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You scored as Romantic Goth. You are a romantic goth, better known as a tradtional goth. You are probably quickly identified as a goth by outsiders. Black lace, bats, and moonlit cemetaries are just a few of your favorite things.
Romantic Goth
Fantasy Goth
Anything-Goes Goth
Old-school Goth
Perky Goff
Ethereal Goth
Death Rocker
Understanding Outsider
Confused Outsider
What subcategory of Goth best fits you?
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You scored as Dragon. Dragon: Now talk about a legend. These magnificent creatures are of many species. Some can be as large as the Earth itself, while others are as small as a mouse. One image that comes to everyone's mind is the large, fire breathing Dragons that loathed humans and loved to sleep on massive piles of gold. Not all dragons have a bad reputation. Most dragons are very wise, caring, and protective. It would make a person very lucky indeed to meet a dragon. Especially if they walked away untouched. I admire your wisdom, for you are the Ancient Dragon.
What Mythological Creature are you? (Cool Pics!)
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Daniel Jackson
You Are 58% Evil
You are evil, but you haven't yet mastered the dark side.
Fear not though - you are on your way to world domination. How Evil Are You?
Myspace Icons
Ultimate Opposite Sex Survey (for girls)
Created by okwhtsplanb and taken 42524 times on bzoink!
--Your Favorite--
Hair Color: im a sucker for red-heads ( i married one too : P )
Eye Color: green ( see above lol)
(Their)Music Genre Preference: goth / rock / techno (or, as it has been referred to: angst-ridden cacophony)
Height(estimate): over 6 ft
Age: depends on the guy
Personality Type: loving, but has to have the balls to stand up to me
--This or That--
Older or Younger: older
Romantic or Horndog: romantic, but not to the point of being uninterested in other stuff
Smart or Stupid: smart, there is little in this world i hate more than stupid
Fat or Skinny: neither, middle of the road
Skinny but Muscular or Big and Muscular: must tower over me in hieght and build
Punk or Preppy: goth
The Big Picture or the Little Things: strike a balance
Flowers/Candy or Big Expensive Present: remember to not leave your socks under the desk just once....
Mixtape or Burned CD: burned cd
Love or Lust: lustful love
Emotional or Just Not: strong but unafraid of emotions
Sincere or Jokester: jokester
Hott and mean or Ugly and sweet: ugly and sweet ( i got lucky--hot and sweet)
Sexy or Just Cute: either (got both of those too...)
Arse or Abs: arse (got that too : ))
Hair or Hands: hair
Dimples or Eyes: eyes
Biceps or Calves/Thighs: calves / thighs (should not have nicer legs than me however)
Teeth or Nose(some people are just wierd) : teeth
Clean Shaven or Scruffy: clean shaven w/nicely trimmed goatee
Rugged or Prim and Proper: rugged
Countryboy or Cityboy cityboy
Date alone or With Friends depends on mood
Mama's Boy or Rebel Without A Cause: mama's rebel
--Have You Ever--
Dumped a guy because he liked you too much: yes
Loved a guy because he stalked you: no
Loved a guy because he hated you: no
Asked your friend's crush out: yes
Lead a guy on for kicks: yes
Asked a guy out purely because he was hott: no
Flirted with guys even though you had a boyfriend: yes
Lied about not having a boyfriend: yes
Lied about having one: yes
Cheated: yes
Been Cheated on: yes
Had a crush on a gay guy: yes (would have been nice if he would have told me he was gay BEFORE he cheated on me with another guy)
--Their Clothing(yes/no)--
Boxers?: yes
Briefs?: nah, but boxer-briefs are ok
Hat?: sure
Skater Shoes?: nah
Pimp Shoes?: nah
Band Shirts?: sure
Vintage shirts?: yep
Southpole/um..other thug clothes..?: not in this lifetime
Dixie Outfitters/Big Johnsons?: nope
Independent/DC?: nope
S&M/Little Devil?: anytime
Fox/Thor?: nah
Jeans or Shorts?: jeans
--Be Honest--
Would you ever date a guy for his money?: nah
Would you ever date a guy for his social status?: nah
Have you ever liked hanging out with your bf's friends more than him?: yep
Have you ever pretended to like somebody to make them feel better? yep
Have you called a girl a whore, when you were screwing lots of guys?: nope
Do looks matter?: nah
Are you honestly scared of being dumped?: nope
Does size matter?: yep
Do you avoid 'situations' with ugly guys?: nah
Are you ashamed to be seen with your ugly friends?: nope
Are you ashamed for being ashamed?(you better be):
Do you hide things from your crushes/guy friends/bf?: nope
Do you lie about masturbation for attention or false innocence?: nope
Do you really want a guy to say if those jeans make your butt look fat?: absolutely
Are you dissapointed when your bf doesn't say I love you right away?: nah
Wanna be a virgin till marriage? wsh i had been
Do you really love the guys everytime that you say it? yep
Do you dream about your crushes/bfs/guy friends?: husband, but yeah
Would you makeout with a guy friend just to get it over with/curiosity?: nope
Does this survey suck nuts? hehehe
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if you were a vampire......
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