Layout made by (Mothers Against Medical Abuse and negligence) was started after the death of my son by a doctor who prescribed him Methadone for pain and 20 years experience in the medical field. For all that I have seen and so much of what I and others have experienced, enough was enough.FIRST, I WOULD LIKE TO SAY THANK YOU TO ALL THE PEOPLE WHO HAVE DEVOTED THEIR LIFE TO GIVE THE BEST MEDICAL CARE POSSIBLE NO MATTER WHAT THE CIRCUMSTANCES MAY BE. WE HONOR YOU !!!!!!It is unfortunate that their are many medical professionals that DO NOT provide the best care and treatment possible. Hundreds of thousands fall victim to medical negligence yearly, most with serious consequences, even death. Very seldom are these people held accountable for their actions other then a possible law suit. Their license to practice rarely is blemished and their life goes on. Whatever happened to criminal liability? Has society given DOCTORS a license to mame and kill? Ooops! made a mistake and everything is fixed with a settlement check. On an average a wrongful death case can be approximately One million dollars depending on the case. Yet, a seemingly ridiculous action can take place and a person can harvest millions of dollars in compensation. In many states they have capped the amount to $300,000.00 for a wrongful death lawsuit. A human life is priceless !!!!!They need to be held accountable for negligence and ignorance. METHADONE has become "The Silent Killer". This drug is not made in your neighbors garage nor is it smuggled across the border by illegal aliens. The "Source" of the deaths from METHADONE are DOCTORS. They are the ones putting this lethal drug in the hands of innocent victims. People who are trusting their lives to a doctor that is distributing a drug they are not capable of handling. Yet, the death tolls are daily (thousands yearly)
and nobody is stopping the "Source".My son was MURDERED by METHADONE and the DOCTOR who gave it to him. Yet, the Medical Board, DEA, FDA and any other agency I could find has done nothing. This doctor wasn't even given a slap on his hands. This is the practice in our United States, doctors are treated as "GODS". Their title brings them the utmost respect. They are the "Experts". Where do we draw the line on what they are allowed to get by with? The Oxycontin craze began by "Doctors" giving the drug out, they were the "Source".Methadone is the current "most important issue" at this time with But, there are so many other matters that are at hand. These will be addressed in time. Everybody has a story of them self or someone they know. Some are more tragic then others and some will live with us forever. We can not sit back and allow this problem to continue to go unnoticed.HELP SPREAD THE WORD........HELP SAVE A LIFE............Nancy
It is believed that the Doctor responsible for my son's death also caused the death of another young man six months before Robby died. NOTHING is being done to him, no criminal charges, NOTHING, he is murdering his patients. The system is saying it's O.K., Sad, very Sad.