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Rob and Homegame Radio

I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

Growing up in Windsor Ontario I was always leery of the over powering influences of American culture but at the same time it seemed most Canadian culture stopped in London and didn’t make the extra two hour trip to Windsor. I did my best to embrace all things Canadian and found solace in a Stompin’ Tom cassette tape I kept in my car as I traveled from St John’s Newfoundland to Port Hardy BC. In 1998 I moved to Australia and heard the way through the amazing programming of Triple J radio, a national youth broadcaster. I knew that when I came back to Canada I would do my best to fill in the blanks on the Canadian music scene that commercial media were missing. For the last 5 years I have been hosting a one hour radio show called Home Game on the University of Victoria’s radio station CFUV. I listen to every Canadian CD that comes to the station and play as many as I can while interviewing any of these artist that are brave enough to tour across this fair land. Thankfully the CBC’s Radio 3 is spreading the word about our music scene as well but it’ll never be enough so that’s why I’ve created this web site and the podcast to bring the amazing independent Canadian artists to as many people as possible.

My Interests

Here's a look at where I'm from and what I do all rolled up into a one minute film. .. width="425" height="350" ....

I'd like to meet:

Any and every Canadian recording artist. I do most of that through the Live Victoria Web site.


If it is Canadian music then I am interested for sure. It doesn't have to be any specific genre but if there are words they need to mean something.


Working for a film festival is great. I get to see amazing independent films and meet the up and coming artists who make them. Take a look at our website to see what we have planned


Tibetans that live and die under the communist occupation of China. .. width="425" height="350" ....

My Blog

November Six Pack Podcast

I'm trying to make this a monthly thing from my new home on Salt Spring Island. I did a poscast last month but forgot to post the news here. Head to to hear the latest.
Posted by Rob and Homegame Radio on Sun, 11 Nov 2007 12:01:00 PST

No Bull with the Home Game Radio Podcast Episode .004

Hello friends,Is that stupid lasso the bull ad driving you crazy yet? It took me at least a week to figure out how to make the cowboy disappear behind the add so that he can't lasso while I am typing....
Posted by Rob and Homegame Radio on Thu, 09 Nov 2006 01:42:00 PST

Chinese Soldiers are Shooting Helpless Tibetians

It is a very sad world we live in. Another reason two think twice about buying products from China and supporting companies or governments who are complacent with the human rights record of China... w...
Posted by Rob and Homegame Radio on Sun, 15 Oct 2006 11:17:00 PST debut

I have now joined the 21st century with the creation of a webpage and podcast.Please come and check it out. http://www.homegameradio.comThe first podcast features Leeroy Stagger, K.C. Hingley, The But...
Posted by Rob and Homegame Radio on Sun, 30 Jul 2006 08:04:00 PST