GET THE MP3 OF THE WEEK! Anyway, Jordan Cooper is from Kew Gardens, Queens, NY, USA. He started writing music at age 16, and starting writing songs at about 17. He started writing good songs at around age 18. He started playing shows at age 19. He started playing good shows at age 20. He started his own My site at age 21. At age 22 he updated his website with a ton of songs. At age 23-25 he sat around and did nothing. At 26 he hopes to play Madison Square Garden.
While my shows are mostly solo and acoustic, my home demos let me have a lot of fun with multitracking, fake drums, accordion, guitars, and anything else I feel like using to make music. They are also fun to listen to on headphones because I love doing things with stereo left and right. I'm obsessed with SOUND. I am also currently looking for a band. Want to be in my band? (bassist?).
E-mail me. I wouldn't write a song unless I thought it had a good melody and would be enjoyeable to people. It's scary how many songwriters don't care if they are enjoyeable or not. I've played too many bad open mics to know what I don't like! I hope you enjoy what you hear and will be singing along at the next show. Hell, I hope you just come to the next show. My shows are fun. Please let me know what you think! E-mail me at
[email protected] if you want more!!!
Check out a cartoon music video for my song "Woke Up Dark" made by Un Lee and the Antagonist Art Movement!
I have a lot of youtube singing videos here
I have a Black and White Cookie review blog at:
Other artist page (with dozens of disturbing listener reviews) is at .
Other other artist page is at
Also go to for info about a movie I made with my friends! (starring james jajac , sam brown (Whitest Kids U Know) , dave fox , and matt koff