journal exactly how you're feeling and what's going through your mind
Avoid using drugs and alcohol when you are feeling desperate or in a crisis. Although it is tempting to use them to try to numb painful feelings they can make your emotions more volatile and affect your judgment. Using drugs or alcohol while you are in crisis will greatly increase your risk of hurting or killing yourself impulsively.
It's also a good idea to have a list of things written up when you are feeling okay. When you find yourself getting overwhelmed, go down your list and do each thing until you are able to go on. For instance, your list might include:
* Listen to some upbeat music
* Dance
* Play an instrument
* Eat your favorite comfort food
* Take a hot bath
* Watch a comedy on TV
* Read a magazine or book
* Write in a journal
* Go for a walk
* Do some deep breathing exercises
* Count to ten while breathing
* Call friends or support people
* Call a crisis hotline (scrolling above)
(keep these numbers in your phone)
Your list should contain things that help you to calm down, and may not be like the list above at all. The important thing is that it is useful to you. Come up with as many ideas as you can.
These are just suggestions. Things that I do sometimes when things get to be too much. Death is never the better option. Death is forever, for eternity. Your pain can be dealt with. Even if you can't see that right now. Just get through today. You can do it, don't listen to the negative lies filling your mind right now.
Don't dwell on the thoughts you are having or focus them. That will only cause you to think about them more. Instead distract yourself and fill your mind with other things. Go to a public place if you are comfortable. I always feel better after I go out for ice cream. One of the best things you can do is call a friend. It's best not to be alone...even though you might feel like crawling into a hole at the time. Fight it! You don't even necessarily have to tell them what is going on if you are not that close to them. But being with someone will help you.
Reach Out. I know it's scary. But it is the best thing you can do for yourself. I wasn't ready to reach out at first, but once I did I found a safety and comfort that I never knew before. There really are people out there who care. Even if you just start with a crisis line (numbers scrolling above). Don't give up! Your life is valuable. Your life is a gift. People care about you. I care about you even though we have never met. I really do. Because I know at least in part how you feel. I understand. Don't give up. There's so much more life to live.
*Hold On ~ Good Charlotte*
***Fearfully & Wonderfully Made-This Will AMAZE You!!! Louie Giglio
Yellow Ribbon Suicide Prevention