This is Donovan Lyman from Acoustic Cordiale (& previously 14 Below & the Acoustic Courtyard). We're proud to announce that we're booking and hosting Sunday Oct 26th at TRIP In Santa Monica (formerly known as Nocturnal Bar). This is a one-off show that could easily evolve into a residency. We're highly interested in working with any talented, hard working artists that could help us fill seats and bring the night to life with their music..
Some important thoughts:
It’s the musicians and their fans that keep music venues open around Los Angeles. I urge you to remind yourself that any gig worth booking is worth promoting. Scheduling shows too close together saturates your fanbase. Performing a show without having promoted it well, is bad for everyone involved. You’re hurting and disappointing the establishment and the booker/promoter. You may be causing the two or three people that showed up to see you, to question whether or not they’re supporting the right artist. You don’t earn any money or sell any merchandise and needless to say, it’s no fun playing for an empty room. Success is achieved on all levels and favorable reputations are forged through diligence in not only your performance, but your promoting efforts. As a very busy artist myself, I've always felt that until I land the cover of Rolling Stone or have a song cracking the top 10, that promotion must be half of my craft.
Thanks for hearing me out and permitting my rant!-Donovan