What can I possibly say, to begin putting a complete stranger in the picture about myself...? Let us see what flows most easily...I live on the sunny south-eastern coast of England in Margate, Kent. I currently reside the happy side of forty and the wrong side of thirty-five... I have a twin brother. WE are a Gemini... With the combination of these factors I guess my moods could reasonably be regarded as accordingly fickle. To be honest they change like the weather; this can be kind of fun as I am not always entirely certain what my reaction will be to any situation, or what manner of reply is going to slip unbidden from my mouth... YIKES! Sometimes I will be alarmed when even I don't sense the approach of what I am compelled to say... The simplest answer in such situations is to feign that I suffer from a socially crippling case of Tourette's...I am red with purple flashes...I have worked as a professional musician (not wanting to sound flash or smug, I just earned a living touring in a stale smelling van). I gave up any glamorous notions of lead guitar once I discovered that spot lights gave me terrible headaches... Instead I settled for bass duties in the bands I worked with... Contrary to popular belief this job is neither dull, nor is it a second choice role for frustrated, wannabe lead-guitarists... Being a bass player leaves one the freedom to be surly, uncommunicative and just downright strange at times, as it kinda comes traditionally with the territory...Apart from this I enjoy writing; what I write is hard to describe though... it is JUST stuff... I suppose some people would call them essays but that is way too formal and serious sounding. The word stuff suits my writing just fine; stuff about things in the news, how stupidly crap and idiotic the world can frequently be, stuff about all manner of other stuff which pisses me off and why... BUT what hopefully saves it from being the hopeless crazed rantings of some fearfully angry semi-middle aged chap is the fact that it is all mostly tackled in an ironic, hopefully humorous way. Of course, sometimes it misses the mark entirely and has been known to piss off the odd person or ten... Fortunately for all involved such writing usually only occurs in sporadic bursts and then will dry up, much the same as any pus filled boil... Every time I cease writing and the e-mails stop flying, there is a split reaction from those who have been recently deluged... It is about an even split with fifty percent threatening to kill themselves if I don't continue to write immediately and the other fifty percent breathing a collective sigh of relief, whilst simultaneously expressing surprise that they HAVEN'T killed themselves already and thanking me for the act of mercy... I recently heard tell that one bloke really did "pop his clogs" shortly after receiving a private mail sent to him but I was a little fearful of finding this to be the truth, just in case this letter WAS the cause of the massive coronary which allegedly killed him...I am single and have lived alone for several years but am a proud father to my son Jack. I don't see all that much of the boy but this is not through choice; he is 15 and has a girlfriend and it is consequently my fatherly duty to gently mock him for this. I even asked him why I would POSSIBLY miss an opportunity to mock him for having anything that I don't...?Aside from that I am almost entirely computer illiterate, to the point of absolute bafflement. I can't claim that PCs are NOT useful toys in the right hands but in mine they are simply plastic, electrified boxes which lurk in people's homes and seek to make me look and feel retarded at every possible opportunity... They don't like me at all and I don't trust them any more than I would have trusted Harold Shipman with my Grandmother's medical care...In years gone by, European missionaries travelled to distant corners of the globe trying to convert everyone they found to whichever branch of Christianity they were advocating. In many places they found the locals to be fearful of having their photographs taken, lest the camera should take away their souls... Now I am no untamed savage and nor indeed were those people to whom the missionaries were attempting to sell their God) but I have a rather similar fear, not of cameras but of the bloody INTERNET and the rather terrifying certainty that whatever withered remnant of my mortal soul remains could be sucked out through my left nostril at any moment... Every fumbling, child like attempt I have ever made to attempt ANYTHING using this "valuable research tool" has led me to a dead end or plopped me unbidden into some entirely random and unwanted site about the relative merits between fertilizing Geraniums with liquid plant food or manure, or something equally
[email protected] has been me... All I can say now is GO FIGURE...
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Marius. You are the quiet cool. You are so mellow people are lulled into a false sense of security. When you are pissed god help anyone who crosses you?
Deacon Frost
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