Storm profile picture


Toys That Refuse To Conform

About Me

Welcome to my profile! My name is Storm O. Misery and I am a doll. I have such a drama filled name, don't you think? Parents can be so excentric when it comes to naming their children...Anyways, so this is supposed to be all about me, huh? Well, I have an undying love and, well, you could say obsession for the color black (and I wear it well!). I use to have have a cute little wombat named Tabmow and a newt named Amphibian but I've been so busy with the Bleeding Edge Newsletter (Gloom Tribune) and watching every movie I can get my hands on (ugh, I wish they could all be CREATIVE movies though) that I do not have time for any pets. Honestly, I would love to have time for a pet that could sit in my lap while I was busy... Nah, they would just die too!I'm so glad to have finally graduated from high school! Don't get me wrong, I love to learn things but to have to wear a uniform that EVERYONE else in my school wore....geez (check out my Series 3 outfit to see it)! Now I can finally wear what I want on a daily basis! Oh well, I can't act like I didn't have my own ways of being "different" with my bright platinum hair and my blue X contact lenses... ahh, yes, my contact lenses are an old favorite of mine! I do not know what I would do without them! In any color they are as much a part of me as my long pigtail braids. I just really don't understand why some people are so freaked out by them. I hate to admit it but it makes me giggle when people are scared tolook into my eyes.I just recently found that I adore clingy evening gowns (sexy feeling!) I swear, I have loved loose fitting clothes that I could wear my boots with for so long and I never thought I'd like something so tight! Oh well, I will always love my combat boots, fishnets and loose dresses too!I just love experimenting with snacks! I know people who have mixed Skittles with M&Ms but I prefer Junior Mints with popcorn (mmmm). I love to dye my hair, but I always find myself dying it black again (can't imagine why!). I love to sleep all day but if you manage to drag me out before the sun sets, I always have my handy umbrella to shade that wicked ball of fire in the sky. The umbrella seems to catch way more wind than most( that's part of it's appeal for me! hee hee).I absolutely hate going to places that have children running around like animals! It never fails, they just love to touch me with their sticky little fingers! I swear, I don't know if I'm alergic to whatever that gloop is that they all seem to have their hands coated in, or if it's just my over active imagination that makes me break out in hives (*cringe* uugh...hives) but whatever the reason, I like to avoid children! Is it just me or do they all smell like maple syrup?Seriously, I think I am happiest when I'm at home, in the dark, with my overly sweetened tea, reading my lovely book of gothic poetry..*sighs* I'm actualy surprised at how inspiring some older things can be! Recently I've been reading over old fairy tale books as well. That is where I got my idea for my Series 5 theme! I am going to be Red Riding Storm! Just let that wolf try and get me!!

My Interests

I have the priveledge of writing a Newsletter every weekend to send out to all of my friends with a new Toon in each one... It is one of my passions! I love these Toons! Rebecca and her brother Edgar crack me up! Then there is their friend Maxx who is so stylish and a little more apprehensive of new adventures than Rebecca and Edgar. If you are not receiving the weekly Newsletter you should! You not only get a new Toon every weekend but you also get all the new news from Bleeding Edge as well as occasional contests and coupons to help you save money when you want to purchase some of my friends! Click on the image below to sign up for the Newletter! It will make your black hearts smile!

I'd like to meet:

I would love to meet everyone who owns me! I would also love to meet Christopher Walken, Sylvia Brown, Mark Ryden, Shag.... actually there are too many to mention!! I just really truly love meeting new people!!!
Join The BeGoths Street Team


My favorite bands are as follows but not necessarily in order because I love them all!Gazz Band, The Last Dance, Hungry Lucy, Scarling, Switchblade Symphony, Depeche Mode, Jem, Collide, Razed In Black, VNV Nation, Opeth, Siouxsie Sioux, Type O Negative (especially their song Black No. 1), Voltaire, The Cure, Bauhaus, PrinceONCE BEAUTIFUL (The Last Dance)

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The Entity, The Haunting, Shawn of the Dead (for laughs), The Shining, Pet Sematary (cuz that's where all mine are and again for laughs), Stir of Echoes, Nosferatu, Shadow of The Vampire, City of the Lost Children, Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind


My heroes are first and foremost, Steve Varner for creating me! After that I would have to say that the whole Bleeding Edge gang are my heroes because they continue to create beautiful dolls and figures of all my dearest friends! And last but NEVER least, I cannot forget all of you who have me in your homes, love me, take care of me and even let me travel with you. I love all of you!

My Blog

Check out this video: BeGoths In A Movie - Bleeding Edge

BeGoths In A Movie - Bleeding EdgeAdd to My Profile | More Videos...
Posted by Storm on Thu, 04 Jan 2007 05:36:00 PST

Check out this video: BeGoths - A year without Santa Clause TV Spot

Posted By:the Realm toys Get this video and more at
Posted by Storm on Thu, 21 Dec 2006 10:27:00 PST

New Toon, Contest Info & More!!

April 23, 2006 Is This Weeks ToonSee all of Rebecca's Realm here: Dolls and Figures In The BeGoths Store Now!Have you bee...
Posted by Storm on Mon, 24 Apr 2006 05:28:00 PST