Ravnostic profile picture



About Me

Sorry, I won't approve your friend request if I don't recognize you unless you send a message saying hello first (or I put up an open invite). I don't call myself friends with someone to whom I haven't even been introduced. And there's too many fake 'profiles' hawking their goods for me to accept blind requests.And another thing--if you send me a message, and you want me to respond, and I'm not on your friend's list, and you have your messaging set to 'allow only messages for friends', then I send a friend add, and it says 'you must know their real name or email to add them), then I won't be getting back to you. I can't believe how often this happens.But other than those peeves, I'm a pretty nice guy. I come here to blog, and I blog about whatever strikes my mood. You can expect astrophotography, life stories of growing up, politics in the right season, baudry humor (yes, that's a pun), an occasional poem, a tale from getting drunk at a bar. And more.And yes, I'm the guy who does those cool profile pics. I get a lot of requests about that, which is great--I'm an attention whore, and if you have one posted in your profile, you'll get that attention, too.See, I don't believe in spam, and it's not spam if you have to ask me how to get one. Although I'm told by someone that if I mention it's not spam, it becomes spam. Whatever. You won't know unless you initiate the request to find out, so it'll have to do. Damn the lawmakers!!!

My Interests

Astronomy, morphing technology, and other stuff.

I'd like to meet:

The people whom I read and who read me. I've met dozens already, and continually love to meet more.


Swing Low, Sweet Chariot. In sign language.


I like everything but horror--I'm not paying to hold my hands over my eyes for 2 hours.


Heroes--cuz I am SO on the list! Most anything on BBC America


The Dune series by Frank Herbert, Stranger in a Strange Land come to mind.


See above.

My Blog

Where there’s smoke and rings...

Yesterday a fire started in the SW valley of Phoenix. Lightning started it.  The 'eye in the sky guy', "Detour" Dan, actually saw it hit, and the 3 transformers it blew, and watched as the fire s...
Posted by Ravnostic on Fri, 27 Jun 2008 06:35:00 PST

Smoking Cessation Thru Masturbation: A Selective Primer

See, the budget thing is a killer some times.  And one of the few areas I haven't cut back upon is my smoking.  Which, at 40, I really really should be doing.  Ironically, I can now buy...
Posted by Ravnostic on Wed, 25 Jun 2008 07:18:00 PST

Too hot to trot, to pooped to pop, too numb to cum...

I'm not normally one to bitch about the heat in Phoenix--it is, after all, a desert--but my arse has been kicked this week.  What was to be a couple days over 110 F has turned into a whole week o...
Posted by Ravnostic on Sat, 21 Jun 2008 08:17:00 PST


I haven't been blogging for a lack of inspiration.  Sorry about that.  Came across this article in my Sunday paper today: Hrm.  Seems I'm in trouble.  A look around my kitchen. R...
Posted by Ravnostic on Sun, 15 Jun 2008 02:30:00 PST

Random musings (now with pictures)

Pictures are in the comments, below the blog.   1  I guess I was supposed to do a pro-gay blog thing today--I didn't get the memo (I throw away all correspondance in lavenders and pinks, wit...
Posted by Ravnostic on Thu, 05 Jun 2008 06:53:00 PST

UPDATE: (Action for Autism); what we raised

Greetings!  I'm pleased to report that KTAR raised over  $420,000 dollars for our little local research center, SARCC.  I find this extremely awesome.  I know a couple readers mes...
Posted by Ravnostic on Wed, 04 Jun 2008 05:43:00 PST

New Morph--Love it or Hate it? Part II

Instructions: There are two videos. One is here. Please watch (it's 20 seconds). Then, tell me if this is the first or second video you watched, and what you think about it. Then, go watch the ot...
Posted by Ravnostic on Thu, 29 May 2008 10:06:00 PST

New Morph--Love it or hate it? Part one

Instructions:  There are two videos.  One is here.  Please watch (it's 20 seconds).  Then, tell me if this is the first or second video you watched, and what you think about it.  Then, go watch the ot...
Posted by Ravnostic on Thu, 29 May 2008 10:03:00 PST

Is it weird in here, or is it just me?

You may have noted I've been kinda introverted around here lately, and when I do speak up, it's kind of depressing.  I've been bummed.  I'm not suicide bummed or anything; just kinda 'what t...
Posted by Ravnostic on Wed, 28 May 2008 06:15:00 PST

Yeah, well, who knows when he’ll get around to it...so...

I've asked Evil Genius, zombie owner extrordinaire (but also big Guitar Hero fan) to submit a pic for me suitable for me to morph into this: (pulled from the Myspace front page) But you know, he's li...
Posted by Ravnostic on Mon, 26 May 2008 12:08:00 PST